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2958 documents matched the search for Clara Galeazzi in authors.
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Africa’s Resource Export Opportunities and the Global Energy Transition,
Clara Galeazzi, Jevgenijs Steinbuks and James Cust, from The World Bank Group (2020)
Keywords: Energy - Energy Demand Energy - Energy Policies & Economics Energy - Energy and Environment Energy - Oil & Gas Energy - Renewable Energy Industry - Mining & Extractive Industry (Non-Energy) International Economics and Trade - Export Competitiveness

Assessing the impact of renewable energy policies on decarbonization in developing countries,
Clara Galeazzi, Jevgenijs Steinbuks and Laura Diaz Anadon, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2024)
Keywords: Developing countries; Energy mix; Renewable energy policies; RISE indicators; Power sector reform; Decarbonization;

Energy innovation funding and institutions in major economies,
Jonas Meckling, Clara Galeazzi, Esther Shears, Tong Xu and Laura Diaz Anadon, in Nature Energy (2022) Downloads

Scelte ottimali di risparmio/investimento, ester¬nalità di produzione e partite correnti - Optimal saving/investment decisions, production externalities and the current account,
Giorgio Galeazzi, in Economia Internazionale / International Economics (1992)

Genere e scelte formative: le "minoranze di genere”,
Silvia Galeazzi, from AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium (2012) Downloads

Reducing supply risk of critical materials for clean energy via foreign direct investment,
Xin Sun, Han Hao, Clara Galeazzi, Tomer Fishman, Dengye Xun, Magnus Ericsson, Gang Liu, I-Yun L. Hsieh, Zongwei Liu and Fuquan Zhao, in Nature Sustainability (2024) Downloads

Choice Structures in Games,
Paolo Galeazzi and Johannes Marti, from arXiv.org (2023) Downloads

Choice structures in games,
Paolo Galeazzi and Johannes Marti, in Games and Economic Behavior (2023)
Keywords: Universal choice structure; Epistemic game theory; Type structures; Preference structures; Decision criteria; Type spaces;

External Public Debt, Trade Linkages and Contagion During the Eurozone Crisis,
Eleonora Cutrini and Giorgio Galeazzi, in The World Economy (2017) Downloads

Can emerging economies decouple from the US business cycle?,
Eleonora Cutrini and Giorgio Galeazzi, from Macerata University, Department of Studies on Economic Development (DiSSE) (2014)
Keywords: emerging economies,panel probit,synchronicity,decoupling

Giorgio Galeazzi and Daniel Hamermesh, from Edward Elgar Publishing (1993)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Statistical Approach to Model Track Dynamics Towards the Monitoring of Railway Turnouts,
Pegah Barkhordari and Roberto Galeazzi, from Springer (2021)

Prognosis of railway ballast degradation for turnouts using track-side accelerations,
Pegah Barkhordari, Roberto Galeazzi and Mogens Blanke, in Journal of Risk and Reliability (2020)
Keywords: Data-driven monitoring; prognosis; ballast degradation; track geometry; railway turnout; change detection

The COVID-19 recession might increase discriminating attitudes toward LGBT people and mental health problems due to minority stress,
Giorgio Mattei, Tullia Russo, Tindara Addabbo and Gian Maria Galeazzi, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (2021) Downloads

Fabiana Carolina Galeazzi and Renata Estrazulas Yoshikawa Ferreira, in Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales (2016)
Keywords: Pluralismo, moradia, efetividade, multiculturalidade, igualdade.

Hebbian learning of hand-centred representations in a hierarchical neural network model of the primate visual system,
Jannis Born, Juan M Galeazzi and Simon M Stringer, in PLOS ONE (2017) Downloads

Il Camposanto, la piazza del Duomo e la città di Pisa,
Clara Baracchini, in Economia della Cultura (2008) Downloads

Everything's global, nothing's really global! Come la ricerca può aiutare nel processo di localizzazione del brand,
Clara Salmieri, in Micro & Macro Marketing (2012) Downloads

Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans: An International Comparison of Exchange-Listed Companies,
Clara Severinson, from OECD Publishing (2008)
Keywords: actifs des systèmes de retraite, comptabilité des régimes de retraite, DBO, DBO, defined benefit obligation, defined benefit pension plans., droits acquis des régimes à prestations définies, FAS 87, FAS87, fonds de pension, IAS 19, IAS 19, PBO, PBO, pension accounting, pension fund, pension plan assets, plans de retraite à prestations définies, projected benefit obligation, valeur actuelle probable des droits acquis

The New IAS 19 Exposure Draft,
Clara Severinson, from OECD Publishing (2010)
Keywords: IAS 19, pension accounting

The Limits of Women's Quotas in Brazil,
Clara Araújo, in IDS Bulletin (2010) Downloads

Insurgency, Land Rights and Feminism: Zapatista Women Building Themselves as Political Subjects,
Clara Bellamy, in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy (2021)
Keywords: Zapatistas; right to land; insurgency; feminism; Mexico

The Effect of Leverage, Board of Commissioner, Foreign Ownership, Company Age, and Company Size Towards the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation,
Clara Cahyani, from Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise (2016)
Keywords: "Board of Commissioner; Company Age; Company Size; Disclosure of CSR Implementation; Foreign Ownership; Leverage."

EUGENE C. LEE. The Politics of Non- partisanship: A Study of California City Elections. Pp. xiii, 232. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. $4.75,
Clara Penniman, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1961) Downloads

Book Review: Gendering Citizenship in Western Europe: New Challenges for Citizenship Research in a Cross-national Context,
Clara Greed, in Urban Studies (2008) Downloads

Overcoming the Factors Inhibiting the Mainstreaming of Gender into Spatial Planning Policy in the United Kingdom,
Clara Greed, in Urban Studies (2005) Downloads

30 Years of Competition Law Enforcement in Italy: Anticompetitive Agreements,
Clara Calini, in Mercato Concorrenza Regole (2022)
Keywords: Antitrust; Anticompetitive agreements; Italian competition authority

Clases virtuales a través de videoconferencias: factores críticos vivenciados por los tutores en un sistema de educación a distancia,
Clara Bonfill, in Temas de Management (2007) Downloads

Le commerce électronique dans le secteur de la distribution alimentaire,
Clara Etcheverry, in INRAE Sciences Sociales (2022)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Industrial Organization

Turismo: una mappa per la ricerca,
Clara Benevolo, in ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO (2000) Downloads

L?erogazione internazionale dei servizi e l?impatto delle tecnologie internet-based,
Clara Benevolo, in ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO (2008) Downloads

Managerial Challenges and the Romanian Labour Dynamics in the European Context,
Keywords: labour market, institutionalism, Romania, European Union.

Il coordinatore pedagogico dei servizi per l?infanzia: una professionalit? in fieri,
Keywords: Coordinatore pedagogico; servizi educativi; infanzia; competenze; qualit?.

Samantha Velluti, New Governance and the European Employment Strategy and Stella Vettori (ed.), Ageing Populations and Changing Labour Markets: Social and Economic Impacts of the Demographic Time Bomb,
Clara Morgan, in Work, Employment & Society (2012) Downloads

Clara Volintiru, from Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (2013)
Keywords: employment, institutionalism, Romania, European Union

« Entre les enfants d’Hérodote et les enfants d’Adam Smith ». Pour une approche économique des données archéologiques,
Clara Millot, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Economic science,historiography,methodology,salt archeology,Économie,historiographie,méthodologie,archéologie du sel

Do networks make a difference? Explorations of working processes in a European humanitarian network,
Clara Egger, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Interorganizational cooperation,organizational culture,institutional mimicry,path dependence,network organization,Coopération inter-organisationnelle,culture organisationnelle,organisation en réseau,dépedance au sentier

(Auto)ethnography and the Access to Others' Experiences: Positioning, Moving, Surpassing yourself,
Clara Roussey, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: ethnography,corporate social responsibility,story,interview,mine,indonesia

Who Pays the Property Tax; A New View. By Henry J. Aaron. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. Pp. 110. $5.95, cloth; $2.50, paper.),
Clara Penniman, in American Political Science Review (1978) Downloads

Bringing network science to primary school,
Clara Stegehuis, in Network Science (2022) Downloads

Public Works and Employment: From the Local Government Point of View. By Eugene C. McKean and Harold C. Taylor. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1955. Pp. xiii, 274.) - Unemployment and Relief: From the Local Government Point of View. By Samuel V. Bennett. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1955. Pp. xiv, 273.),
Clara Penniman, in American Political Science Review (1957) Downloads

Public Finance and Budgetary Policy. By Alan Williams. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. Pp. 283. $5.00.),
Clara Penniman, in American Political Science Review (1963) Downloads

Public School Finance, Economics and Politics. By Jesse Burkhead. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1964. Pp. xii, 394. $8.75.),
Clara Penniman, in American Political Science Review (1964) Downloads

A History of Regulatory Taxation. By R. Alton Lee. (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1973. Pp. 228. $15.25.),
Clara Penniman, in American Political Science Review (1976) Downloads

Book Review: Trade Unions and Migrant Workers: New Contexts and Challenges in Europe,
Clara Turner, in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research (2019) Downloads

Registered author: Clara Fomenko

From the Inquisition Pyre to Insertion into the Church: The Familial and Social Trajectory of Hernando Ortiz, a Jewish Convert in the Spanish Empire in the 16th Century,
Clara Ramirez, in Social Sciences (2021)
Keywords: Jewish converts ; university; New Spain; Inquisition; exclusion; bureaucracy

Business as usual? Employees' organisations' strategies in welfare legislation in Austria,
Clara Fritsch, in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research (2006)
Keywords: micro level social policy monitoring; employees' organisations' legislative power

Journal of the History of Economic Thought Preprints - Hawtrey, Austerity, and the "Treasury View," 1918-25,
Clara Mattei, from Center for Open Science (2018) Downloads

An Empirical Analysis of the Bid-ask Spread in the Continuous Intraday Trading of the German Power Market,
Clara Balardy, in The Energy Journal (2022) Downloads

Managing the customer experience: a beauty retailer deploys all tactics,
Clara Koetz, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: Retailing

The effect of e-commerce on grocery store choice and retail competition,
Clara Etcheverry, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Counterfactual,E-commerce,Grocery,Online shopping,Store choice

Culture, Politics and Identity: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia,
Clara Sarmento, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2012)
Keywords: Gender; women; Southeast Asia; identity; representation; globalisation epistemology

Priorities for a development-friendly EU Carbon Border Adjustment (CBAM),
Clara Brandi, from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (2021) Downloads

International trade and climate change: border adjustment measures and developing countries,
Clara Brandi, from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (2010) Downloads

Sanktionen der EU: Wirksamkeit durch Stigmatisierung?,
Clara Portela, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2007) Downloads

The EU's "sanctions paradox",
Clara Portela, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2007) Downloads

A postmodern migrant subjectivity: Reading Italian-Canadian-ness, reading Breaking the Mould,
Clara Sacchetti, in Migration Letters (2011)
Keywords: Migrant subjectivity, Italian-Canadian-ness, multiculturalism.

República Dominicana: la esterilización como la opción única: ¿una solución?,
Clara Báez, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1993) Downloads

Non-sectoral agents and recent changes in Argentina's agricultural sector,
Clara Craviotti, in Revista CEPAL (2007) Downloads

Agentes extrasectoriales y transformaciones recientes en el agro argentino,
Clara Craviotti, in Revista CEPAL (2007) Downloads

Housing and monetary policy: three essays on empirical housing economics and international monetary policy,
Clara Wolf, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Housing,Business cycle,Migration,Monetary policy,Logement,Politique monétaire,Cycle économique

Review of the Volume “Medierea şi Probaţiunea. Practici Sociale Restaurative” [Mediation and Probation. Restaurative Social Practices], Authors: Antonio Sandu & Elena Unguru, Lumen Publishing House, 2016,
Clara Comşa, in Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences (2020)
Keywords: Mediation, probation, restorative justice, Antonio Sandu, Elena Unguru

Demand Elasticities, Nominal Rigidities and Asset Prices,
Nuno Clara, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2018) Downloads

Environmental impact assessments of hybrid photovoltaic–thermal (PV/T) systems – A review,
Clara Good, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016)
Keywords: Photovoltaic–thermal; PV/T; Environmental impact assessment; Life cycle assessment; LCA;

The conditional legitimacy of behavior change advice in primary care,
Clara Bergen, in Social Science & Medicine (2020)
Keywords: United States; Advice; Behavior change; Primary care; Doctor-patient communication; Conversation analysis; Surveillance medicine; Preventive care;

“Glocal” neoliberal trends in Israeli education: The case of religionization,
Clara Sabbagh, in International Journal of Educational Development (2019)
Keywords: Israel; Neoliberalism; Neo-conservatism; Religionalization; Public education;

Grid-connected renewable energy in China: Policies and institutions under gradualism, developmentalism, and socialism,
Clara García, in Energy Policy (2011)
Keywords: Renewable energy; Political economy; China;

The impact of air pollution on labour productivity in France,
Clara Kögel, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: air pollution,labour productivity,planetary boundary layer height

The impact of air pollution on labour productivity in France,
Clara Kögel, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: air pollution,labour productivity,planetary boundary layer height

La GRH-Territoriale: une innovation sociale pour l'emploi dans les métiers des SAP,
Clara Aoun, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Innovation sociale,GRH-Territoriale,Territoire,Services à la personne,Emploi

#EconMeToo und was daraus in der Wissenschaft folgen muss: Kommentar,
Clara Schäper, in DIW Wochenbericht (2023) Downloads

An Empirical Analysis of the Bid-ask Spread in the Continuous Intraday Trading of the German Power Market,
Clara Balardy, in The Energy Journal (2022)
Keywords: Bid-ask spread; Market depths; Continuous market; Power market

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,Wealth concentration,Spain,Inequality,Asset,Housing,Wealth tax

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,wealth concentration,Spain,inequality

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,Wealth concentration,Spain,Inequality,Asset,Housing,Wealth tax

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,wealth concentration,Spain,inequality

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,Wealth concentration,Spain,Inequality,Asset,Housing,Wealth tax

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling,
Clara Toledano, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Wealth distribution,wealth concentration,Spain,inequality

Producer Relationships and Local Development in Fresh Fruit Commodity Chains: An Analysis of Blueberry Production in Entre R�os, Argentina,
Clara Craviotti, in Regional Studies (2012) Downloads

Psychosis risk and experience of the self,
Clara Humpston, in Psychosis (2024) Downloads

Low-Carbon Standards and Labels in China,
Clara Brandi, in Oxford Development Studies (2014) Downloads

Negotiating ‘Hearts and Minds’: conflict, infrastructure, and community support in Colombia,
Clara Voyvodic, in Small Wars and Insurgencies (2024) Downloads

Transforming the Frontier: Peace Parks and the Politics of Neoliberal Conservation in Southern Africa By Bram B�scher,
Clara Bocchino, in Journal of Development Studies (2014) Downloads

Relational trust in international cooperation: The case of North-South trade negotiations,
Clara Weinhardt, in Journal of Trust Research (2015) Downloads

European Identities During Wars and Revolutions. Change Under Crises in Georgia and Ukraine,
Clara Weller, in Europe-Asia Studies (2023) Downloads

Stock price reaction to public and private information,
Clara Vega, in Journal of Financial Economics (2006) Downloads

The politics of good enough data. Developments, dilemmas and deadlocks in the production of global learning metrics,
Clara Fontdevila, in International Journal of Educational Development (2023)
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goal 4; Learning metrics; UNESCO Institute for Statistics; Data production; International large-scale assessments; Global indicators;

Still waiting for the (data) revolution. Examining supply-demand mismatches in the production of SDG4 metrics,
Clara Fontdevila, in International Journal of Educational Development (2023)
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goal 4; Statistical capacity; Global indicators; Globally comparable data; Education Management Information Systems;

Women's Health and the World's Cities,
Clara Greed, in Journal of Urban Design (2014) Downloads

Gender and Housing in the Soviet Russia: Private Life in Public Space,
Clara Greed, in Journal of Urban Design (2011) Downloads

Builders: Class, Gender and Ethnicity in the Construction Industry,
Clara Greed, in Construction Management and Economics (2012) Downloads

Human Resource Management in Construction: Critical Perspectives,
Clara Greed, in Construction Management and Economics (2013) Downloads

The fog of war: development, conflict narratives, and civilian victimisation in Colombia,
Clara Voyvodic, in Third World Quarterly (2024) Downloads

Widows in the American Economy,
Clara Eliot, in Challenge (1958) Downloads

The Economics of Marriage,
Clara Eliot, in Challenge (1959) Downloads

Capital Inflows, Policy Responses, and Their Ill Consequences: Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia in the Decade Before the Crises,
Clara Garcia, from Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (2004) Downloads

The politics and spaces of public-private partnerships in humanitarian tech innovations,
Clara Egger, in Environment and Planning C (2024)
Keywords: Digital humanitarianism; technological innovations; humanitarian governance; public-private partnerships

La financiación en la recuperación de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido,
Clara Gonzalez, in Boletín Económico (2014) Downloads

El papel de los bancos centrales en la lucha contra el cambio climático y en el desarrollo de las finanzas sostenibles,
Clara Gonzalez, in Boletín Económico (2021)
Keywords: bancos centrales, finanzas sostenibles, cambio climático.

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