30080 documents matched the search for Chih Ming Tan in authors.
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No one true path: uncovering the interplay between geography, institutions, and fractionalization in economic development, Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Economic Growth Nonlinearities, Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
No One True Path: Uncovering the Interplay between Geography, Institutions, and Fractionalization in Economic Development, Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Regression Trees, Economic Growth, Fundamental Determinants
Registered author: Chih Ming Tan
Do political institutions yield multiple growth regimes?, David Coyne and Chih Ming Tan,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Economic Growth, Institutions, Threshold Regression, Regression Trees, Bayesian Model Averaging
Do Political Institutions Yield Multiple Growth Regimes?, David Coyne and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: Economic Growth, Institutions, Threshold Regression, Regression Trees, Bayesian Model Averaging
Hits and runs: Determinants of the cross-country variation in the severity of impact from the 2008–09 financial crisis, Shane Dwyer and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Macroeconomics
Keywords: Financial crisis; Contagion; Bayesian model averaging; Latent class models;
Evaluating the instantaneous and medium-run impact of mergers and acquisitions on firm values, Marcelo Bianconi and Chih Ming Tan,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: EV/EBITDA; Treatment effect; DID estimation; Propensity score matching;
The Impact of Sustained Attention on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Ghana, Chih Ming Tan and Dhanushka Thamarapani,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
The long-term cognitive consequences of early childhood malnutrition: The case of famine in Ghana, Samuel K. Ampaabeng and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Cognitive development; Early childhood malnutrition; Famine; Bayesian model averaging; Ghana;
More Credit, More Problems? Government Student Loan Limits and Education Outcomes, Cullen Goenner and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
The impact of sustained attention on labor market outcomes: The case of Ghana, Chih Ming Tan and Dhanushka Thamarapani,
in Review of Development Economics
Understanding preferences for income redistribution, Chih Ming Tan and Louise Keely,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Income redistribution, social interactions
Understanding preferences for income redistribution, Louise Keely and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Public Economics
Understanding Preferences For Income Redestribution, Louise Keely and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Understanding Divergent Views on Redistribution Policy in the United States, Louise Keely and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Data mining, classification and regression trees, random forests, redistribution preferences, welfare, identity
Sins of the fathers: The intergenerational legacy of the 1959-1961 Great Chinese Famine on children's cognitive development, Chih Ming Tan, Zhibo Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Famine, Hunger, malnutrition, Nutrition, Children, Agricultural policies, Economic development, Fathers, Mental ability, Genes, Chromosomes, epigenetics, intergenerational transmission, resilience,
The intergenerational legacy of the 1959–1961 Great Chinese Famine on children’s cognitive development, Chih Ming Tan, Zhibo Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
in Economics & Human Biology
Keywords: Famine; Health; China; Intergenerational transmission; Son preference;
Sins of the Father: The Intergenerational Legacy of the 1959-61 Great Chinese Famine on Children's Cognitive Development, Chih Ming Tan, Zhibo Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: Famine; Health; China; Intergenerational Transmission; Epigenetics
Sins of the Fathers: The Intergenerational Legacy of the 1959-1961 Great Chinese Famine on Children's Cognitive Development, Chih Ming Tan, Zhibo Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Robust Multiple Regimes in Growth Volatility, Andros Kourtellos, Ioanna Stylianou and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: growth volatility, multiple regimes, threshold regression
Robust Determinants of Intergenerational Mobility in the Land of Opportunity, Andros Kourtellos, Christa Marr and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Failure to Launch? The Role of Land Inequality in Transition Delays, Andros Kourtellos, Ioanna Stylianou and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: growth takeoffs; schooling; duration analysis; model uncertainty; institutions
Robust Multiple Regimes in Growth Volatility, Andros Kourtellos, Ioanna Stylianou and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: growth volatility, multiple regimes, threshold regression
Failure to launch? The role of land inequality in transition delays, Andros Kourtellos, Ioanna Stylianou and Chih Ming Tan,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: Growth takeoffs; Schooling; Duration analysis; Model uncertainty;
Robust determinants of intergenerational mobility in the land of opportunity, Andros Kourtellos, Christa Marr and Chih Ming Tan,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: Intergenerational mobility; Income persistence; BMA; Model uncertainty;
Failure to Launch? The Role of Land Inequality in Transition Delays, Ioanna Stylianou, Chih Ming Tan and Andros Kourtellos,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
It's No Spring Break in Cancun: The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Risk Preferences, Pro-Social Behavior, and Mental Health, Muhammad Nasir, Marc Rockmore and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Positive Early Life Rainfall Shocks and Adult Mental Health, Mochamad Pasha, Marc Rockmore and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: fetal origins, early life shocks, rainfall, mental health, climate change, Indonesia
Determinants of Systemic Risk and Information Dissemination, Marcelo Bianconi, Xiaxin Hua and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: conditional value-at-risk, VIX, externality, consumer sentiment
Professional Baseball Team Starting Pitcher Selection Using AHP and TOPSIS Methods, Chih-Cheng Chen, Yung-Tan Lee and Chung-Ming Tsai,
in International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Do the Lessons From Micro-Conflict Literature Transfer to High Crime Areas?: Examining Mexico’s War on Drugs, Muhammad Nasir, Marc Rockmore and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Development Studies
Local Intergenerational Mobility, Andros Kourtellos, Christa Marr and Chih Ming Tan,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: intergenerational elasticity; varying coefficient model; skills;
Determinants of systemic risk and information dissemination, Marcelo Bianconi, Xiaxin Hua and Chih Ming Tan,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: Conditional value-at-risk; VIX; Externality; Consumer pessimism;
The Great Gatsby Curve, Andros Kourtellos, Chih Ming Tan and Steven Durlauf,
in Annual Review of Economics
Keywords: Great Gatsby Curve, equality of opportunity, inequality, intergenerational mobility
Are Any Growth Theories Robust?, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Economic Journal
The Great Gatsby Curve, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Center for Open Science
Status Traps, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Status Traps, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Are Any Growth Theories Robust?, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Economic Journal
Is God in the details? A reexamination of the role of religion in economic growth, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
THRET: Threshold Regression with Endogenous Threshold Variables, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Structural Threshold Regression, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Structural Threshold Regression, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
The Effect of Public Debt on Growth in Multiple Regimes, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: parameter heterogeneity, public debt, debt threshold, threshold regression
STRUCTURAL THRESHOLD REGRESSION, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Econometric Theory
Do institutions rule? The role of heterogeneity in the institutions vs. geography debate, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Threshold Regression, Endogenous Threshold Variables, Growth, Institutions, Geography.
The effect of public debt on growth in multiple regimes, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
in Journal of Macroeconomics
Keywords: Parameter heterogeneity; Public debt; Debt threshold; Threshold regression;
Early Life Exposure to Above Average Rainfall and Adult Mental Health, Mochamad Pasha, Marc Rockmore, Chih Ming Tan and Dhanushka Thamarapani,
in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
The Great Gatsby Curve, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Is the relationship between aid and economic growth nonlinear?, Andros Kourtellos, Chih Ming Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Economic development, Cross-country studies, Foreign aid, Public investment, Nonlinearity, Typology,
It’s all in the stars: The Chinese zodiac and the effects of parental investments on offspring’s cognitive and noncognitive skill development, Chih Ming Tan, Xiao Wang and Xiaobo Zhang,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: CHINA, cognitive development, child development, economic development, human capital, parental investments, zodiac signs, early childhood educational investments, I10 Health: General, I15 Health and Economic Development, J24 Human Capital, Skills, Occupational Choice, Labor Productivity, O12 Microeconomic Analyses of Economic Development, O53 Economywide Country Studies: Asia including Middle East,
Structural Threshold Regression, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Guelph, Department of Economics and Finance
Do Institutions Rule? The Role of Heterogeneity in the Institutions vs. Geography Debate, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Guelph, Department of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Threshold Regression, Endogenous Threshold Variables, Growth, Institutions, Geography.
The Effect of Public Debt on Growth in Multiple Regimes, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Guelph, Department of Economics and Finance
Keywords: parameter heterogeneity, public debt, debt threshold, threshold regression.
Early Life Exposure to Above Average Rainfall and Adult Mental Health, Mochamad Pasha, Marc Rockmore and Chih Ming Tan,
from Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Competent in Competition and Health
Keywords: Acute myocardial infarction, instrumental variables, mortality
It’s no Spring Break in Cancun: The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Risk Preferences, Pro-Social Behavior and Mental Health, Muhammad Nasir, Marc Rockmore and Chih Ming Tan,
from Households in Conflict Network
Keywords: violence, risk aversion, social capital, trust, mental health, depression, nonlinear difference-in-differences, Mexico
It's all in the stars: The Chinese zodiac and the effects of parental investments on offspring's cognitive and noncognitive skill development, Chih Ming Tan, Xiao Wang and Xiaobo Zhang,
in Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
The effects of prenatal exposure to temperature extremes on birth outcomes: the case of China, Xi Chen, Chih Ming Tan, Xiaobo Zhang and Xin Zhang,
in Journal of Population Economics
Keywords: Climate change, Cold weather, Heat waves, Birth weight, Low birth weight, China
Is the relationship between aid and economic growth nonlinear?, Andros Kourtellos, Chih Ming Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
in Journal of Macroeconomics
It’s All in the Stars: The Chinese Zodiac and the Effects of Parental Investments on Offspring’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Development, Chih Ming Tan, Xiao Wang and Xiaobo Zhang,
from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Keywords: Cognitive Skills; Noncognitive Skills; Parental Investments; Zodiac Signs; China
Empirics of Growth and Development, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance,
Determinants of Systemic Risk and Information Dissemination, Marcelo Bianconi, Xiaxin Hua and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: conditional value-at-risk, VIX, externality, consumer sentiment
Do Institutions Rule? The Role of Heterogeneity in the Institutions vs. Geography Debate, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Strengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Threshold Regression, Endogenous Threshold Variables, Growth, Institutions, Geography
Structural Threshold Regression, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Are Any Growth Theories Robust?, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Economic growth, Total Factor Productivity, Model Uncertainty
Is God in the Details? A Reexamination of the Role of Religion in Economic Growth, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Economic growth, Religion, Model Uncertainty
Is the Relationship Between Aid and Economic Growth Nonlinear?, Andros Kourtellos, Chih Ming Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
How Robust Are the Linkages Between Religiosity and Economic Growth, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Keywords: Economic growth, Religion, Model Uncertainty
Empirics of Growth and Development, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Department of Economics, Tufts University
Empirics of growth and development, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from Wisconsin Madison - Social Systems
Empirics of growth and Development, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Is God in the details? A reexamination of the Role of Relegion in Economic, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtelos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Is the Relationship Between Aid and Economics Growth Nonlinear?, Andros Kourtelos, Chih Ming Tan and Xiaobo Zhang,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Are any Growth Theories Robust?, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
THRET: Threshold Regression with Endogenous Threshold Variables, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Is God in the Details? A Reexamination of the Role of Religion in Economic Growth, Steven Durlauf, Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Keywords: Economic Growth, Religion, Model Uncertainty
Failure to Launch? The Role of Land Inequality in Transition Delays, Andros Kourtellos, Ioanna Stylianou and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Keywords: growth takeoffs, schooling, duration analysis, model uncertainty, institutions.
Structural Threshold Regression, Andros Kourtellos, Thanasis Stengos and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Keywords: nonlinear regression, endogenous threshold, sample split, regime shifts, inverse Mills ratio
Robust Determinants of Intergenerational Mobility in the Land of Opportunity, Andros Kourtellos, Christa Marr and Chih Ming Tan,
from University of Cyprus Department of Economics
Keywords: intergenerational mobility, income persistence, BMA, model uncertainty
The Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Temperature Extremes on Birth Outcomes, Xi Chen, Chih Ming Tan, Xiaobo Zhang and Xin Zhang,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: low birth weight, birth weight, heat waves, cold weather, climate change, China
Effectiveness of Epidemic Preventive Policies and Hospital Strategies in Combating COVID-19 Outbreak in Taiwan, Ting Wan Tan, Han Ling Tan, Man Na Chang, Wen Shu Lin and Chih Ming Chang,
Keywords: epidemic preventive policies; hospital strategies; COVID-19; Taiwan
Failure Impact Assessment for Large-Scale Landslides Located Near Human Settlement: Case Study in Southern Taiwan, Ming-Chien Chung, Chien-Hsin Chen, Ching-Fang Lee, Wei-Kai Huang and Chih-Hao Tan,
in Sustainability
Keywords: large-scale landslide; failure impact assessment; GeoStudio; RAMMS; Xinzhuang Village
Novel Intelligent Control Technology for Enhanced Stability Performance of an Ocean Wave Energy Conversion System, Kai-Hung Lu, Chih-Ming Hong, Xiaojing Tan and Fu-Sheng Cheng,
in Energies
Keywords: function link-based Wilcoxon radial basis function network controller (FLWRBFN); wave energy conversion system (WECS); differential evolution with particle swarm optimization (DEPSO); doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)
Improved estimators for the GMANOVA problem with application to Monte Carlo simulation, Ming Tan,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: GMANOVA unbiased estimate of risk Stein effect shrinkage estimator quadratic loss matrix loss control variates Minimax simulation
A Bayesian approach to determine the value of information in the newsboy problem, Chih-Ming Lee,
in International Journal of Production Economics
Constructing a logistics tracking system for preventing smuggling risk of transit containers, Ming-Chih Tsai,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
An integrated approach to enhance the optical performance of couplers based on neural networks, desirability functions and tabu search, Chih-Ming Hsu,
in International Journal of Production Economics
An integrated portfolio optimisation procedure based on data envelopment analysis, artificial bee colony algorithm and genetic programming, Chih-Ming Hsu,
in International Journal of Systems Science
Applying genetic programming and ant colony optimisation to improve the geometric design of a reflector, Chih-Ming Hsu,
in International Journal of Systems Science
An Application of Metabolic Syndrome Severity Scores in the Lifestyle Risk Assessment of Taiwanese Adults, Chih-Ming Lin,
Keywords: cardiovascular disease; confirmatory factor analysis; ethnicities; lifestyle; metabolic syndrome
BER Analysis Using Beat Probability Method of 3D Optical CDMA Networks with Double Balanced Detection, Chih-Ta Yen and Chih-Ming Chen,
in Mathematical Problems in Engineering
An Indoor Video Surveillance System with Intelligent Fall Detection Capability, Ming-Chih Chen and Yang-Ming Liu,
in Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Simulated Annealing, Cher Ming Tan,
from IntechOpen
Restrictions on the foreign ownership of property, Richard Ming Kirk Tan,
in Journal of Property Investment & Finance
Eschewing the discretionary court-based approach to child maintenance in Singapore: towards a consistent and predictable legal framework, Ming Ren Tan,
in International Journal of Law
ON THE OPTIMAL PACKAGE FORMAT FOR ASSET SELLERS, Ming-Song Kao, Chih-Hsiang Hsu and Chung-Chih Liao,
in The International Journal of Business and Finance Research
Classification and competition analysis of air cargo logistics providers: The case of Taiwan’s high-technology industry, Chieh-Hua Wen, Ming-Chih Tsai and Chih-Huai Lin,
in Journal of Air Transport Management
Keywords: High-technology transport; Air transport logistics; Outsourcing;
An integrated product service system modelling methodology with a case study of clothing industry, Ming-Chuan Chiu, Chih-Yuan Chu and Chih-Chuan Chen,
in International Journal of Production Research
Examining Satisfaction Paradox of Industrial Behavior: Case of High-tech Firms Using Air Express, Ming-Chih Tsai, Chih-Wen Yang and Che-Yu Cheng,
from Springer
Keywords: Discrete choice model, Industrial behavior, Satisfaction paradox, Threshold model