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11688 documents matched the search for Bo Honore in authors.
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Nonlinear Models with Panel Data,
Bo Honoré, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2002) Downloads

Non-linear models with panel data,
Bo E. Honoré, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2002) Downloads

Orthogonality conditions for Tobit models with fixed effects and lagged dependent variables,
Bo E. Honore, in Journal of Econometrics (1993) Downloads

IV Estimation of Panel Data Tobit Models with Normal Errors,
Bo E. Honore, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

Simple Estimation of a Duration Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity,
Bo E Honore, in Econometrica (1990) Downloads

Trimmed LAD and Least Squares Estimation of Truncated and Censored Regression Models with Fixed Effects,
Bo E Honore, in Econometrica (1992) Downloads

Identification Results for Duration Models with Multiple Spells,
Bo E. Honoré, in The Review of Economic Studies (1993) Downloads

Nonlinear models with panel data,
Bo E. Honoré, in Portuguese Economic Journal (2002)
Keywords: Panel data, Nonlinear models, Fixed effects, Random effects

Non-linear models with panel data,
Bo E. Honoré, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2002) Downloads

Panel data models: some recent developments,
Manuel Arellano and Bo Honore, from Elsevier (2001) Downloads

Panel Data Models: Some Recent Developments,
Manuel Arellano and Bo Honoré, from CEMFI (2000) Downloads

Estimation of Semiparametric Censored Regression Models: An Application to Changes in Black-White Earnings Inequality during the 1960s,
Kenneth Y. Chay and Bo E. Honoré, in Journal of Human Resources (1998) Downloads

Duration dependence and time varying variables in discrete time duration models,
Anna D'Addio and Bo E. Honoré, from International Conferences on Panel Data (2002) Downloads

Duration Dependence and Timevarying Variables in Discrete Time Duration Models,
Anna D'Addio and Bo E. Honoré, from Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
Keywords: Panel data, Dynamic Discrete Choice, Unemployment, Duration Dependence

Duration Dependence and Timevarying Variables in Discrete Time Duration Models,
Anna D'Addio and Bo E. Honoré, in Brazilian Review of Econometrics (2010) Downloads

Median Unbiasedness of Estimators of Panel Data Censored Regression Models,
Jeffrey Campbell and Bo E. Honoré, in Econometric Theory (1993) Downloads

Identification in Binary Response Panel Data Models: Is Point-Identification More Common Than We Thought?,
Bo E. Honoré and Aikaterini Kyriazidou, in Annals of Economics and Statistics (2019)
Keywords: Panel Data, Discrete Choice, Fixed Effects, Identification.

Estimation of Some Nonlinear Panel Data Models With Both Time-Varying and Time-Invariant Explanatory Variables,
Bo E. Honoré and Michaela Kesina, in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2017) Downloads

Quantile Regression Under Random Censoring,
Bo Honore, Shakeeb Khan and James Powell, from Econometric Society (2000) Downloads

Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer,
Bo E. Honoré and Adriana Lleras-Muney, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2004)
Keywords: Bounds; Competing Risks; Cancer

Semiparametric Binary Choice Panel Data Models Without Strictly Exogeneous Regressors,
Bo E. Honore and Arthur Lewbel, in Econometrica (2002)

Bounds on Parameters in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models,
Bo E. Honoré and Elie Tamer, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2004) Downloads

Estimation of Panel Data Models with Two-sided Censoring,
Bo Honoré and Søren Leth-Petersen, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2006) Downloads

Panel Data Discrete Choice Models with Lagged Dependent Variables,
Bo E. Honoré and Aikaterini Kyriazidou, in Econometrica (2000)

Bounds on Parameters in Panel Dynamic Discrete Choice Models,
Bo E. Honoré and Elie Tamer, in Econometrica (2006) Downloads

Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer,
Bo E. Honoré and Adriana Lleras-Muney, in Econometrica (2006) Downloads

Estimation of Discrete Time Duration Models with Grouped Data,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2004)
Keywords: Panel Data; Discrete Choice; Duration Models

Estimation of a Transformation Model with Truncation, Interval Observation and Time–Varying Covariates,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics (2008) Downloads

Estimation of a transformation model with truncation, interval observation and time-varying covariates,
Bo E. HonorÈ and Luojia Hu, in Econometrics Journal (2010) Downloads

Easy bootstrap-like estimation of asymptotic variances,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Economics Letters (2018)
Keywords: Standard error; Bootstrap; Inference; Censored regression; Two-step estimation;

Estimation of cross sectional and panel data censored regression models with endogeneity,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, in Journal of Econometrics (2004) Downloads

Sample selection models without exclusion restrictions: Parameter heterogeneity and partial identification,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Journal of Econometrics (2024)
Keywords: Selection; Heterogeneity; Heteroskedasticity; Exclusion Restrictions; Identification;

Selection Without Exclusion,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Econometrica (2020) Downloads

Poor (Wo)man's Bootstrap,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Econometrica (2017) Downloads

Simpler bootstrap estimation of the asymptotic variance of U‐statistic‐based estimators,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Econometrics Journal (2018) Downloads

Interdependent durations in joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2013) Downloads

Interdependent durations in joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2014) Downloads

A new model for interdependent durations with an application to joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2016) Downloads

Identification in simple binary outcome panel data models,
Bo E Honoré and Aureo de Paula, in The Econometrics Journal (2021)
Keywords: Discrete choice, entry games, fixed effects, panel data

A new model for interdependent durations,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, in Quantitative Economics (2018) Downloads

Estimation of tobit-type models with individual specific effects,
Bo Honore, Aikaterini Kyriazidou and James Powell, in Econometric Reviews (2000) Downloads

Quantile regression under random censoring,
Bo Honore, Shakeeb Khan and James Powell, in Journal of Econometrics (2002) Downloads

Pairwise difference estimators of censored and truncated regression models,
Bo E. Honore and James Powell, in Journal of Econometrics (1994) Downloads

On the Performance of Some Robust Instrumental Variables Estimators,
Bo E Honore and Luojia Hu, in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2004)

The COVID-19 pandemic and Asian American employment,
Bo E. Honoré and Luojia Hu, in Empirical Economics (2023)
Keywords: Employment, Pandemic, Asian Americans, Racial disparity

Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer,
Bo E. Honore and Adriana Lleras-Muney, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2004) Downloads

Identification in simple binary outcome panel data models,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2021) Downloads

Moment Conditions for Dynamic Panel Logit Models with Fixed Effects,
Bo E. Honoré and Martin Weidner, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2020) Downloads

A new model for interdependent durations with an application to joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2016) Downloads

Interdependent durations in joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2014) Downloads

Interdependent durations in joint retirement,
Bo E. Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2013) Downloads

Discrete Time Duration Models with Group-level Heterogeneity,
Anders Frederiksen, Bo Honoré and Luojia Hu, from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (2006)
Keywords: Panel Data, Discrete Choice, Duration Models

Interdependent Durations in Joint Retirement,
Bo Honoré and Aureo de Paula, from Center for Retirement Research (2011) Downloads

Semiparametric Binary Choice Panel Data Models without Strictly Exogeneous Regressors,
Bo E. Honore and Arthur Lewbel, from Boston College Department of Economics (2001)
Keywords: panel data, fixed effects, binary choice, semiparametric, latent variable, predetermined regressors, lagged dependent variable

The Empirical Content of the Roy Model,
James Heckman and Bo E Honore, in Econometrica (1990) Downloads

Sample Selection Models Without Exclusion Restrictions: Parameter Heterogeneity and Partial Identification,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2021)
Keywords: Selection; heterogeneity; heteroskedasticity; exclusion Restrictions; identification

Selection Without Exclusion,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2018)
Keywords: Sample Selection; exclusion Restrictions; bounds; Partial Identification

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Asian American Employment,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2021)
Keywords: Employment; Pandemic; Asian Americans; racial disparity

Estimation of a transformation model with truncation, interval observation and time-varying covariates,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2009) Downloads

Simpler Bootstrap Estimation of the Asymptotic Variance of U-statistic Based Estimators,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2015)
Keywords: U-statistics; bootstrap; inference; numerical derivatives

Easy Bootstrap-Like Estimation of Asymptotic Variances,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2018)
Keywords: standard error; bootstrap; inference; censored regression; two-step estimation

Poor (Wo)man’s Bootstrap,
Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2015)
Keywords: bootstrap; standard error; inference; structural models; parametric estimation

Interdependent Durations,
Bo Honore and Aureo de Paula, from Penn Institute for Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
Keywords: duration, empirical games, identification

Interdependent Durations, Second Version,
Bo Honore and Aureo de Paula, from Penn Institute for Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
Keywords: Keywords: duration, empirical games, identification

Andres Aradillas-Lopez, Bo E. Honoré and James Powell, in International Economic Review (2007) Downloads

Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity,
Anders Frederiksen, Bo E. Honore and Luojia Hu, in Journal of Econometrics (2007) Downloads

Estimation of Type 3 Tobit models using symmetric trimming and pairwise comparisons,
Bo E. Honore, Aikaterini Kyriazidou and Christopher Udry, in Journal of Econometrics (1997) Downloads

Estimation of Type 3 Tobit Models using Symmetric Trimming and Pairwise Comparisons,
Bo E. Honore, Aikaterini Kyriazidou and Christopher Udry, from Princeton University, Department of Economics Downloads

The Informativeness of Estimation Moments,
Bo Honore, Thomas Jørgensen and Aureo de Paula, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

The informativeness of estimation moments,
Bo Honoré, Thomas Jørgensen and Aureo de Paula, in Journal of Applied Econometrics (2020) Downloads

Simultaneity in binary outcome models with an application to employment for couples,
Bo E. Honoré, Luojia Hu, Ekaterini Kyriazidou and Martin Weidner, in Empirical Economics (2023)
Keywords: Simultaneity, Binary response, Fixed effects, Moment conditions, Employment

The Informativeness of Estimation Moments,
Bo E. Honoré, Thomas Jørgensen and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2020) Downloads

Sensitivity of Estimation Precision to Moments with an Application to a Model of Joint Retirement Planning of Couples,
Bo E. Honoré, Thomas Jørgensen and Aureo de Paula, from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies (2019) Downloads

Asymmetries in Price-Setting Behavior: New Microeconometric Evidence from Switzerland,
Bo E. Honoré, Daniel Kaufmann and Sarah Lein, from Swiss National Bank (2012)
Keywords: Asymmetric price setting, downward nominal price rigidity, front loading, menu-cost model, heterogeneity, CPI micro data, panel data

Asymmetries in Price‐Setting Behavior: New Microeconometric Evidence from Switzerland,
Bo E. Honoré, Daniel Kaufmann and Sarah Lein, in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2012) Downloads

Simultaneity in Binary Outcome Models with an Application to Employment for Couples,
Bo E. Honore, Luojia Hu, Aikaterini Kyriazidou and Martin Weidner, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2022) Downloads

The Informativeness of Estimation Moments,
Bo Honore, Thomas Jørgensen and Aureo de Paula, from Princeton University. Economics Department. (2020)
Keywords: Parameter Sensitivity, GMM, Ordered Models, Retirement, Externalities

Estimation of Panel Data Regression Models with Two-Sided Censoring or Truncation,
Sule Alan, Honoré Bo E., Luojia Hu and Søren Leth-Petersen, in Journal of Econometric Methods (2014)
Keywords: censored regression, panel data, truncated regression, JEL Code: C20; C23; C24

Estimation of panel data regression models with two-sided censoring or truncation,
Sule Alan, Bo E. Honore, Luojia Hu and Søren Leth-Petersen, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2011)
Keywords: Regression analysis

Le problème de la mesure du temps de travail dans les exploitations agricoles et le concept de personne-année-travail (PAT),
G. Honore, in Économie rurale (1975) Downloads

Vers la création d'un système unifié de statistiques d'entreprises (S.U.S.E.),
Georges Honoré, in Économie et Statistique (1973) Downloads

Notes for a Presentation on the Caribbean Community and the Practice of Multilateralism,
Sandra Honoré, in Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science (2020)
Keywords: CARICOM, Government, Multilateralism, Regionalism

An Interpretation of Christ as the Sacrifice in Hebrews 9:26 to a Holistic Relationship with God,
Honore Sewakpo, in International Journal of Social Science Studies (2016)
Keywords: Christ as the sacrifice, Cultic language of Hebrews, Holistic relationship, Interpretation of Hebrews 9:26

Modernisation des organisations et contrôle des comportements. Quels liens et quels enjeux ?,
Lionel Honoré, in Revue française de gestion (2007) Downloads

La théorie de l’agence et la concession des services publics: le cas des chemins de fer camerounais,
Honoré Bidiasse, in Mondes en développement (2017)
Keywords: Regulation, Agency Relationship, Agency Theory, Information Asymmetry, Risk-sharing, Concession, Railway

La religion au travail. Quelles réactions des salariés pratiquants après le conflit ?,
Lionel Honoré, in Revue française de gestion (2022) Downloads

Systèmes de contrainte, systèmes disciplinaires et décision face au risque. Le comportement du chargé d'affaires comme déterminant fondamental du risque de la banque,
Lionel Honoré, in Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie (1998)
Keywords: discipline;system of constraint;decision; risk taking;bank.

Le fait religieux au travail,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Religion,Travail,Entreprise

Aline Honore, from HAL (2000)
Keywords: Provisions,risques,charges,image fidèle,grosses réparations,représentation

The issues of spirituality in the workplace,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Spirituality,Workplace,Spiritualité,Travail

La religion au travail,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Religion,Travail

Le rôle du contexte familial dans le parcours des femmes entrepreneures,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Contexte familial,Parcours,Femmes entrepreneures,Tahitiennes

Les eaux troubles de la spiritualité et de la religion au travail,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Spiritualité,Religion,Travail

The trajectories of women entrepreneur in French Polynesia,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Women entrepreneur,French Polynesia

La spiritualité n'est pas un outil de gestion,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Spiritualité,Management,Travail

Les enseignements de l’enquête 2018 de l’Observatoire du Fait Religieux en Entreprise,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Enquête 2018,Observatoire du Fait Religieux en Entreprise

L'entreprise et les managers face à la radicalisation religieuse au travail,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Radicalisation, fait religieux au travail

Aline Honore, from HAL (1994) Downloads

Les jeux des normes et de la déviance,
Lionel Honoré, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: gestion,néonatalogie,déviance

Déviance et contrôle des comportements,
Lionel Honoré, in Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie (2006)
Keywords: déviance;contrôle des comportements;transgression;rôle;deviance;control of behaviour;transgression;role.

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