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232212 documents matched the search for Berg, J. van den in authors.
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The Weak Pareto Law in Burdett–Mortensen Equilibrium Search Models,
Gerard J. van den Berg, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2006) Downloads

Registered author: Gerard J. van den Berg

A signal-recovery system: asymptotic properties, and construction of an infinite-volume process,
J. van den Berg and B. Tóth, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2001)
Keywords: On-off sequence Long-range interactions Infinite-volume dynamics 1-D time-dependent percolation

Dynamics of Urban Systems: General Trends and Dutch Experiences,
L van den Berg and J van der Meer, in Environment and Planning A (1988) Downloads

Comparison of static ambulance location models,
Pieter L. Van Den Berg and J. Theresia Van Essen, in International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (2019)
Keywords: emergency medical services; integer linear programming; ambulance base locations; comparative study.

Using firm data to assess the performance of equilibrium search models of the labor market,
Gerard J. van den Berg and Aico van Vuuren, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (2000)
Keywords: Equilibrium search; wages; structural econometrics; matched worker-firm data; mobility; productivity; firm size.

Cantillon on Profit and Interest: New Insights from Other Versions of His Writings,
Richard van den Berg, in History of Political Economy (2014)
Keywords: Richard Cantillon, profit, interest, Renee Prendergast, Tony Aspromourgos, Philip Cantillon, Malachy Postlethwayt

La ortodoxia económica desalienta el estudio del comportamiento colectivo,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in Revista de Economía Institucional (2015)
Keywords: cultura, economía neoclásica, ortodoxia, pluralismo, sociología

Frits van den BERG, in Romanian Journal of Economics (2008)
Keywords: demand-driven market, client power, business to business services, chains of enterprises, contracts between links

How the Culture of Economics Stops Economists from Studying Group Behavior and the Development of Social Cultures,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in World Economic Review (2014) Downloads

Complexity and the culture of economics: a sociological and inter-disciplinary analysis,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2012)
Keywords: culture, neoclassical economics, orthodoxy, pluralism, sociology

Risk, Credit Constraints and Agricultural Employment in India's Semi-Arid Tropics,
Marrit van den Berg, from Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) (2002)
Keywords: Labor and Human Capital

Growth theory after Keynes, part II: 75 years of obstruction by the mainstream economics culture,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2014)
Keywords: Bourdieu, Harrod-Domar, sociology of economics

Femininity As a City Marketing Strategy,
Marguerite van den Berg, in Urban Studies (2012) Downloads

The discursive uses of Jane Jacobs for the genderfying city: Understanding the productions of space for post-Fordist gender notions,
Marguerite van den Berg, in Urban Studies (2018)
Keywords: Amsterdam; children; creative class; families; gender; genderfication; gentrification; Jane Jacobs; planning

Do public works decrease farmers' soil degradation? Labour income and the use of fertilisers in India's semi-arid tropics,
Marrit van den Berg, in Environment and Development Economics (2002) Downloads

Richard Cantillon's Early Monetary Views?,
Richard van den Berg, in Economic Thought (2012) Downloads

Bernard van den Berg, in Health Economics (2012) Downloads

Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labour Markets with Informational Frictions and Heterogenous Production Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2003)
Keywords: Wages; Productivity; Job search; Unemployment; Imperfect information; Equilibrium; Labour market policy; Matching; Congestion

A sociological case for pluralism in economics,
Hendrik Van Den Berg, in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (2011)
Keywords: Pierre Bourdieu; financial instability; subjective habitus; Great Recession; symbolic violence; economic crises; sociological analysis; sociology; economic cultures; doxa; economists; common beliefs; popular opinion; neoclassical functions; unrealistic models; rational expectations; neo-liberal beliefs; neo-liberalism; moral superiority; free markets; individual freedom; freedom to choose; neoclassicism; individual choice; neoclassical cultures; intellectual pluralism; economics education.

Explaining neoclassical economists' pro-growth agenda: does the popular Solow growth model bias economic analysis?,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (2012)
Keywords: environment; growth collapse; neoclassical model; Solow model; economic growth; neoclassical economics; growth models; economic analysis; technological progress; energy-based technological change.

United nations water conference, summary and main documents, water development, supply and management, volume 2: Asit B. Biswas (Editor) Pergamon Press, U.K., 1978, 232 pp., [pound sign]14.00, ISBN 0-080-22392-3,
C. Van Den Berg, in Agricultural Water Management (1980) Downloads

Household income strategies and natural disasters: Dynamic livelihoods in rural Nicaragua,
Marrit van den Berg, in Ecological Economics (2010)
Keywords: Natural disasters Livelihood strategies Nicaragua Poverty

Association measures for durations in bivariate hazard rate models,
Gerard van den Berg, in Journal of Econometrics (1997) Downloads

On the Uniqueness of Optimal Prices Set by Monopolistic Sellers,
Gerard van den Berg, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2005)
Keywords: Monopoly; Auction; Regularity; Minimum price; Hazard price; Hazard rate; Quantity discount; Reservation price; Local maxima

On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers,
Gerard van den Berg, in Journal of Econometrics (2007) Downloads

The variance of information management by South African sport coaches within different competitive levels,
Liandi Van den Berg, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2019)
Keywords: Information management, competitive levels, sport coaches

Explicit expressions for the reservation wage path and the unemployment duration density in nonstationary job search models,
Gerard van den Berg, in Labour Economics (1995) Downloads

Drivers of non-revenue water: A cross-national analysis,
Caroline van den Berg, in Utilities Policy (2015)
Keywords: Non-revenue water; Utilities; Water supply; Benchmarking; Developing countries;

On non-analytic thermodynamic behaviour of the classical linear chain,
M. van den Berg, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1981) Downloads

Functional Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations,
Imme van den Berg, in Mathematics (2024)
Keywords: stochastic differential equations; Ito’s Lemma; systems of partial differential equations; path-independence

Growth theory after Keynes, part I: the unfortunate suppression of the Harrod-Domar model,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2013)
Keywords: paradigm, macroeconomics, mainstream, Schumpeter, Solow

Wage dispersion and mobility,
Gerard van den Berg, in Economic Modelling (1995) Downloads

Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labor Markets with Informational Frictions and Heterogeneous Production Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, in International Economic Review (2003) Downloads

Revolutionary Effects of New Information Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, in Economic Journal (2006) Downloads

“esclave né de quiconque l’achète”. The multiple histories of economic texts,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2022) Downloads

Turgot’s missing manuscripts – partially recovered,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2023) Downloads

Mainstream Economics' Flight from Complexity,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in Forum for Social Economics (2018) Downloads

The Soviet Union and the death penalty,
Ger van den Berg, in Europe-Asia Studies (1983) Downloads

Free lunch or vital support? Export promotion in The Netherlands,
Marcel van den Berg, in Applied Economic Analysis (2021)
Keywords: Exports, Export promotion, SMEs, Firm performance, F14, F23, H42, O52

The relationship between international trade and economic growth in Mexico,
Hendrik van den Berg, in The North American Journal of Economics and Finance (1997) Downloads

An Economic Analysis of Exclusion Restrictions for Instrumental Variable Estimation,
Gerard van den Berg, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2007)
Keywords: Information; Placebo effect; Policy evaluation; Randomization; Selection effects; Treatment

Differential rent in the 1760s: two neglected French contributions,
Richard Van Den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2000)
Keywords: Rent Theory Differential Rent Auxiron Saint-PERAVY Physiocrats Ephemerides Du Citoyen,

‘Something wonderful and incomprehensible in their œconomy’: The English versions of Richard Cantillon's Essay on the Nature of Trade in General,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2012) Downloads

Turgot's Valeurs et monnaies: our incomplete knowledge of an incomplete manuscript,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2014) Downloads

Economics and Other Branches -- In the Shade of the Oak Tree: Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, edited by Roberto Baranzini and François Allison,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2016) Downloads

A judicious and industrious compiler’: Mapping Postlethwayt's,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2017) Downloads

Circular reasoning. Forbonnais and the intricate history of circular flow analysis in the 1750s,
Richard van den Berg, in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2019) Downloads

Does simultaneity exaggerate empirical tests of the trade-growth relationship?,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in Applied Economics Letters (1996) Downloads

Technology, Complexity, and Culture as Contributors to Financial Instability: A Generalization of Keynes's Chapter 12 and Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis,
Hendrik Van den Berg, in Journal of Economic Issues (2012) Downloads

Empirical Inference with Equilibrium Search Models of the Labour Market,
Gerard van den Berg, in Economic Journal (1999) Downloads

Revolutionary Effects of New Information Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2005)
Keywords: Informational frictions; Imperfect information; Heterogeneity; Production technology; Internet; Price convergence

M. van Den Berg, in South African Journal of Economics (1965) Downloads

The Europeanization of British Politics – Edited by I. Bache and A. Jordan,
Caspar van Den Berg, in Journal of Common Market Studies (2009) Downloads

Step-tolling with price-sensitive demand: Why more steps in the toll make the consumer better off,
Vincent van den Berg, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2012)
Keywords: Congestion pricing; Step tolls; Bottleneck model; Price-sensitive demand; Consumer surplus; Political acceptability;

Coarse tolling with heterogeneous preferences,
Vincent van den Berg, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2014)
Keywords: Coarse tolling; Heterogeneous preferences; Distributional effects; Bottleneck model; Proportional heterogeneity;

Duration Models: Specification, Identification, and Multiple Durations,
Gerard van den Berg, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2000) Downloads

Self-financing roads under coarse tolling and preference heterogeneity,
Vincent van den Berg, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2024)
Keywords: Self-financing; Second-best; Capacity setting; Flat toll; Step toll; Heterogeneity;

Search behaviour, transitions to nonparticipation and the duration of unemployment,
Gerard van den Berg, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1988)
Keywords: Macroeconomic Models; Unemployment; labour economics

Nonstationarity in job search theory,
Gerard van den Berg, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1987)
Keywords: Labour Economics; Economics

The influence of personality traits and job characteristics on job attitudes: A model,
P.T. van den Berg, from Tilburg University, Work and Organization Research Centre (1994)
Keywords: job description; job analysis; character trait; job attitude; labour economics

Competencies for work domains in business computer science,
P.T. van den Berg, from Tilburg University, Work and Organization Research Centre (1999) Downloads

The educational gradient in young singlehood: The role of gender and the gender climate,
Lonneke van den Berg, in Demographic Research (2023)
Keywords: living alone, young adults, educational gradient, gender climate

The Contribution of Work Representation to Solving the Governance Structure Problem,
Annette van den Berg, in Journal of Management & Governance (2004) Downloads

The Effects of Changes of the Job Offer Arrival Rate on the Duration of Unemployment,
Gerard van den Berg, in Journal of Labor Economics (1994) Downloads

A Structural Dynamic Analysis of Job Turnover and the Costs Associated with Moving to Another Job,
Gerard van den Berg, in Economic Journal (1992) Downloads

Search Behaviour, Transitions to Nonparticipation and the Duration of Unemployment,
Gerard van den Berg, in Economic Journal (1990) Downloads

The drivers of non-revenue water: how effective are non-revenue water reduction programs ?,
Caroline van den Berg, from The World Bank (2014)
Keywords: Town Water Supply and Sanitation,Urban Water Supply and Sanitation,Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions,Water and Industry,Water Conservation

Contemporary responses to the Tableau Economique,
Richard van den Berg, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2002)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

A higher order time-dependent: De Moivre-Laplace theorem,
I.P. van den Berg, from University of Groningen, Research Institute SOM (Systems, Organisations and Management) (1996) Downloads

Serial private infrastructures,
Vincent van den Berg, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2013)
Keywords: Private supply; Congestible facilities; Auctions; Serial facilities; Parallel facilities; Imperfect substitutes;

An economic analysis of exclusion restrictions for instrumental variable estimation,
Gerard van den Berg, from IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (2007)
Keywords: Treatment; policy evaluation; information; selection effects; randomization; placebo effect

Achilles-Nicolas Isnard (1748–1803),
Richard van den Berg, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2016)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Water Concessions: Who Wins, Who Loses, and What To Do About It,
Caroline van den Berg, from The World Bank Group (2000)
Keywords: Public Sector Economics Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Adjustment and Lending Water Supply and Sanitation - Town Water Supply and Sanitation Water Supply and Sanitation - Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Environmental Economics and Policies Public Sector Development Environment

Water Privatization and Regulation in England and Wales,
Caroline van den Berg, from The World Bank Group (1997)
Keywords: Water Supply and Sanitation - Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions Water Supply and Sanitation - Town Water Supply and Sanitation Water Resources - Water and Industry Environmental Economics and Policies Water Resources - Water Conservation Environment

John Gray's essential principles of the wealth of nations,
Richard van den Berg, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2010) Downloads

Wage dispersion and mobility,
Gerard van den Berg, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (1993) Downloads

Multiple equilibria and minimum wages in labor markets with informational frictions and heterogeneous production technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (1999)
Keywords: wages; productivity; job search; unemployment; imperfect information.

Step tolling with price sensitive demand: Why more steps in the toll makes the consumer better off,
V.A.C. van den Berg, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (2012) Downloads

The effect of private road supply on the volume/capacity ratio when firms compete Stackelberg in Road Capacity,
Vincent Van Den Berg, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Principles of Infinitesimal Stochastic and Financial Analysis,
Imme van den Berg, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude

The binomial cone and the binomial coefficients,
Imme van den BERG, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude,

Asymptotic properties of finite random variables,
Imme van den BERG, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude,

Finite stochastic processes,
Imme van den BERG, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude,

Stock prices,
Imme van den BERG, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude,

Imme van den BERG, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Finance, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model, Black-Scholes Option-Pricing, Hedging Strategy, Martingales, Stochastic Processes, Geometric Brownian Motion, Nonstandard Analysis, Asymptotic Methods, Orders of Magnitude,

Nonstationarity in Job Search Theory,
Gerard van den Berg, in The Review of Economic Studies (1990) Downloads

Duration models: specification, identification and multiple durations,
Gerard van den Berg, from Elsevier (2001) Downloads

Auctions for private congestible infrastructures,
Vincent van den Berg, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: private supply, congestible facilities, auctions, serial facilities, parallel facilities, imperfect substitutes

Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labor Markets with Informational Frictions and Heterogeneous Production Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2003)
Keywords: matching, productivity, job search, unemployment, imperfect information, equilibrium, labor market policy, wages, congestion

Revolutionary Effects of New Information Technologies,
Gerard van den Berg, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2005)
Keywords: informational frictions, imperfect information, heterogeneity, production technology

An Economic Analysis of Exclusion Restrictions for Instrumental Variable Estimation,
Gerard van den Berg, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2007)
Keywords: treatment, policy evaluation, information, selection effects, randomization, placebo effect

Jargon Alert: National debt,
David Van Den Berg, in Economic Quarterly (2009)
Keywords: Debt

Policy update: Lenders remain slow to modify problem loans,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Foreclosure; Mortgage loans

Recessions and entrepreneurship: is necessity the mother of invention?,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Economic conditions; Business enterprises

Policy update: Are CEOs paid too much?,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Executives - Salaries

Policy update: New credit card rules cuold harm some,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Credit cards

Veto politics: can a line-item veto reduce spending?,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Budget; Government spending policy

Rip currents: how the recession affected seasonal employment in one beach town,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Employment; Economic conditions; Tourism

Jargon alert: Underemployment,
David Van Den Berg, in Econ Focus (2009)
Keywords: Labor market

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