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764 documents matched the search for Bech, Mickael in authors.
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The economics of non-attendance and the expected effect of charging a fine on non-attendees,
Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2005) Downloads

Politicians' and hospital managers' trade-offs in the choice of reimbursement scheme: a discrete choice experiment,
Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2003) Downloads

Registered author: Mickael Bech

Exploring the spatial pattern in hospital admissions,
Mickael Bech and Jørgen Lauridsen, in Health Policy (2008) Downloads

County level responses to the introduction of DRG rates for "extended choice" hospital patients in Denmark,
Karsten Vrangbaek and Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2004) Downloads

Exploring spatial patterns in general practice expenditure,
Mickael Bech and Jørgen Lauridsen, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2009)
Keywords: GP expenditure, Panel data, Reverse causality, Small-area variation, Spatial spillover, I11, I18, D43, C21, C23,

The relationship between dual practice and physicians’ work behaviour in the public hospitals: Results from the Danish survey,
Karolina Socha and Mickael Bech, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2011)
Keywords: Physicians; dual practice; public hospitals

To what extent does employer-paid health insurance reduce the use of public hospitals?,
Rikke Søgaard, Morten Saaby and Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2013)
Keywords: National Health Service; Private health insurance; Policy evaluation; Danish health care system; Propensity score matching;

Cost implications of routine mammography screening of women 50-69 years in the County of Funen, Denmark,
Mickael Bech and Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, in Health Policy (2000) Downloads

A roadmap for comparing readmission policies with application to Denmark, England, Germany and the United States,
Søren Kristensen, Mickael Bech and Wilm Quentin, in Health Policy (2015)
Keywords: Hospital reimbursement; Readmission rates; Provider payment; Readmission policies; Avoidable readmissions;

Incentivising effort in governance of public hospitals: Development of a delegation-based alternative to activity-based remuneration,
Rikke Søgaard, Søren Kristensen and Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2015)
Keywords: Hospital management; Governance; Remuneration; Reimbursement; Delegation;

Effects coding in discrete choice experiments,
Mickael Bech and Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen, in Health Economics (2005) Downloads

Does the number of choice sets matter? Results from a web survey applying a discrete choice experiment,
Mickael Bech, Trine Kjaer and Jørgen Lauridsen, in Health Economics (2011) Downloads

Physician dual practice: A review of literature,
Karolina Z. Socha and Mickael Bech, in Health Policy (2011)
Keywords: Dual jobs Moonlighting Public-private

Public pharmaceutical expenditure: identification of spatial effects,
Jørgen Lauridsen, Mariluz Sánchez and Mickael Bech, in Journal of Geographical Systems (2010)
Keywords: Pharmaceutical expenditure, Spatial spillover, Spatial autoregression, Distributed lag, Identification, SUR, I11, L65, R15, C21, C23,

Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt,
Christian Kronborg, Mickael Bech and Trine Kjær, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2010)
Keywords: Stated preference; discrete choice; chronic renal failure

Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives,
Søren Kristensen, Mickael Bech and Jørgen Lauridsen, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2013)
Keywords: Pay for performance; P4P; Hospital incentives; Incentive design; Team production

Conditions for successful interprofessional collaboration in integrated care – Lessons from a primary care setting in Denmark,
Andreas Nielsen Hald, Mickael Bech and Viola Burau, in Health Policy (2021)
Keywords: Public health practice; Organization and administration; Health workforce; Personnel management; Health planning; Mediation analysis;

Giver øget brug af takststyring i sygehusvæsenet højere produktivitet?,
Mickael Bech, Jørgen Lauridsen and Kjeld Møller Pedersen, in Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift (2006)
Keywords: DRG-takster; aktivitetsbestemt afregning; takststyring; sygehusvæsenet; sundhedsvæsnet

Hvad ønsker studerende af deres fremtidige job? Illustration af et diskret valg eksperiment,
Mickael Bech, Trine Kjær, Jørgen Lauridsen and Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, in Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift (2004)
Keywords: jobs;

The Danish health care system: evolution ‐ not revolution ‐ in a decentralized system,
Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Terkel Christiansen and Mickael Bech, in Health Economics (2005) Downloads

Political or dental power in private and public service provision: a study of municipal expenditures for child dental care,
Lotte Bøgh Andersen, Mickael Bech and Jørgen Lauridsen, in Health Economics, Policy and Law (2012) Downloads

A spatiotemporal analysis of public pharmaceutical expenditure,
Jørgen Lauridsen, Mickael Bech, Fernando López and Mariluz Sánchez, in The Annals of Regional Science (2010)
Keywords: I11, L65, R15, C21, C23,

Public preferences for establishing nephrology facilities in Greenland: estimating willingness-to-pay using a discrete choice experiment,
Trine Kjær, Mickael Bech, Christian Kronborg and Morten Mørkbak, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2013)
Keywords: Discrete choice experiment, Willingness-to-pay space, Socital value, Publicly provided health care, Greenland, Nephrology facilities, D61, I38, O12,

Dokumentationsrapport Spørgeskemaundersøgelse PaRIS – Patientens Rejse i Sundhedssektoren,
Draborg Eva, Trine Kjær, Mickael Bech and Mette Mollerup, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2010)
Keywords: Survey;

The Danish Health Care System: An Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis),
Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Mickael Bech and Karsten Vrangbæk, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2011)
Keywords: SWOT analysis; Danish health system

Is the quality of hospital care price sensitive? Regression kink estimates from a volume dependent price setting scheme,
Søren Kristensen, Eduardo Fe, Mickael Bech and Jan Mainz, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2013)
Keywords: Quality of health care; Price regulation; Activity based reimbursement; Supply side incentives

Graded pairs comparison ‐ does strength of preference matter? Analysis of preferences for specialised nurse home visits for pain management,
Mickael Bech, Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen, Trine Kjær, Jørgen Lauridsen and Jan Sørensen, in Health Economics (2007) Downloads

Risk aversion and religious behaviour: Analysis using a sample of Danish twins,
Jytte Seested Nielsen, Mickael Bech, Kaare Christensen, Astrid Kiil and Niels Christian Hvidt, in Economics & Human Biology (2017)
Keywords: Risk preferences; Religious behaviour; Religious belief; Twins; Survey; Expected utility;

Conceptual framework for acute community health care services – Illustrated by assessing the development of services in Denmark,
Anders Fournaise, Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Jørgen T. Lauridsen, Kurt Espersen, Claire Gudex and Mickael Bech, in Social Science & Medicine (2023)
Keywords: Older people; Acute community health care services; Cross-sectoral collaboration; Framework;

What Makes a Leader? Leadership Identity and Leadership Behavior among Highly Professionalized Public Leaders,
Mathilde Cecchini, Lars Dahl Pedersen, Mickael Bech, Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen and Ane-Kathrine Lundberg Hansen, in International Journal of Public Administration (2024) Downloads

Ordering effect and price sensitivity in discrete choice experiments: need we worry?,
Trine Kjær, Mickael Bech, Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen and Kristian Hart‐Hansen, in Health Economics (2006) Downloads

Ageing and health care expenditure in EU-15,
Mickael Bech, Terkel Christiansen, Ehsan Khoman, Jørgen Lauridsen and Martin Weale, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2011)
Keywords: Health care expenditure, Ageing, EU-15 countries, H2, H51, I1, J14,

Do Mixed Reimbursement Schemes Affect Hospital Productivity? An Analysis of the Case of Denmark,
Xenia Brun Hansen, Mickael Bech, Mads Leth Jacobsen and Jørgen Lauridsen, from University of Southern Denmark, Dache - Danish Centre for Health Economics (2013)
Keywords: Mixed reimbursement system; prospective payment system; activity-based financing; incentives; activity; productivity

The influence of economic incentives and regulatory factors on the adoption of treatment technologies: a case study of technologies used to treat heart attacks,
Mickael Bech, Terkel Christiansen, Kelly Dunham, Jørgen Lauridsen, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Kathryn McDonald, Alistair McGuire and and the TECH Investigators, in Health Economics (2009) Downloads

Tackling social inequalities in health: Assessing contexts for implementing integrated health access for people with severe mental illness,
Sofie Buch Mejsner, Mickael Bech, Michael Fehsenfeld, Luna Lundberg, Caroline Louise Westergaard, Kathrine Vixø and Viola Burau, in International Journal of Health Planning and Management (2024) Downloads

How do economic incentives and regulatory factors influence adoption of cardiac technologies? Result from the TECH project,
Mickael Bech, Terkel Christiansen, Kelly Dunham, Jørgen Lauridsen, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Kathryn McDonald, Alistair McGuire and The TECH investigators, from Lund University, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Diffusion of technologies; technological change; economic incentives; regulation

Emergency and urgent care systems in Australia, Denmark, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands – Analyzing organization, payment and reforms,
Natalie Baier, Alexander Geissler, Mickael Bech, David Bernstein, Thomas E. Cowling, Terri Jackson, Johan van Manen, Andreas Rudkjøbing and Wilm Quentin, in Health Policy (2019)
Keywords: Emergency services; Ambulatory care; Health care reforms; Comparative research;

FX volume during the financial crisis and now,
Morten Bech, in BIS Quarterly Review (2012) Downloads

Intraday liquidity management: a tale of games banks play,
Morten Bech, in Economic Policy Review (2008)
Keywords: Bank liquidity; Banks and banking, Central; Credit; Game theory; Payment systems

Bernard Gauthiez, Lyon entre Bellecour et Terreaux. Architecture et urbanisme au XIXe siècle,
Darin Mickaël, in Histoire, économie & société (2001) Downloads

Elaboration d’une stratégie de management du talent: quelques conditions de réussite illustrées par une recherche-action,
Mickael Naulleau, in Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie (2015)
Keywords: management du talent;stratégie;talentship;recherche-action;talent management; strategy;action research.

La complexité du droit douanier dans les RUPs Caribéennes: Cas de la Guadeloupe et la Martinique,
Mickaël Cita, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: droit douanier,Octroi de mer,RUP

The complexity to evaluate small firm performance,
Mickaël Cita, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: small firm,PME,Microentreprise,performance,RUP

Post-keynésianisme et théorie de la régulation: des perspectives communes,
Mickaël Clévenot, in Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs (2011) Downloads

Les difficultés à nommer le nouveau régime de croissance,
Mickaël Clévenot, in Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs (2008)
Keywords: financiarisation,mode de régulation,régime d’accumulation,régime excluant,régime vertueux,théorie de la régulation,accumulation regime,excluding regime,financialization,regulation pattern,Regulation Theory,virtuous regime,

Registered author: Mickael Lebdar

Le coût social marginal des fonds publics en France,
Mickael Beaud, in Annals of Economics and Statistics (2008) Downloads

Incitation au tri des déchets: expérimentation de signalisations sur point d’apport volontaire,
Mickaël Dupré, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: nudge,information,communication,comportements responsables

The Long-Lasting Impact of Long-Term Feedback on Waste Management,
Mickaël Dupré, from HAL (2022)

L’éloquence, exercice de soft skills pour futurs managers,
Mickaël Dupré, from HAL (2022)

Quelle place pour le nudge dans la gestion de patrimoine ?,
Mickaël Dupré, from HAL (2021)

Squatters and the willing suspension of disbelief: Tales from the Occupied Theatre,
Mickael Peiro, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: squat,ethnography,phenomenology,Willing suspension of disbelief

“So many cool things to do!”: Hacker ethics and work practices,
Mickael Peiro, from HAL (2021)

Les « épistémologies du Sud »: quels apports et quelles incitations pour le monde associatif dans une perspective de transformation vers davantage de soutenabilité ?,
Mickaël Landemaine, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Epistémologies du Sud,monde associatif,représentations,changement paradigmatique,écologie des savoirs.

Développement durable: du local au global,
Mickaël Landemaine, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: développement durable,associations,économie sociale et solidaire,transition écologique

La contribution des différents types d’agents à un usage performant d’un PLMS,
Mickaël David, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: information integration,regulation,usage,New Product Development (NPD) process,Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system,processus de développement de nouveau produit (DNP),Système Product Lifecycle Management (PLMS),intégration informationnelle

Décisions de modification du système d'information: inertie cognitive et maturité organisationnelle,
Mickaël David, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: transformation organisationnelle , inertie cognitive ,Systèmes d’information , compétence , maturité organisationnelle.

Le management du talent,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2013)

The prerequisites of talent management: a French SME case study,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: SME,Talent management

Elaboration d’une stratégie de management du talent: quelques conditions de réussite illustrées par une recherche-action,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Stratégie,Talentship,Recherche-Action,Management du talent

Conditions for developing a successful Talent Management Strategy,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Talent Management,Strategy,Talentship,Action Research

Post-keynésianisme et théorie de la régulation: des perspectives communes,
Mickaël Clévenot, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: histoire de la pensée économique,Postkeynésianisme,Théorie de la régulation

Mesurer l'évolution de la qualité de l'emploi des jeunes non diplômés en France,
Mickaël Portela, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Qualité de l'emploi,Insertion professionnelle,Relation formation,emploi

Les ressorts psychologiques des " survivants " d'une restructuration: quelques clefs de compréhension pour un " care "management,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Restructuration,Contrat Psychologique,Deuil," Care " management,Care " management

Rupture ou continuité des objets et dimensions de l'implication des salariés ayant vécu une restructuration,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Psychanalyse,Restructuration,Implication (objets et dimensions),Analyse du discours

From the organizational Other to the managerial other,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2013)

La " gestion du talent ": enseignements critiques du " talentship " dans le cadre d'une recherche-action,
Mickaël Naulleau, from HAL (2013)

Mesurer l'évolution de la qualité de l'emploi des jeunes non diplômés en France,
Mickaël Portela, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Qualité de l'emploi,Insertion professionnelle,Relation formation,emploi

Diversité d’actions et culture, les ingrédients d’un projet de transformation vers davantage de soutenabilité,
Mickaël Landemaine, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: économie sociale et solidaire,culture,transition écologique,soutenabilité,utopie

Les associations, acteurs incontournables du développement durable,
Mickaël Landemaine, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: développement durable,enjeux sociétaux,économie sociale et solidaire,associations,démocratie

Generalized stochastic frontier production models,
Mickael Lothgren, in Economics Letters (1997) Downloads

Inequality and investment: The role of institutions,
Mickael Melki, in Economic Modelling (2022)
Keywords: Inequality; Investment; Property rights;

From symbolic values to symbolic innovation: Internet-memes and innovation,
Mickael Benaim, in Research Policy (2018)
Keywords: Internet-meme; Symbolic value; Symbolic innovation;

Specification and estimation of stochastic multiple-output production and technical inefficiency,
Mickael Lothgren, in Applied Economics (2000) Downloads

Bootstrapping the Malmquist productivity index - a simulation study,
Mickael Lothgren, in Applied Economics Letters (1999) Downloads

On the consistency of the DEA-based average efficiency bootstrap,
Mickael Lothgren, in Applied Economics Letters (2000) Downloads

On the Importance of the Tax System in Marginal Cost of Funds Calculations,
Mickael Beaud, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2011)
Keywords: cost-benefit analysis, public sector efficiency, cost of funds, deadweight loss

Registered author: Mickaël Clévenot

Asymptotic Z and chi-squared tests with auxiliary information,
Mickael Albertus, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2022)
Keywords: Auxiliary information, Raking-Ratio, Empirical process, Nonparametric statistic

Economic evidence in psychotic disorders: a review,
Mickael Löthgren, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2004) Downloads

Economic evidence in anxiety disorders: a review,
Mickael Löthgren, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2004) Downloads

Economic evidence in affective disorders: a review,
Mickael Löthgren, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2004) Downloads

Generalized Stochastic Frontier Production Models,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1997)
Keywords: Distance function; panel data; stochastic frontier models; technical efficiency

A Multiple Output Stochastic Ray Frontier Production Model,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1997)
Keywords: Composed error model; distance function; panel data; stochastic ray frontier model; technical change; technical efficiency

On the Consistency of the DEA-based Average Technical Efficiency Bootstrap,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1997)
Keywords: Bootstrap confidence intervals; Consistency; Data Envelopment Analysis; Distance function; Monte Carlo simulation; Stochastic frontier

Bootstrapping the Malmquist Productivity Index: A Simulation Study,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1997)
Keywords: Bootstrap; Confidence Intervals; Data Envelopment Analysis; Malmquist Productivity Index; Monte Carlo Simulation

How to Bootstrap DEA Estimators: A Monte Carlo Comparison,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1998)
Keywords: Bootstrap; Confidence Intervals; Data Envelopment Analysis; Monte Carlo Simulation

A Dynamic Conditionally Heteroscedastic Stochastic Frontier Model,
Mickael Löthgren, from Stockholm School of Economics (1998)
Keywords: Conditional Heteroscedasticity; Panel Data; Stochastic Frontier Model; Technical Inefficiency

Parametric covariance matrix modeling in Bayesian panel regression,
Mickael Salabasis, from Stockholm School of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Bayesian panel regression; parametric covariance; model selection

Registered author: Mickael Bäckman

Registered author: Mickael Melki

Registered author: Mickael Beaud

How State Capacity Helps Autocrats win Elections,
Merete Bech Seeberg, in British Journal of Political Science (2021) Downloads

Quality of hotel service and consumer protection: A European contract law approach,
Josep Maria Bech Serrat, in Tourism Management (2011)
Keywords: Quality; Hospitality; Contract law; Information; Price reduction;

Power and purification: late-Stalinist repression in the Uzbek SSR,
Claus Bech Hansen, in Central Asian Survey (2017) Downloads

The opposition's policy influence through issue politicisation,
Henrik Bech Seeberg, in Journal of Public Policy (2013) Downloads

Why is there a Separation between Distance Selling in EU Law and the Tourism Industry?,
Josep Bech Serrat, in Journal of Consumer Policy (2010)
Keywords: Distance selling, Tourism, Information requirements, Right of withdrawal, Package holiday,

The haven of the self-service store – A study of the fruit and vegetable department’s influence on customer attitudes towards food chain stores,
Tino Bech-Larsen, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, The MAPP Centre (2000)
Keywords: Consumer behaviour; Buying behaviour; Self-service chain stores; Fruits; Vegetables

Model-based development and testing of advertising messages – A comparative study of two campaign proposals based on the Meccas model and a conventional approach,
Tino Bech-Larsen, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, The MAPP Centre (2000)
Keywords: Concept and design in advertising; Advertising campaigns; Effects of advertising

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