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17381 documents matched the search for Baum, Sarah in authors.
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Extractive Industries and Gender Equality,
Sarah Baum and Anja Tolonen, in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2021) Downloads

Structural Transformation, Extractive Industries and Gender Equality,
Anja Tolonen and Sarah Baum, from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford (2019)

Policy Integration of Greening and the Agri-Environmental Programs: Lessons to learn from the German Implementation,
Sebastian Lakner, Norbert Röder, Sarah Baum and Andrea Ackermann, from German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Political Economy

Women’s Experience Obtaining Abortion Care in Texas after Implementation of Restrictive Abortion Laws: A Qualitative Study,
Sarah E Baum, Kari White, Kristine Hopkins, Joseph E Potter and Daniel Grossman, in PLOS ONE (2016) Downloads

A harm-reduction model of abortion counseling about misoprostol use in Peru with telephone and in-person follow-up: A cohort study,
Daniel Grossman, Sarah E Baum, Denitza Andjelic, Carrie Tatum, Guadalupe Torres, Liza Fuentes and Jennifer Friedman, in PLOS ONE (2018) Downloads

An Intervention to Improve Uptake of Referrals for Children with Ear Disease or Hearing Loss in Thyolo District, Malawi: Acceptability and Feasibility,
Antonia Baum, Wakisa Mulwafu, Mwanaisha Phiri, Sarah Polack and Tess Bright, in IJERPH (2019)
Keywords: hearing loss; Malawi; children; access; feasibility

Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany,
Martin Henseler, Ruth Delzeit, Marcel Adenäuer, Sarah Baum and Peter Kreins, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2020)
Keywords: Greenhouse gas abatement, Environmental policies, Agriculture, Global scenarios, Integrated modelling

Correction to: Nitrogen Tax and Set‑Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany,
Martin Henseler, Ruth Delzeit, Marcel Adenäuer, Sarah Baum and Peter Kreins, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2021) Downloads

Happily Ever After? Pre-and-Post Disaster Determinants of Happiness Among Survivors of Hurricane Katrina,
Rocío Calvo, Mariana Arcaya, Christopher Baum, Sarah Lowe and Mary Waters, in Journal of Happiness Studies (2015)
Keywords: Pre-disaster, Post-disaster, Happiness, Social support, Hurricane exposure,

Kurzumtriebsplantagen aus ökologischer und ökonomischer Sicht,
Kathrin Strohm, Jorg Schweinle, Mirko Liesebach, Bernhard Osterburg, Anne Rodl, Sarah Baum, Hiltrud Nieberg, Andreas Bolte and Katja Walter, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2012)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics

Kurzumtriebsplantagen aus ökologischer und ökonomischer Sicht,
Kathrin Strohm, Jörg Schweinle, Mirko Liesebach, Bernhard Osterburg, Anne Rödl, Sarah Baum, Hiltrud Nieberg, Andreas Bolte and Katja Walter, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2012)
Keywords: Kurzumtriebsplantage (KUP), Deutschland, Umweltwirkungen, betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse, Förderinstrumente, short rotation coppice (SRC), Germany, environmental effects, economic analysis, funding instrument

The Early Marginalists and the Transformation of Distribution Theory,
S. Baum, in Journal of Income Distribution (1992) Downloads

The Analysis of Property Transformation Process in Polish Agriculture in the Years 1990-2004,
Rafal Baum, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2005)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use

Valdimir Baum, in Natural Resources Forum (1981) Downloads

The International Gas Market: Prospects and Trends,
Vladimir Baum, in Natural Resources Forum (1987) Downloads

Oil Economist's Handbook,
Vladimir Baum, in Natural Resources Forum (1987) Downloads

Changing employment dynamics within the creative city: Exploring the role of ‘ordinary people’ within the changing city landscape,
Tom Baum, in Economic and Industrial Democracy (2020)
Keywords: Creative cities; employment; gentrification; low skills work; precarious work

Measuring Tax Progressivity: Compatible Global and Local Indexes,
Sandy Baum, in Public Finance Review (1998) Downloads

The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity,
Charles Baum, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2007)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy

Social Transformations in the Global City: Singapore,
Scott Baum, in Urban Studies (1999) Downloads

Real Estate Insights Cash flows or cap rates?,
Andrew Baum, in Journal of Property Investment & Finance (2022) Downloads

Counsel for the United States: U.S. Attorneys in the Political and Legal Systems. By James Eisenstein. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. xi + 264. $15.00.),
Lawrence Baum, in American Political Science Review (1979) Downloads

U.S. Economic Power and Political Influence in Namibia, 1700-1982. By Allan D. Cooper. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xx + 222. $22.95, paper.) - Namibia: Political and Economic Prospects. Edited by Robert I. Rotberg. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1983. Pp. viii + 133. $18.95.),
Edward Baum, in American Political Science Review (1984) Downloads

Battles on the Bench: Conflict Inside the Supreme Court. By Phillip J. Cooper. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1995. 224p. $24.95,
Lawrence Baum, in American Political Science Review (1996) Downloads

Research on the English Judicial Process,
Lawrence Baum, in British Journal of Political Science (1977) Downloads

Mao Papers: Anthology and Bibliography. Edited by Jerome Ch'en. (London: Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. 221, $10.00.),
Richard Baum, in American Political Science Review (1971) Downloads

Local Interest Politics: A One-Way Street. By Betty H. Zisk. (Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1973. Pp. 184. $10.00.),
Lawrence Baum, in American Political Science Review (1975) Downloads

Das Stabilisierungspotential staatlich-administrierter Preise,
Baum Herbert, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1976) Downloads

Zur Meßbarkeit von Verteilungswirkungen staatlicher Preise/On how the Distributive Effects of Administered Prices can be Measured. A Reply: — Erwiderung -,
Baum Herbert, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1980) Downloads

Seasonality in Tourism: Understanding the Challenges,
Tom Baum, in Tourism Economics (1999) Downloads

The tourist potential of rural areas in Poland,
Sabine Baum, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2011)
Keywords: rural tourism, Poland, agritourism, tourist potential, Porter, rural development

Causes of the growth crisis in the EC countries and strategies for overcoming it,
Thomas Baum, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1984)
Keywords: EC

A new track for technology: Can ICT take care for healthier lifestyles?,
Peter Baum, from International Telecommunications Society (ITS) (2011)
Keywords: eHealth, Integrated Personal Health/Care services, sport, training, lifestyle related disease, innovation

Airports - a Platform for IoT technology?,
Peter Baum, from International Telecommunications Society (ITS) (2019)
Keywords: Airports, Smart Cities City-As-A-Platform, survey, IoT integration, IoT technology maturity

Eine politisch-ökonomische Theorie des Staatsschuldenwachstums in Demokratien,
Thomas Baum, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1983) Downloads

Weites Oligopol oder "Oligopolspitze"? Anmerkungen zur gruppenbezogenen Marktbeherrschung,
Herbert Baum, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1982) Downloads

Grundsätze für eine wirtschaftspolitische Neuorientierung,
Herbert Baum, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1980) Downloads

Inferring genetic relationship among haplomes in Triticeae: The utility of the 5S DNA units with examples,
B.R. Baum, in Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (2005)
Keywords: cloning, sequence alignment, maximum likelihood, Bayesian analysis, evolutionary inference, unit classes, twat of orthology

United States,
Edward Baum, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1988) Downloads

Africa, Asia, and Latin America,
Richard Baum, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1996) Downloads

Moral Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology and Economic Theory,
Sandra Baum, in Eastern Economic Journal (1985) Downloads

Poverty, Inequality, and the Role of Government: What Would Adam Smith Say?,
Sandy Baum, in Eastern Economic Journal (1992)
Keywords: Poverty

Symposium: The Economics of Higher Education: Introduction,
Sandy Baum, in Eastern Economic Journal (1996)
Keywords: Education

Researching public health: Behind the qualitative-quantitative methodological debate,
Frances Baum, in Social Science & Medicine (1995)
Keywords: qualitative research methodology applied research

Working the skies: Changing representations of gendered work in the airline industry, 1930–2011,
Tom Baum, in Tourism Management (2012)
Keywords: Flight attendant; Airlines; Employment; Role representation; Career representation; Gendered work;

Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change? – A 2015 reprise,
Tom Baum, in Tourism Management (2015)
Keywords: Tourism; Hospitality; Human resource management; Work; Employment;

Mass-Produced Food: the Rise and Fall of the Promise of Health and Safety,
Chad Baum, from Philipps University Marburg, Department of Geography (2013)
Keywords: socio-technical transitions, health and safety of the food industry, mass production, credibility

Creating sustainable value from aviation assets in Asia Pacific,
Caspar Baum, in Journal of Airport Management (2012)
Keywords: Asia Pacific, China, Airport City, Aerotropolis, airport planning

A Paradox of Public Opinion: Why a Less Interested Public is More Attentive to War,
Matt Baum, from Institute for Social Science Research, UCLA (2000) Downloads

How might we use Design Thinking for Digital Business Design and for creating Digital Business Value?,
Peter Baum, from International Telecommunications Society (ITS) (2018) Downloads

A clearinghouse for scientific and technical meetings: Organizational and operational problems,
Harry Baum, in American Documentation (1966) Downloads

Registered author: Sabine Baum

Ausprägung interregionaler Disparitäten und Ansätze zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume in Mittel- und Osteuropa,
Sabine Baum, from Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) (2012) Downloads

The Tourist Potential of Rural Areas in Poland,
Sabine Baum, in Eastern European Countryside (2011)
Keywords: Rural tourism, Poland, agritourism, tourist potential, Porter, rural development, Rural tourism, Poland, agritourism, tourist potential, Porter, rural development

Der „kleine“ Unterschied: Integration von Frauen mit und ohne Kind in den Arbeitsmarkt,
Katja Baum, in ifo Dresden berichtet (2012)
Keywords: Weibliche Arbeitskräfte, Arbeitsmarkt, Bildungsniveau, Familie-Beruf, Kinder

Aus 2 mach 1: Die bundesweite Zusammenlegung von Haupt- und Realschulen zur Oberschule,
Katja Baum, in ifo Dresden berichtet (2011)
Keywords: Schule, Allgemeinbildende Schule, Bildungsreform, Soziale Schicht, Bildungsniveau, Deutschland

Untersuchung der Reform des Kinderförderungsgesetzes in Sachsen-Anhalt,
Katja Baum, in ifo Dresden berichtet (2010)
Keywords: Kinderbetreuung, Jugendpolitik, Familienpolitik, Bildungseinrichtung, Recht, Reform, Sachsen-Anhalt

Verteilungswirkungen der staatlichen Preispolitik / Effects of Public Regulated Prices on Distribution of Income,
Baum Herbert, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1978) Downloads

Systematische Fehler bei der Darstellung der Unternehmenskonzentration durch Konzentrationskoeffizienten auf der Basis industriestatistischer Daten / Systematical Errors in Measuring Industrial Concentration by Concentration Ratios Based on Official Industrial Statistics,
Baum Clemens, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1978) Downloads

Efficient Management of Multi-Frequency Panel Data with Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2001) Downloads

Rolling Regressions with Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2004) Downloads

Time series filtering techniques in Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2006) Downloads

Powerful new tools for time series analysis,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2007) Downloads

An interpretation and implementation of the Theil-Goldberger 'mixed' estimator,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2011) Downloads

Should you become a Stata programmer?,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2007) Downloads

Using instrumental variables techniques in economics and finance,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2008) Downloads

Using Mata to work more effectively with Stata: A tutorial,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2009) Downloads

Using Mata to work more effectively with Stata: A tutorial,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2008) Downloads

Implementing new econometric tools in Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2013) Downloads

Efficient management of multi-frequency panel data with Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2001) Downloads

Topics in time series regression modeling,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2004) Downloads

A little bit of Stata programming goes a long way,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2005) Downloads

Time series filtering techniques in Stata,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2006) Downloads

Instrumental variables: Overview and advances,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2007) Downloads

Using Mata to work more effectively with Stata: A tutorial,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2008) Downloads

A large-scale application of Stata's forecast suite: challenges and potential,
Christopher Baum, from Stata Users Group (2015) Downloads

Does Early Maternal Employment Harm Child Development? An Analysis of the Potential Benefits of Leave Taking,
Charles Baum, in Journal of Labor Economics (2003) Downloads

Stata tip 88: Efficiently evaluating elasticities with the margins command,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2010)

Richard Sperling (1961-2011),
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2011)

Stata tip 37: And the last shall be first,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2006) Downloads

Stata tip 38: Testing for groupwise heteroskedasticity,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2006) Downloads

Stata tip 40: Taking care of business,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2007) Downloads

Stata tip 63: Modeling proportions,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2008) Downloads

Stata tip 73: append with care!,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2009) Downloads

Cumulative author index, volumes 1-23,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2023) Downloads

Stata: The language of choice for time-series analysis?,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2005)
Keywords: time-series analysis, time-series data, time-series modeling, moving-window regression, rolling regression

Residual diagnostics for cross-section time series regression models,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Journal (2001)
Keywords: fixed effects, groupwise heteroskedasticity, contemporaneous correlation

Tests for stationarity of a time series,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Technical Bulletin (2001) Downloads

Compacting time series data,
Christopher Baum, in Stata Technical Bulletin (2001) Downloads

Christopher Baum, in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (1988) Downloads

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