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2427 documents matched the search for Bas Smeets in authors.
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What’s the damage? Monetizing the environmental externalities of the Dutch economy and its supply chain,
Bas Smeets, Guan Schellekens, Thomas Bauwens and Harry Wilting, from DNB (2021)
Keywords: Externalities, Environment; Environmental Taxes and Subsidies; Valuation of Environmental Effects; Environmental Accounts and Accounting

A full year COVID-19 crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education,
Carla Haelermans, Madelon Jacobs, Lynn van Vugt, Bas Aarts, Henry Abbink, Chayenne Smeets, Rolf Van der Velden and Sanne van Wetten, from Maastricht University, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (2021) Downloads

A full year COVID-19 crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education,
Carla Haelermans, Madelon Jacobs, Lynn van Vugt, Bas Aarts, Henry Abbink, Chayenne Smeets, Rolf Van der Velden and Sanne van Wetten, from Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) (2021) Downloads

A full year COVID-19 crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education,
Carla Haelermans, Madelon Jacobs, Lynn van Vugt, Bas Aarts, Henry Abbink, Chayenne Smeets, Rolf Van der Velden and Sanne van Wetten, from Center for Open Science (2021) Downloads

Can firms oversee more workers with fewer managers?,
Valerie Smeets, in IZA World of Labor (2017)
Keywords: hierarchies, span of control, assignment, learning, knowledge, human resource management practices

Africa's integration in the WTO multilateral trading system: Academic support and the role of WTO Chairs,
Maarten Smeets, from World Trade Organization (WTO), Economic Research and Statistics Division (2021)
Keywords: trade, capacity building, Africa, WTO, Global Value Chains, academic support

Can economic sanctions be effective?,
Maarten Smeets, from World Trade Organization (WTO), Economic Research and Statistics Division (2018)
Keywords: trade sanctions, conflict, trade theory and policy, national security, international relations

How issues move or get stuck: Or how to be effective in the EU Council of Ministers,
Sandrino Smeets, in European Integration online Papers (EIoP) (2013)
Keywords: Council of Ministers; COREPER; enlargement; intergovernmentalism; neo-functionalism; pre-negotiation

Financial Contagion During the European Sovereign Debt Crisis,
Dieter Smeets, in Journal of Economic and Financial Studies (JEFS) (2016)
Keywords: Crisis news; Financial contagion; GARCH models; Sovereign debt crisis.

Similar goals, divergent motives. The enabling and constraining factors of Russia's capacity-based renewable energy support scheme,
Niels Smeets, in Energy Policy (2017)
Keywords: Russia; Renewable energy policy; Capacity-based support scheme, Social structurationist approach; Policy cycle analysis; Neopatrimonialism;

The Politics of Energy and Memory between the Baltic States and Russia by Agnia Grigas. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 206pp., £55.00, ISBN 978 1 4094 4653 8,
Niels Smeets, in Political Studies Review (2014) Downloads

Joachim Ruecker, Standards and Status. How Kosovo Became Independent,
Smeets Sandrino, in Comparative Southeast European Studies (2012) Downloads

Oliver Schwarz, Erweiterung als Überinstrument der Europäischen Union? Zur Europäisierung des westlichen Balkans seit der EU-Osterweiterung,
Smeets Sandrino, in Comparative Southeast European Studies (2012) Downloads

The challenges of military adaptation to the cyber domain: a case study of the Netherlands,
Max Smeets, in Small Wars and Insurgencies (2023) Downloads

Collecting the Pieces of the FDI Knowledge Spillovers Puzzle,
Roger Smeets, in The World Bank Research Observer (2008) Downloads

Are There Fast Tracks in Economic Departments? Evidence from a Sample of Top Economists,
Valerie Smeets, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2004)
Keywords: Fast track; Incentives; Sorting; Productivity; Economic departments

Job Mobility and Wage Dynamics,
Valerie Smeets, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Worker turnover; wages; matching; human capital; matched employer-employee data

The sustainability of economic growth in Abu Dhabi,
Bram Smeets, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2013)
Keywords: Economic development -- Abu Zaby (United Arab Emirates); Sustainability -- Abu Zaby (United Arab Emirates); Sustainable development -- Abu Zaby (United Arab Emirates); Développement économique -- Abu Zabi (Emirats arabes unis); Durabilité de l'environnement -- Abu Zabi (Emirats arabes unis); Développement durable -- Abu Zabi (Emirats arabes unis); General Equilibrium Model; Sustainability; Abu Dhabi; Ecological Footprint; Water consumption; Carbon emissions; CGE

De begroting en het Deltaplan,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1956) Downloads

De fiscale zijde van het rapport "Bezitsvorming door vermogensaanwasdeling",
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1965) Downloads

De waardering van normale voorraden voor inkomsten- en vennootschapsbelasting,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1957) Downloads

Een afscheidsrede en een intreerede: Prof. Dr. B. Schendstok en Prof. Mr. H.J. Hofstra,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1967) Downloads

Concentratie van bedrijven,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1958) Downloads

Aantekeningen bij de Rijksbegroting 1958,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1957) Downloads

Vermogensvorming door de overheid,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1956) Downloads

Herbezinning over de grondbeginselen van de belastingheffing,
M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1962) Downloads

Besonderheiten bei der Bewertung junger Unternehmen,
Mario Smeets, from Springer (2018)

Registered author: Valerie Smeets

Assessing the impact of public R&D investments on the economic growth using the CGE approach,
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, from EcoMod (2013)
Keywords: Czech Republic, General equilibrium modeling (CGE), Impact and scenario analysis

Impact of R&D investments on the economic growth of the Czech Republic – a recursively dynamic CGE approach,
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, from EcoMod (2011)
Keywords: The CGE model is applied to the economy of the Czech Republic. Following other EU economies, investments in the research and development have been gaining increasing attention in the Czech Republic. Compared to 2000, the financial support directed to the R&D activities has doubled in 2008. As opposed to other newly accessed EU members, more than half of all investments to R&D in the Czech Republic have been made by the enterprise research, which is almost comparable to the EU-15 countries. Furthermore, the Czech Republic belongs to countries with the highest direct support of enterprise R&D from the public resources. , General equilibrium modeling (CGE), Growth

The Sectoral Incidence of Protection in Industrial Countries – The Case of West Germany,
Heinz‐Dieter Smeets, in Journal of Economic Studies (1990) Downloads

Zur Wahl eines geldpolitischen Indikators für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Selecting a Monetary Indicator for Germany,
Smeets Heinz-Dieter, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1988) Downloads

„Stylized Facts“ zum Konjunkturverlauf in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland/Stylized Facts on German Business Cycles,
Smeets Heinz-Dieter, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1992) Downloads

Zum Stand der Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa,
Heinz-Dieter Smeets, from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) (2012)
Keywords: Staatsschuldenkrise, Schuldentragfähigkeit, Bankenrekapitalisierung, Währungsunion, Euro

Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa: Ist die Finanzierung der Schuldnerländer alternativlos?,
Heinz-Dieter Smeets, from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) (2011)
Keywords: Staatsschuldenkrise, Schuldentragfähigkeit, Dominoeffekte, Bankenrekapitalisierung, Währungsunion, Euro

Währungspolitische Probleme der DDR,
Heinz-Dieter Smeets, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1989) Downloads

Collaborative Learning Processes in Social Impact Bonds: A Case Study from the Netherlands,
Dominique Jozef Alfons Smeets, in Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (2017) Downloads

Modeling the R&D effects on the Czech economy in a CGE framework incorporating Romer’s theory of endogenous growth,
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, from EcoMod (2012)
Keywords: The CGE model is applied to the economy of the Czech Republic. The majority of research is performed in the private sector (60%), with particular efforts in the car and other processing industry, followed by the ICT, banking and commerce sectors. Sectors engaged in public R&D activities include R&D research institutes, the sector of education, health care sector and other services. , General equilibrium modeling (CGE), Growth

Does Germany Dominate the EMS?,
Heinz‐dieter Smeets, in Journal of Common Market Studies (1990) Downloads

Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa,
Smeets Heinz-Dieter, in Review of Economics (2012) Downloads

Das Europäische Währungssystem,
Smeets Heinz-Dieter, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1979) Downloads

Muss der Euro gerettet werden?,
Heinz-Dieter Smeets, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2010) Downloads

Ist Griechenland noch zu retten?,
Heinz-Dieter Smeets, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2010) Downloads

Jos J.A.M. Smeets, from European Real Estate Society (ERES) (2010) Downloads

Financing Energy Innovation: Internal Finance and the Direction of Technical Change,
Joelle Noailly; Roger Smeets, from Centre for International Environmental Studies, The Graduate Institute (2021) Downloads

Heinz-Dieter Smeets, from Palgrave Macmillan (1999)
Keywords: Foreign Trade, Trade Performance, Structural Adjustment, German Reunification, Real Export

Agricultural R&D Investments, Biofuel Policy And Food Security – A CGE Analysis,
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, Edward Smeets and Hans Meijl, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Security and Poverty

Agricultural R&D investments, biofuel policy and food security – a CGE analysis,
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, Edward Smeets and Hans Meijl, from EcoMod (2016)
Keywords: The Netherlands, Agricultural issues

How Do Oil Price Changes Affect German Stock Returns?,
Laura Cueppers and Dieter Smeets, in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2015)
Keywords: Oil prices; German stock returns; firm level analysis

Directing Technical Change from Fossil-Fuel to Renewable Energy Innovation: An Empirical Application Using Firm-Level Patent Data,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) (2013)
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Economic and Political Determinants of Budget Deficits in the European Union: A Dynamic Random Coefficient Approach,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from EcoMod (2009) Downloads

Economic, Political and Institutional Determinants of Budget Deficits in the European Union,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from EcoMod (2009) Downloads

Excessive Deficits in the European Union: An Analysis of Entry and Exit Dynamics,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from EcoMod (2009) Downloads

The Dutch Cybersecurity Landscape: From Cyber ‘Air Castles’ to Concrete Building Blocks,
Max Smeets and Joost Bunk, from Center for Open Science (2020) Downloads

Financing energy innovation: The role of financing constraints for directed technical change from fossil-fuel to renewable innovation,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from European Investment Bank (EIB) (2016) Downloads

Georgia's post-accession structural reform challenges,
G. Arveladze and Maarten Smeets, from World Trade Organization (WTO), Economic Research and Statistics Division (2017)
Keywords: trade policy, negotiations, structural adjustment, post-accession, policy coherence

Determinants of cyber readiness,
Christos Makridis and Max Smeets, in Journal of Cyber Policy (2019) Downloads

Productivity Effects of United States Multinational Enterprises: The Roles of Market Orientation and Regional Integration,
Roger Smeets and Yingqi Wei, in Regional Studies (2010)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers, Market orientation, Regional integration,

Leaders, laggards and technology seeking strategies,
Roger Smeets and Maarten Bosker, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2011)
Keywords: FDI; Exports; Technology seeking; Knowledge spillovers;

Social identification and investment decisions,
Rob Bauer and Paul Smeets, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2015)
Keywords: Socially responsible investments (SRI); Social identification; Mutual funds; Risk perceptions;

Jeremy Fox and Valérie Smeets, in International Economic Review (2011) Downloads

Entrepreneurial Culture and Economic Growth: Revisiting McClelland's Thesis,
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk and Roger Smeets, in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2008) Downloads

Coordination and Control in European Council Centred Governance. The Netherlands and the Covid Recovery Fund,
Sandrino Smeets and Femke Bekius, in Journal of Common Market Studies (2023) Downloads

Did the EU Summits Succeed in Convincing the Markets during the Recent Crisis?,
Dieter Smeets and Marco Zimmermann, in Journal of Common Market Studies (2013) Downloads

Why Do Investors Hold Socially Responsible Mutual Funds?,
Arno Riedl and Paul Smeets, in Journal of Finance (2017) Downloads

Financing Energy Innovation: Internal Finance and the Direction of Technical Change,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2022)
Keywords: R&D, Patents, Financing constraints, Renewable energy

Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, in Journal of International Economics (2013)
Keywords: Productivity estimation; Pricing heterogeneity; International trade decisions; Multi-product firms;

Too many theories, too few facts? What the data tell us about the link between span of control, compensation and career dynamics,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, in Labour Economics (2008)
Keywords: J24 J31 M5 Hierarchy Span of control Wage determination Promotions Careers

Job creation, job destruction and voting behavior in Poland,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, in European Journal of Political Economy (2006) Downloads

The Institutional Ingredients of Polycrisis Management: Unpacking European Council’s Handling of the Energy Crisis,
Sandrino Smeets and Derek Beach, in Politics and Governance (2023)
Keywords: energy crisis; EU institutions; European Council; polycrisis; process management

Directing Technical Change from Fossil-Fuel to Renewable Energy Innovation: An Empirical Application Using Firm-Level Patent Data,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2013)
Keywords: Directed Technical Change, Renewable Energy, Fossil Fuel Energy, Patents, Innovation, Firm Dynamics

Fixed export costs and multi-product firms,
Roger Smeets and Harold Creusen, from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (2011) Downloads

Directing Technical Change from Fossil-Fuel to Renewable Energy Innovation: An Empirical Application Using Firm-Level Patent Data,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (2013) Downloads

Directing technical change from fossil-fuel to renewable energy innovation: An application using firm-level patent data,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2015)
Keywords: Directed technical change; Renewable energy; Fossil fuel energy; Patents; Innovation; Heterogeneous firms;

Ultimate 100m World Records Through Extreme-Value Theory,
John Einmahl and S.G.W.R. Smeets, from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research (2009) Downloads

Does Input Quality Drive Measured Differences in Firm Productivity?,
Jeremy Fox and Valerie Smeets, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2011) Downloads

Job Creation, Job Destruction and Voting Behavior in Poland,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2003)
Keywords: Job creation; Job destruction; voting behavior; gradualism

Testing Models of Hierarchy: Span of Control, Compensation and Career Dynamics,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: hierarchy; span of control; wage determination; promotions; careers

Do Input Quality and Structural Productivity Estimates Drive Measured Differences in Firm Productivity?,
Jeremy Fox and Valerie Smeets, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2007)
Keywords: production function estimation; total factor productivity; input quality; structural estimates of productivity

Learning by Exporting, Importing or Both? Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade,
Valerie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2010)
Keywords: no; keywords

Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade,
Valérie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski, from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics (2011)
Keywords: No; keywords

Government Deficits in the European Union: An Analysis of Entry and Exit Dynamics,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from CESifo (2009)
Keywords: fiscal policy, Economic and Monetary Union, duration models

Economic, Political and Institutional Determinants of Budget Deficits in the European Union,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from CESifo (2009)
Keywords: fiscal policy, European Monetary Union

Economic and Political Determinants of Budget Deficits in the European Union: A Dynamic Random Coefficient Approach,
Ali Bayar and Bram Smeets, from CESifo (2009)
Keywords: fiscal policy, European Monetary Union, Random Coefficient Model, Bayesian Analysis

Why Do Investors Hold Socially Responsible Mutual Funds?,
Arno Riedl and Paul Smeets, from CESifo (2013)
Keywords: experimental finance, social preferences, socially responsible investments, mutual funds

Social preferences and portfolio choice,
Arno Riedl and P.M.A. Smeets, from Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) (2013) Downloads

Ultimate 100m World Records Through Extreme-Value Theory,
John Einmahl and S.G.W.R. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2009) Downloads

Bij het overlijden van Prof. Mr. J.G. Koopmans,
H.W.J. Bosman and M.J.H. Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (1959) Downloads

Duurzaamheidsportret Gemeente Pijnacker Nootdorp 2015,
Ruben Smeets and John Dagevos, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

Duurzaamheidbalans Haaglanden 2014,
John Dagevos and Ruben Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2014) Downloads

Duurzaamheidsbenchmark Gemeente Oss 2015,
John Dagevos and Ruben Smeets, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2015) Downloads

Duurzaamheidsportret gemeente Apeldoorn 2015,
Ruben Smeets and John Dagevos, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

The European Union Response to the Inflation Reduction Act: An Assessment of the European Council System Beyond Crisis,
Sandrino Smeets and Derek Beach, in Journal of Common Market Studies (2024) Downloads

Directing Technical Change from Fossil-Fuel to Renewable Energy Innovation: An Application using Firm Level Patent Data,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from Centre for International Environmental Studies, The Graduate Institute (2014)
Keywords: Directed technical change; Renewable energy; Fossil fuel energy; Patents; Innovation; Firm dynamics

Do Financing Constraints Matter for the Direction of Technical Change in Energy R&D?,
Joëlle Noailly and Roger Smeets, from Centre for International Environmental Studies, The Graduate Institute (2019)
Keywords: R&D;.

A Quality Measurement Framework for Turkish Firms: Validation of an Instrument,
Turker Bas, in Ege Academic Review (2002) Downloads

Çevre Yönetim Standardında Finans Ve Kalite,
Melih Baş, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1995)

Denetim Ve Danışmanlık Sektöründe Oligopolistik Yapı Ve Yeni Yönelimler,
Melih Baş, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1992)

GRiSP Partnership in Motion,
Bas Bouman, from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (2013)
Keywords: Industrial Organization

From Self-Effacement to Confrontation: The Emergence of Queer Theatre in Istanbul,
Elif Bas, in Asian Culture and History (2016) Downloads

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