86040 documents matched the search for Badi H. Baltagi in authors.
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Testing for Spatial Lag and Spatial Error Dependence in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model Using Double Length Artificial Regressions, H. Baltagi Badi and Liu Long,
from Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Keywords: Double length regression, spatial lag dependence, spatial error dependence, artificial regressions, panel data, fixed effects, C12, C21, R15
Random effects and Spatial Autocorrelations with Equal Weights, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Panel data, spatial error correlation, equal weights, error components
Forecasting with Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: forecasting; BLUP; panel data; spatial dependence; serial correlation; heterogeneous panels.
Worldwide Econometrics Rankings: 1989-2005, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Econometrics rankings, Econometrics journals, Econometric theory, Applied econometrics.
The Two-way Mundlak Estimator, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Mundlak Regression, Panel Data, Fixed and Random Effects, Two-way error components model, Hausman test
The Mundlak Spatial Estimator, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Mundlak Regression, Panel Data, Fixed and Random Effects, Spatial error model, Spatial Durbin model
Recent Developments in the Econometrics of Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Oxford University Press
Hausman’s Specification Test for Panel Data: Practical Tips, Badi Baltagi,
from Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Keywords: Panel data, fixed and random effects, Hausman test, Mundlak regression, Hausman and Taylor estimator, misspecification, C33
Testing for random individual and time effects using a Gauss-Newton regression, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
Pooling cross-sections with unequal time-series lengths, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
The two-way Hausman and Taylor estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Two-way error components model; Panel data; Fixed and random effects; Hausman test; Hausman and Taylor estimator.;
The multidimensional Mundlak estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Mundlak regression; Panel data; Fixed and random effects; Multidimensional error components model; Hausman test;
Testing linear and loglinear error components regressions against Box-Cox alternatives, Badi Baltagi,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Lagrange multiplier Double-length regressions Error components Box-Cox transformation
Applications of a necessary and sufficient condition for OLS to be BLUE, Badi Baltagi,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: general linear model seemingly unrelated regressions pooled time-series of cross-sections error components models grouped data
Estimating an economic model of crime using panel data from North Carolina, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Narrow Replication of Serlenga and Shin (2007) gravity models of intra-EU trade: application of the CCEP-HT estimation in heterogeneous panels with unobserved common time-specific factors, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Applied Econometrics Rankings: 1989-1995, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Forecasting with panel data, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Forecasting
On Estimating from a More General Time-Series Cum Cross-Section Data Structure, Badi Baltagi,
in The American Economist
Obituary, Badi Baltagi,
in Empirical Economics
Introduction, Badi Baltagi,
in Empirical Economics
Special issue on forecasting, use of survey data on expectations, and panel data applications: editors’ introduction, Badi Baltagi,
in Empirical Economics
The Mundlak spatial estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Spatial Econometrics
Keywords: Mundlak regression, Panel data, Fixed and random effects, Spatial error model, Spatial Durbin model
Comments on: Panel data analysis—advantages and challenges, Badi Baltagi,
in TEST: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research
The two-way Mundlak estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Reviews
ER interview: Essie Maasoumi, editor of Econometric Reviews (1987–2024), Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Reviews
Estimating an economic model of crime using panel data from North Carolina, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
in Econometric Theory
in Econometric Theory
03.5.1. A Concise Derivation of the Wallace and Hussain Fixed Effects Transformation, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Theory
04.1.1. A Hausman Test Based on the Difference between Fixed Effects Two-Stage Least Squares and Error Components Two-Stage Least Squares, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Theory
03.5.1. A Concise Derivation of the Wallace and Hussain Fixed Effects Transformation—Solution, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Theory
Solutions to Problems Posed in Volume 20(1) and 20(2): 04.1.1. A Hausman Test Based on the Difference between Fixed Effects Two-Stage Least Squares and Error Components Two-Stage Least Squares—Solution, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Theory
in Econometric Theory
in Econometric Theory
in Econometric Theory
Pooling Under Misspecification: Some Monte Carlo Evidence on the Kmenta and the Error Components Techniques, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometric Theory
On Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components, Badi Baltagi,
in Econometrica
Editor's introduction Panel data, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Econometrics
Simultaneous equations with error components, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Econometrics
Pooling: An experimental study of alternative testing and estimation procedures in a two-way error component model, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Econometrics
Forecasting with panel data, Badi Baltagi,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: Forecasting, BLUP, Panel Data, Spatial Dependence, Serial Correlation
A Monte Carlo Study for Pooling Time Series of Cross-Section Data in the Simultaneous Equations Model, Badi Baltagi,
in International Economic Review
Specification Tests in Panel Data Models Using Artificial Regressions, Badi Baltagi,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Panel Data Econometrics: Method-of-Moments and Limited Dependent Variables. Myoung-Jae LEE, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Comment, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Longitudinal Data Analysis, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
in Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Panel Data Forecasting, Badi Baltagi,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Fixed effects; Random effects; Spatial dependence; Serial correlation; Seemingly unrelated regressions; Heterogeneous panels;
Dynamic panel data models, Badi Baltagi,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Research Methods,
Registered author: Badi Baltagi
Econometrics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Solutions Manual for Econometrics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Econometrics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Solutions Manual for Econometrics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Introduction, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Special Topics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Limited Dependent Variables and Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Nonstationary Panels, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Spatial Panel Data Models, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
The One-Way Error Component Regression Model, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
The Two-Way Error Component Regression Model, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Test of Hypotheses with Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation in the Error Component Model, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Simultaneous Equations with Error Components, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Dynamic Panel Data Models, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Unbalanced Panel Data Models, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
What Is Econometrics?, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Nobel Prize, American Economic Review, Economic Data, Bridge Pier, Simultaneous Equation Model
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: American Statistical Association, Seemingly Unrelated Regression, Unrelated Regression, Econometric Theory, Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Simultaneous Equations Model, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Exogenous Variable, Demand Equation, Stage Regression, Simultaneous Equation Model, Weak Instrument
Pooling Time-Series of Cross-Section Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Ordinary Little Square, Generalize Little Square, Best Linear Unbiased Predictor, Ordinary Little Square Estimator, Dynamic Panel Data Model
Limited Dependent Variables, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Probit Model, Problem Drinking, Tobit Model, Pension Plan, Reservation Wage
Time-Series Analysis, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Random Walk, Unit Root, Unit Root Test, Money Supply, Repeat Part
Basic Statistical Concepts, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Unbiased Estimator, Moment Generate Function, Wald Statistic, Moment Estimator
Simple Linear Regression, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Simple Linear Regression, Unbiased Estimator, Disposable Income, Numerical Property, Linear Estimator
Multiple Regression Analysis, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Ordinary Little Square, Union Membership, Ordinary Little Square Estimate, Linear Restriction, Advertising Expenditure
Violations of the Classical Assumptions, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Serial Correlation, Generalize Little Square, Classical Assumption, Regression Package, Real Gross National Product
Distributed Lags and Dynamic Models, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Serial Correlation, Asymptotic Bias, Real Disposable Income, Partial Adjustment Model, Adaptive Expectation Model
The General Linear Model: The Basics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Mean Square Error, Lagrange Multiplier, Characteristic Root, Wald Statistic, Full Column Rank
Regression Diagnostics and Specification Tests, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Nonlinear Little Square, Regression Diagnostics, Recursive Residual, Repeat Problem, Augmented Regression
Generalized Least Squares, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Spatial Autocorrelation, Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Serial Correlation, Spatial Weight Matrix, Housing Demand
What is Econometrics?, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Nobel Prize, Economic Data, Econometric Method, Competent Mathematician, Real Understanding
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Relative Efficiency, Plot Resid, Unrelated Regression, Smith Method, Value1 Capital1
Simultaneous Equations Model, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Structural Equation, Exogenous Variable, Demand Equation, Stage Regression, Supply Equation
Pooling Time-Series of Cross-Section Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Orthogonal Projection, Random Effect Model, Typical Element, Projection Matrix, Generalize Inverse
Limited Dependent Variables, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Married Women's Labor Supply, Adjustable Rate Mortgages, Tobit Estimation, Occupational Immobility, Participation Example
Time-Series Analysis, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Random Walk, Asymptotic Distribution, Positive Definite Matrix, Error Correction Term, Cointegrating Relationship
A Review of Some Basic Statistical Concepts, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Information Matrix, Geometric Distribution, Moment Generate Function, Factorization Theorem, Wald Statistic
Simple Linear Regression, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Unbiased Estimator, Income Elasticity, Additive Constant, Plot Resid, Numerical Property
Multiple Regression Analysis, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Coefficient Estimate, Price Elasticity, Multiple Regression Coefficient, Regression Coefficient Estimate, Unrestricted Model
Violations of the Classical Assumptions, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Relative Efficiency, Arbitrary Variance, Pagan Test, Conventional Formula, Fourth Degree Polynomial
Distributed Lags and Dynamic Models, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Null Hypothesis, Public Policy, Game Theory, Serial Correlation, Stata Regression
The General Linear Model: The Basics, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Wald Statistic, Original Regression, Follow Test Statistic, Unrestricted Regression, Forecast Standard Error
Regression Diagnostics and Specification Tests, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Regression Output, Reset Test, Recursive Residual, Idempotent Matrice, Information Matrix Test
Generalized Least Squares, Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Unconditional Maximum, Smallest Characteristic Root, Lagrange Multiplier Statistic, Joint Probability Function, Characteristic Roots
A comparative study of alternative estimators for the unbalanced two-way error component regression model, Badi Baltagi, Seuck H. Song and Byoung C. Jung,
in Econometrics Journal
Analysis of spatially dependent data, Badi Baltagi, Harry H. Kelejian and Ingmar Prucha,
in Journal of Econometrics