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33744 documents matched the search for Aust, Marc-Oliver in authors.
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Patricia Aust, from Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (1997)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Disability in Higher Education: Explanations and Legitimisation from Teachers at Leipzig University,
Robert Aust, in Social Inclusion (2018)
Keywords: disability; Explanatory Legitimacy Theory; Grounded Theory; higher education; medicine model; qualitative research

Umweltkontamination: Müll in deutschen Meeresgebieten,
Ulrike Kammann, Marc-Oliver Aust, Wolf-Christian Lewin, Pedro Nogueira, Kay Panten, Anne Friederike Sell, Daniel Stepputtis, Harry Vincent Strehlow, Marc Simon Weltersbach and Klaus Wysujack, from Thünen-Institut (TI), Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, Thünen Institute of Rural Studies (2024)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Arbeitsmarktpolitik im Umbruch - Eine Chance für ältere Arbeitnehmer?,
Stefanie Kremer and Judith Aust, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2007) Downloads

Vertical cooperative advertising and pricing decisions in a manufacturer–retailer supply chain: A game-theoretic approach,
Gerhard Aust and Udo Buscher, in European Journal of Operational Research (2012)
Keywords: Game theory; Cooperative advertising; Pricing; Stackelberg equilibrium; Nash equilibrium;

The Dark Side of Overwork: An Empirical Evidence of Social Harm of Work from a Sustainable HRM Perspective,
Sugumar Mariappanadar and Ina Aust, in International Studies of Management & Organization (2017) Downloads

Cooperative advertising models in supply chain management: A review,
Gerhard Aust and Udo Buscher, in European Journal of Operational Research (2014)
Keywords: OR in marketing; Cooperative advertising; Literature review; Game theory;

Game theoretic analysis of pricing and vertical cooperative advertising of a retailer-duopoly with a common manufacturer,
Gerhard Aust and Udo Buscher, in Central European Journal of Operations Research (2016)
Keywords: Game theory, Manufacturer-retailer supply chain, Cooperative advertising, Pricing, Retail competition,

Negative Strompreise in Deutschland,
Benjamin Aust and Christof Morscher, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2017) Downloads

Leading sustainability transformation,
Ina Aust and Bettina Gehrke, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Business and Management, Economics and Finance,

Digital game-based learning and video games in teacher training. Conception, evaluation and results from Leipzig University,
Robert Aust, Michael Nitsche and Johannes Pelka, in Perspectives of Innovation in Economics and Business (PIEB) (2014)
Keywords: Digital Game-Based Learning, teacher training, video games

Sparmaßnahmen trotz Rekordüberschüssen? Zur Finanzierung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik,
Müller-Schoell, Till and Judith Aust, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2007) Downloads

The Experience and Practice of Social Support during Major Organizational Changes: The Case of the Bank Collapse in Iceland in 2008,
Asta Snorradóttir, Gudbjorg Rafnsdottir and Birgit Aust, in International Journal of Business and Management (2016) Downloads

Determinants of moral hazard in research and development supply relations: Empirical results beyond the agency‐theory explanation,
Martin Kloyer, Roland Helm and Christin Aust, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2019) Downloads

European exceptionalism?,
Georg Nolte and Helmut Philipp Aust, from WZB Berlin Social Science Center (2012)
Keywords: European exceptionalism, exceptionalist, American exceptionalism

Gewerkschaftliche Revitalisierung durch die Organisierung Selbststaendiger? Deutsche und oesterreichische Gewerkschaften im Vergleich,
Susanne Pernicka, Sabine Blaschke and Andreas Aust, in Industrielle Beziehungen - Zeitschrift fuer Arbeit, Organisation und Management - The German Journal of Industrial Relations (2007)
Keywords: Dependent Self-employed, Trade Unions, Revitalization, Organizing, Participation Model

State-of-the-art and future directions for HRM from a paradox perspective: Introduction to the Special Issue,
Ina Aust, Julia Brandl and Anne Keegan, in Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management (2015)
Keywords: paradox, tension, Human Resource Management

A note on “Quality investment and inspection policy in a supplier-manufacturer supply chain”,
Gerhard Aust, Ina Bräuer and Udo Buscher, in European Journal of Operational Research (2014)
Keywords: Quality investment; Quality inspection; Supplier–manufacturer supply chain; Game theory;

Exploring the relationship between valuation and stewardship uses of accounting information: Empirical evidence from German listed firms,
Viktoria Aust, Christoph Pelger and Christian Drefahl, in Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (2021)
Keywords: Decision usefulness; IFRS; Stewardship; Valuation;

Roland Helm, Martin Kloyer and Christin Aust, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (2018)
Keywords: R&D collaboration, knowledge sharing, moral hazard, opportunism, governance mechanisms, R&D outsourcing

Standard Setting in the African Horticultural Export Market: A Bottom-Up or Top-Down Approach?,
Patricia Aust Sterns and Lawrence Busch, in Journal of Economic Issues (2002) Downloads

Determinants and Effects of Institutional Change: A Case Study of Dry Bean Grades and Standards,
Patricia Aust Sterns and Thomas Reardon, in Journal of Economic Issues (2002) Downloads

Human resource management and paradox theory,
Anne Keegan, Julia Brandl and Ina Aust, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2019)
Keywords: Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Social Policy and Sociology,

James A. Sterns, Patricia Aust Sterns and Jeffrey Burkhardt, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2002)
Keywords: Marketing

Risk Profiles in Individual Software Development and Packaged Software Implementation Projects: A Delphi Study at a German-Based Financial Services Company,
Stefan Hoermann, Michael Schermann, Marco Aust and Helmut Krcmar, in International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) (2014) Downloads

Patricia Aust Sterns, Jean-Marie Codron and Thomas Reardon, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2001)
Keywords: Marketing

Weiterbildung als Bestandteil lebenslangen Lernens: WeLL-Erhebung 2010 - Methodenreport,
Petra Knerr, Helmut Schröder, Folkert Aust and Reiner Gilberg, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2012)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Weiterbildungsbeteiligung ; Befragung ; IAB-Weiterbildungspanel ; Non Response ; Arbeitnehmer ; Stichprobe ; Teilnehmerstruktur

Weiterbildung als Bestandteil lebenslangen Lernens: WeLL-Erhebung 2009 - Methodenreport,
Petra Knerr, Helmut Schröder, Folkert Aust and Reiner Gilberg, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2011)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; IAB-Weiterbildungspanel ; Datengewinnung ; Erhebungsmethode ; Fragebogen ; Panel ; Stichprobe ; Teilnehmerauswahl ; 2009-2009

Berufliche Weiterbildung als Bestandteil Lebenslangen Lernens (WeLL): WeLL-Erhebung 2008 - Methodenbericht,
Petra Knerr, Helmut Schröder, Folkert Aust and Reiner Gilberg, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2010)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; IAB-Weiterbildungspanel ; Datengewinnung ; empirische Sozialforschung ; Erhebungsmethode ; Fragebogen ; Methode ; Panel ; Stichprobe ; 2008-2008

Berufliche Weiterbildung als Bestandteil Lebenslangen Lernens (WeLL): WeLL-Erhebung 2007 - Methodenbericht,
Petra Knerr, Helmut Schröder, Folkert Aust and Reiner Gilberg, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2009)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; IAB-Weiterbildungspanel ; Datenaufbereitung ; Datengewinnung ; Datenzugang ; 2007-2007

The Relationship between Flow Experience and Burnout Symptoms: A Systematic Review,
Fabienne Aust, Theresa Beneke, Corinna Peifer and Magdalena Wekenborg, in IJERPH (2022)
Keywords: flow experience; burnout symptoms; Flow-Burnout-Model

The Demand–Control Model and Pupils’ Aggressive Behaviour towards Teachers: A Follow-Up Study,
Lars Peter Andersen, Birgit Aust and Trine Nøhr Winding, in IJERPH (2021)
Keywords: teachers; demand–control model; pupils’ aggression

Moving Beyond the Link Between HRM and Economic Performance: A Study on the Individual Reactions of HR Managers and Professionals to Sustainable HRM,
Marco Guerci, Adelien Decramer, Thomas Waeyenberg and Ina Aust, in Journal of Business Ethics (2019)
Keywords: Sustainable HRM, Meaning of work, Job satisfaction, Turnover intentions

Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Perception: The Influence of Manager and Line Managers,
Macarena López-Fernández, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández and Ina Aust, in Sustainability (2018)
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; employee commitment; employees’ perceptions; HR practices; socially responsible HRM

Power priors for replication studies,
Samuel Pawel, Frederik Aust, Leonhard Held and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, in TEST: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (2024)
Keywords: Bayes factor, Bayesian hypothesis testing, Bayesian parameter estimation, Hierarchical models, Historical data

Introduction to Global Leadership Practices,
Bettina Gehrke, Daniela Pauknerová, Marie-Thérèse Claes and Ina Aust, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Business and Management, Economics and Finance,

The Murphy Decomposition and the Calibration-Resolution Principle: A New Perspective on Forecast Evaluation,
Marc-Oliver Pohle, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen eines Product Placement unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Fernsehlandschaft,
Marc-Oliver Emrich, from Offenburg University, Department of Media and Information (2019) Downloads

East Asia's success against COVID-19 – acclaimed or ignored?,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Economics Bulletin (2021)
Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; misestimation; East Asia; vaccinations; social distancing

SP/A and CPT: A reconciliation of two behavioral decision theories,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Economics Letters (2010)
Keywords: Decision theory Aspiration level Cumulative prospect theory Behavioral portfolio optimization

Optimal financial investments for non-concave utility functions,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Optimal investments; Non-concave utility function; Prospect theory;

Characterization of acceptance sets for co-monotone risk measures,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2017)
Keywords: Acceptance set; Risk measure; Co-monotonicity; Convexity; Value at risk; Expected shortfall;

An extension of a theorem by Mitjushin and Polterovich to incomplete markets,
Marc Oliver Bettzuge, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (1998) Downloads

Evolutionary stability of prospect theory preferences,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2014)
Keywords: Prospect theory; Cumulative prospect theory; Probability weighting; Nash equilibria; Evolutionary stability; War of attrition;

Uncertainty avoidance, loss aversion and stock market participation,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in Global Finance Journal (2022)
Keywords: Uncertainty avoidance; Loss aversion; Stock market participation; Cultural finance;

How to Measure Financial Literacy?,
Marc Oliver Rieger, in JRFM (2020)
Keywords: financial literacy; measurement; financial decisions

Beyond the Invisible Hand: Groundwork for a New Economics,
Oliver Marc Hartwich, in The Economic Record (2012) Downloads

Oliver Marc Hartwich, in Economic Affairs (2006) Downloads

Co-monotonicity of optimal investments and the design of structured financial products,
Marc Oliver Rieger, from Swiss Finance Institute (2007)
Keywords: Co-monotonicity, structured products, portfolio optimization, noarbitrage condition, decision theory.

Co-monotonicity of optimal investments and the design of structured financial products,
Marc Oliver Rieger, from Swiss Finance Institute (2007)
Keywords: Prospect Theory, Existence of Nash Equilibria, Evolutionary stability.

Die Entwicklung von Behavioral Finance und die spezielle Rolle der deutschen Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Marc Oliver Rieger, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Finance, Finanzwirtschaft, Behavioral Finance, Experimental Finance, Verhaltensorientiere Finanzforschung

Preismanagement im Privatkundengeschäft von Banken,
Marc Oliver Blahusch, from Springer (2012)

Evolutionary stability of prospect theory preferences,
Marc Oliver Rieger, from Center for Mathematical Economics, Bielefeld University (2015)
Keywords: prospect theory, existence of Nash equilibria, evolutionary stability

Über Hartz IV hinaus: Stimmt die Richtung in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik?,
Judith Aust, Volker Baethge-Kinsky, Till Müller-Schoell and Alexandra Wagner, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2008) Downloads

A Comprehensive Model of the Spatio-Temporal Stem Cell and Tissue Organisation in the Intestinal Crypt,
Peter Buske, Jörg Galle, Nick Barker, Gabriela Aust, Hans Clevers and Markus Loeffler, in PLOS Computational Biology (2011) Downloads

Rheology: From simple and to complex fluids,
S. Hess, C. Aust, L. Bennett, M. Kröger, C. Pereira Borgmeyer and T. Weider, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1997) Downloads

Wood-to-energy expansion, forest ownership changes, and mill closure: Consequences for U.S. South's wood supply chain,
Joseph L. Conrad IV, M. Chad Bolding, W. Michael Aust and Robert L. Smith, in Forest Policy and Economics (2010)
Keywords: Forest products industry Wood-to-energy

Global Leadership Practices,
Bettina Gehrke, Marie-Thérèse Claes, Daniela Pauknerová, Ina Aust and Roger-Matthew Bell Lambert, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Business and Management, Economics and Finance,

Notes from Warren J. Samuels's 1999 Course on the Economic Role of Government,
Brady J. Deaton, David Schweikhardt, James Sterns and Patricia Aust Sterns, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012) Downloads

FR171456 is a specific inhibitor of mammalian NSDHL and yeast Erg26p,
Stephen B. Helliwell, Shantanu Karkare, Marc Bergdoll, Alain Rahier, Juliet R. Leighton-Davis, Celine Fioretto, Thomas Aust, Ireos Filipuzzi, Mathias Frederiksen, John Gounarides, Dominic Hoepfner, Andreas Hofmann, Pierre-Eloi Imbert, Rolf Jeker, Richard Knochenmuss, Philipp Krastel, Anais Margerit, Klaus Memmert, Charlotte V. Miault, N. Rao Movva, Alban Muller, Hans-Ulrich Naegeli, Lukas Oberer, Vivian Prindle, Ralph Riedl, Sven Schuierer, Jessica A. Sexton, Jianshi Tao, Trixie Wagner, Hong Yin, Juan Zhang, Silvio Roggo, Stefan Reinker and Christian N. Parker, in Nature Communications (2015) Downloads

Inequality aversion and externalities,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2012)
Keywords: Inequality aversion; Externalities; Direct effects; Indirect effects;

The interaction of explicit and implicit contracts: A signaling approach,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2014)
Keywords: Explicit contracts; Implicit contracts; Separating equilibrium; Substitutes; Strategic complementarity;

The optimality of heterogeneous tournaments,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, from Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Finance (2013)
Keywords: tournament, competitive labor market, heterogeneity, learning

The interaction of explicit and implicit contracts: A signaling approach,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, from Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Finance (2012)
Keywords: explicit contracts, implicit contracts, separating equilibrium, substitutes, strategic, complementarity

Inequality aversion and externalities,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, from Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Finance (2011)
Keywords: inequality aversion, externalities, direct effects, indirect effects

The Optimality of Heterogeneous Tournaments,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, in Journal of Labor Economics (2015) Downloads

Promotion signaling, discrimination, and positive discrimination policies,
Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, in RAND Journal of Economics (2019) Downloads

Market Approach,
Marc Hayn and Oliver Schlegel, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Market approach, Direct method, Indirect method

Incremental Cash Flow Method,
Marc Hayn and Oliver Schlegel, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Incremental cash flow, With or without method

Partial Mortgage Prepayments and Housing Credit Growth,
Marc-Oliver Thurner and Alexandra Dwyer, in RBA Bulletin (Print copy discontinued) (2013)
Keywords: Monetary policy; prepayments; mortgages; lending rates; households; credit growth

The Slow Death of Capital Protection,
Christian Bauer and Marc Oliver Rieger, in JRFM (2021)
Keywords: structured products; structured financial products; structured notes; capital protected notes; guarantee certificates; zero interest policy; loss aversion

Secret Erosion of the “Lockdown†? Patterns in Daily Activities during the SARS-Cov2 Pandemics around the World,
Marc Oliver Rieger and Mei Wang, in Review of Behavioral Economics (2020)
Keywords: Covid-19, lockdown, social distancing, compliance

Generalised Covariances and Correlations,
Tobias Fissler and Marc-Oliver Pohle, from arXiv.org (2023) Downloads

Current Practice in Software Development for Computational Neuroscience and How to Improve It,
Marc-Oliver Gewaltig and Robert Cannon, in PLOS Computational Biology (2014) Downloads

Hedging with regret,
Olaf Korn and Marc Oliver Rieger, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2016)
Keywords: regret aversion, risk management, hedging, derivatives

Cumulative prospect theory and the St.Petersburg paradox,
Marc Oliver Rieger and Mei Wang, from Sonderforschungsbreich 504 (2004)
Keywords: Cumulative Prospect Theory , Probability Weighting Function , St. Petersburg Paradox

Hedging with regret,
Olaf Korn and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2019)
Keywords: Regret aversion; Risk management; Hedging; Derivatives;

Can ambiguity aversion solve the equity premium puzzle? Survey evidence from international data,
Marc Oliver Rieger and Mei Wang, in Finance Research Letters (2012)
Keywords: Equity risk premium; Ambiguity aversion; Uncertainty avoidance; Cultural finance;

Non-cooperative games with prospect theory players and dominated strategies,
Lars Peter Metzger and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Prospect theory; Framing; Reference dependent utility; Rank dependent probability weighting; Nash equilibrium; Stochastic dominance; Dominance of strategies;

Assessing distorted trading incentives of balance responsible parties based on the example of the Swiss power system,
Marc Scherer, Oliver Haubensak and Thorsten Staake, in Energy Policy (2015)
Keywords: Electricity balancing; Balance responsible parties; Imbalance energy pricing;

Market-based tournaments: An experimental investigation,
Lisa Dickmanns, Marc Gürtler and Oliver Gürtler, in Labour Economics (2018)
Keywords: Tournament; Promotion; Learning; Experiment;

Why Are Elites More Cosmopolitan than Masses?,
Oliver Strijbis, Céline Teney and Marc Helbling, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2019)
Keywords: cosmopolitanism, elites, public opinion, migration, trade, climate change, supranational integration, representation, cultural capital, class

An Evolutionary Approach to Financial Innovation,
Marc Oliver Bettzuege and Thorsten Hens, from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: Financial Innovation, Evolution, GEI, CAPM

Evolutionary Choice of Markets,
Anke Gerber and Marc Oliver Bettz�ge, from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: Endogenous participation, standardization, evolution, stochastic stability

On increasing risk, inequality and poverty measures: Peacocks, lyrebirds and exotic options,
Christian-Oliver Ewald and Marc Yor, in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2015)
Keywords: Increasing risk; Inequality; Poverty measures; Peacocks;

Financial Innovation, Communication and the Theory of the Firm,
Marc Oliver Bettzuege and Thorsten Hens, from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: theory of the firm, incomplete markets, communication, financial innovation

Can utility optimization explain the demand for structured investment products?,
Thorsten Hens and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Quantitative Finance (2014) Downloads

Explaining asymmetric volatility around the world,
Tõnn Talpsepp and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Journal of Empirical Finance (2010)
Keywords: Volatility asymmetry Leverage effect Short selling APARCH model

Forecasting under Long Memory and Nonstationarity,
Uwe Hassler and Marc-Oliver Pohle, from arXiv.org (2019) Downloads

Unlucky Number 13? Manipulating Evidence Subject to Snooping,
Uwe Hassler and Marc-Oliver Pohle, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: Levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes,
Sumit Deole and Marc Oliver Rieger, from Global Labor Organization (GLO) (2022)
Keywords: Risk aversion, time discounting, immigration, assimilation

Unlucky Number 13? Manipulating Evidence Subject to Snooping,
Uwe Hassler and Marc‐Oliver Pohle, in International Statistical Review (2022) Downloads

On peacocks and lyrebirds: Australian options, Brownian bridges, and the average of submartingales,
Christian-Oliver Ewald and Marc Yor, in Mathematical Finance (2018) Downloads

Climate-driven thresholds in reactive mineral retention of soil carbon at the global scale,
Marc G. Kramer and Oliver A. Chadwick, in Nature Climate Change (2018) Downloads

Diversification with options and structured products,
Shuonan Yuan and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Review of Derivatives Research (2021)
Keywords: Diversification, Options, Structured products, Portfolio optimization, Expected utility

A new axiomatization of discounted expected utility,
Berenice Anne Neumann and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Theory and Decision (2023)
Keywords: Expected utility theory, Discounted utility, Choice under risk, Intertemporal choice, Axiomatization

Forecasting under Long Memory*,
Uwe Hassler and Marc-Oliver Pohle, in Journal of Financial Econometrics (2023)
Keywords: fractional integration, inflation, prediction, realized volatility

An Evolutionary Approach to Financial Innovation,
Marc Oliver Bettzüge and Thorsten Hens, in The Review of Economic Studies (2001) Downloads

The immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes,
Sumit Deole and Marc Oliver Rieger, in Journal of Population Economics (2023)
Keywords: Risk aversion, Time discounting, Immigration, Assimilation

Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? - The Case of East Germany,
Lars Hornuf and Marc Oliver Rieger, from Institute of Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) (2017)
Keywords: Mass media; Television; Xenophobia; Attitudes towards foreigners; East Germany; Natural experiment

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