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3802 documents matched the search for Ari Stern in authors.
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Hodge decomposition and the Shapley value of a cooperative game,
Ari Stern and Alexander Tettenhorst, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Shapley value; Cooperative game theory; Hodge decomposition; Graph Laplacian;

Einige Zahlen aus Ungarns Agrarstatistik,
Stern, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1893) Downloads

Increasing Ambient Temperature Reduces Emotional Well-Being,
Clemens Noelke, Mark McGovern, Daniel Corsi, Marcia Pescador-Jimenez, Ari Stern, Ian Sue Wing and Lisa Berkman, from Centre for HeAlth Research at the Management School (CHaRMS) (2016)
Keywords: Mental Health; Heat Exposure; Climate Impacts; Subjective Well-Being; Social Inequality

Inner Market as a "Black Box",
Ari Belenkiy, from arXiv.org (2001) Downloads

Analyse coût-bénéfice du contrôle de la pollution: nécessité, méthodologie et exemples,
Ari Rabl, in Économie et Prévision (2005) Downloads

Ari Belenkiy, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF) (2002)
Keywords: Inner market, Fokker-Planck equation, kurtosis

Inter-Organizational IT Governance Research: A Literature Review,
Ari Helin, in International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) (2019) Downloads

Geoffrey Blodgett. The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era. Pp. xiii, 342. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1966. $6.95,
Ari Hoogenboom, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1966) Downloads

HERMAN BELZ. Reconstructing the Union: Theory and Policy During the Civil War. Pp. ix, 336. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, for the American Historical Association, 1969. $8.50,
Ari Hoogenboom, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1969) Downloads

Book Reviews: CAUSES OF MENTAL DISORDERS: A REVIEW OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE, 1959. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund, 1961. Pp. 383. Price, $3.50,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE ANNUAL SURVEY OF PSYCHOANALYSIS. Vol. VI, 1955. Edited by John Frosch and Nathaniel Ross. New York: International Universities Press, 1961. Pp. 612. Price, $12.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE LAYMAN'S GUIDE TO PSYCHIATRY. By James A. Brussel. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961. Pp. 235. Price, $1.50,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: SUBNORMAL PERSONALITIES. By C. J. C. Earl. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1961. Pp. 338. Price, 30/-. SOCIAL REHABILITATION OF THE SUBNORMAL. By Herbert C. Gunzburg. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1960. Pp. 263. Price, 27/6,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: CROSS CULTURAL STUDIES IN MENTAL HEALTH IDENTITY; MENTAL HEALTH AND VALUE SYSTEMS. Edited by Kenneth Soddy. London: Tavistock Publications, 1961. Pp. 271. Price 25s,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Reviews: DIRECT ANALYSIS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA. By O. Spurgeon English, Warren W. Hampe Sr., Catherine L. Bacon and Calvin F. Settlage. New York: London: Grune and Stratton, 1961. Pp. 128. Price 28s,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. Edited by Sam C. Scher and Howard R. Davis, New York: London: Grune and Stratton, 1960. Pp. 246. Price 41s,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF AGGRESSION. By Arnold H. Buss. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1961. Pp. 307. Price 60s,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Reviews: FAMILY CONSTELLATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL GAME. By Walter Toman, New York, Springer Publishing Company, 1961. Pp. 248. Price, $4.50,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Review: The Nature of Psychotherapy,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1963) Downloads

Book Reviews: PROBLEMS IN COMMUNICATION. Edited by Charles Watkins and Benjamin Pasa manick. Washington: Psychiatric Research Reports of the American Psychiatric Association, December 1961. Pp. 131. Price, $2.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: MILIEU THERAPY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA. By Kenneth L. Artiss. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1962. Pp. 169. Price, $6.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY. Edited by Irwin G. Sarason. London: D. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd., 1962. Pp. 411. Price, 54/6d,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: SOCIETY: PROBLEMS AND METHODS OF STUDY. Edited by A. T. Welford. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1962. Pp. 586. Price, 50/-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: PLANNING AND ACTION FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Edited by Esther M. Thornton. London: World Federation For Mental Health, 1961. Pp. 347. Price, RECENT RESEARCH LOOKING TOWARD PREVENTIVE INTERVENTION. Edited by Ralph H. Ojemann. Iowa City, Iowa: State University of Iowa, 1961. Pp. 200. Price, $2.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: NEO-FREUDIAN SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. By Martin Birnbach. London: Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. 283. Price, 37/6d,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

Book Reviews: AN INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHIATRY. By Max Valentine. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 1962. Pp. 316. Price, 21 /-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: TOWARD A PSYCHOLOGY OF BEING. By Abraham H. Maslow. New York and London: D. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd., 1962. Pp. 214. Price, $1.95, 15 /-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE CRISIS IN PSYCHIATRY AND RELIGION. By O. Hobart Mowrer. Princeton and London: Van Nostrand Co. Ltd., 1961. Pp. 264. Price, $1.45, 15 /-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: THEY SHALL TAKE UP SERPENTS: PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SOUTHERN SNAKE- HANDLING CULT. By Weston La Barre. London: Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. 208. Price, 30/-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: THIS ISLAND Now: THE SURGE OF SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By G. M. Carstairs. New York: Basic Books, 1962. Pp. 103. Price, $3.95,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: DELINQUENT CONDUCT AND BROKEN HOMES. By Richard S. Sterne. New Haven: College and University Press, 1964. Pp. 144. Price, $4.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1965) Downloads

Book Reviews: CLINICAL CHILD PSYCHIATRY. By Kenneth Soddy. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1960. Pp. 470. Price, 42s,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: PEOPLE OF COVE AND WOODLOT. By Charles C. Hughes, Marc-Adelard Tremblay, Robert N. Rapoport and Alexander H. Leighton. New York: Basic Books, 1960. Pp. 574. Price, $10.00,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: MENTAL HEALTH IN KANSAS: HOSPITAL TREATMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES. By Margaret Cram. Governmental Research Center, Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1960,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE SOCIAL EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MENTAL DISORDERS. By E. Gartly Jaco. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1960. Pp. 228. Price, $3.50,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1962) Downloads

Book Reviews: AMERICAN COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR. By Jessie Bernard. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962. Pp. 465. Price, 52/-,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1964) Downloads

GLENN W. PRICE. Origins of the War with Mexico: The Polk-Stockton Intrigue. Pp. x, 189. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1967. $5.00,
Ari Hoogenboom, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1968) Downloads

What is Disnormative Information?,
Ari Haasio, in Information and Communication Sciences Research (2019)
Keywords: disnormative information, information, knowledge, information seeking

Brief Note: Primitive Holistic Medicine,
Ari Kiev, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1961) Downloads

Introduction. Numéro spécial de la Revue d'Economie Politique sur l'évaluation contingente à la mémoire de Brigitte Desaigues, coordonné par Ari Rabl, Ecole des Mines de Paris,
Ari Rabl, in Revue d'économie politique (2007) Downloads

Introduction. Special issue of Revue d'Economie Politique on contingent valuation, in memory of Brigitte Desaigues, coordinated by Ari Rabl, Ecole des Mines de Paris,
Ari Rabl, in Revue d'économie politique (2007) Downloads

Barriers and solutions to cross-border asset recovery,
Ari Wibowo, in Journal of Money Laundering Control (2022)
Keywords: Cross-border, Asset recovery

Registered author: Ari Mitaj

Registered author: Ari Fajrianto

Growth determinants in low-income and emerging Asia: a comparative analysis,
Ari Aisen, in Asia-Pacific Development Journal (2007)
Keywords: Economic growth, Emerging Asia, Developing Asia

Book Review: Capitalism and Disability: Selected Writings by Marta Russell,
Ari Parra, in Review of Radical Political Economics (2022) Downloads

Registered author: Ari Parra

Controversias actuales en la teoría pura del dinero,
Ari Wancier, in Revista Cuadernos de Economia (2000) Downloads

Stock return on Scandinavian stock markets and the banking industry: Evidence from the years of financial liberalisation and banking crisis,
Ari Hyytinen, from Bank of Finland (1999)
Keywords: GARCH, conditional volatility, banking crisis, volatility spillovers

Macroeconomic effects of European integration on the Finnish economy: A simulation study,
Ari Lahti, from Bank of Finland (1989) Downloads

Technology in Context: Mediating Factors in the Utilization of Planning Technologies,
Ari Goelman, in Environment and Planning A (2005) Downloads

Predicting the effects of time pressure on design work,
Ari Putkonen, in International Journal of Innovation and Learning (2009)
Keywords: design work; time pressure; innovation; system dynamics; simulation; learning; performance; quality; productivity; mental workload; project management; work ergonomics; occupational health; design process; mental fatigue; project planning.

Stakeholder perceptions of alternative food entrepreneurs,
Ari Paloviita, in World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (2009)
Keywords: alternative food supply chains; Finland; sustainable entrepreneurship; local food; organic food; small-scale rural entrepreneurs; economic performance; environmental performance; trust; stakeholders; farms; trustworthiness; sustainability.

HRM practices, reconfiguring capabilities and knowledge utilisation,
Ari Jantunen, in International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (2009)
Keywords: human resource management; HRM practices; reconfiguring capabilities; knowledge utilisation; knowledge-based view; KBV.

LYNN M. CASE AND WARREN F. SPENCER. The United States and France: Civil War Diplomacy. Pp. xv, 747. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970. $22.50,
Ari Hoogenboom, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1970) Downloads

Standard-Error Correction in the Two-Stage Conditional Logit,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (1995) Downloads

Tinjauan Triwulanan Perekonomian Indonesia,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (1995) Downloads

Corruption and Economic Growth in Indonesia,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2002)
Keywords: Korupsi – Pertumbuhan ekonomi – Analisa daerah – Analisa statistik

Microeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in East Asia,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2003)
Keywords: Pertumbuhan ekonomi - Mikroekonomi - Perusahaan dan rumah tangga - Indonesia

Bribery and Time Wasted in Indonesia: A Test of the Efficient Grease Hypothesis,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2004)
Keywords: Bribery – Efficient grease hypothesis - Indonesia

Firm Structure, Conduct and Competitiveness in Indonesian Manufacturing: Before and After the 1998 Economic Crisis,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2006)
Keywords: Production: Capital and TFP, Industry Studies: Manufacturing, Industrial Organization, Indonesia

A Simple Theoretical Model of Bribe Uncertainty,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2008)
Keywords: uncertainty; rent seeking; corruption

Exports and Innovation in Indonesian Manufacturing,
Ari Kuncoro, in Economics and Finance in Indonesia (2011)
Keywords: Indonesian manufacturing, Research and Development

Registered author: Ari Boyarsky

The production of knowledge in accounting,
Ari Manninen, in Accounting, Organizations and Society (1996) Downloads

Approximate solutions to the disaggregation problem under uncertainty,
Aysen Ari, in Engineering Costs and Production Economics (1989) Downloads

Loan market equilibrium with difference of opinion and imperfect competition,
Ari Hyytinen, in Economics Letters (2003) Downloads

Co-Circular Polarization Reflector Revisited: Reflection Properties, Polarization Transformations, and Matched Waves,
Ari Sihvola, in Mathematics (2022)
Keywords: co-circular polarization reflector; CCPR; general linear boundary conditions; anisotropy; PAB; SHS; matched waves; polarization transformation

Fractional Brownian motion and Martingale-differences,
Ari Nieminen, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2004)
Keywords: Fractional Brownian motion Martingale-difference Weak convergence

On conditionally mixing processes,
Ari Veijanen, in Statistics & Probability Letters (1990) Downloads

Voluntary emission trading potential of Turkey,
İzzet Ari, in Energy Policy (2013)
Keywords: Climate change; Voluntary emission trading; Turkey;

Should Economics aspire to become mathematical?: A review of Debunking Economics by Steve Keen. SummaryPlus | Full Text + Links | PDF (70 K),
Ari Belenkiy, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2005) Downloads

An Early Warning Signals Approach for Currency Crises: The Turkish Case,
Ali Ari, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Currency crises; Early warning indicators; Crisis prediction; Turkey

L’Adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union Européenne: Une Evaluation Macroéconomique dans la Perspective des Critères de Copenhague,
Ali Ari, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: European Union; Copenhagen Criteria; Turkey

An Early Warning Signals Approach to the Currency Crises: The Turkish Case,
Ali Ari, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2009)

Risk management for the poor and vulnerable,
Ari Perdana, from Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia (2005)
Keywords: poverty, vulnerability, risk management, microfinance.

Peranan "Kepentingan" Dalam Mekanisme Pasar dan Penentuan Kebijakan Ekonomi di Indonesia,
Ari Perdana, from Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia (2001)
Keywords: Indonesia, political economy, economic policy, state intervention

Sovereign Risk and Bank Risk-Taking,
Anil Ari, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2016) Downloads

Sovereign risk and bank risk-taking,
Anil Ari, from European Systemic Risk Board (2018)
Keywords: banking crises, financial constraints, risk-taking, sovereign debt crises

Sovereign risk and bank risk-taking,
Anil Ari, from European Central Bank (2016)
Keywords: bank risk-taking, Eurozone, financial constraints, sovereign debt crises

Gambling traps,
Anil Ari, from European Central Bank (2018)
Keywords: banking crises, financial constraints, risk-taking, sovereign debt crises

Sovereign Risk and Bank Risk-Taking,
Anil Ari, from Job Market Papers (2016) Downloads

Ari Afilalo, from Jean Monnet Chair (1997)
Keywords: democracy; direct effect; environmental policy; European Commission; European Court of Justice; Germany; interest representation; Italy; law; Netherlands; political science; social policy; supranationalism; Treaty on European Union; U.K.

Discounting of long-term costs: What would future generations prefer us to do?,
Ari Rabl, in Ecological Economics (1996) Downloads

Early warning systems for currency crises: The Turkish case,
Ali Ari, in Economic Systems (2012)
Keywords: Currency crises; Crisis determinants; Crisis prediction; Turkey;

Registered author: Ari Rakatama

Registered author: Ali ARI

The experience of knowledge in everyday accounting: a study of Finnish accounting managers,
Ari Manninen, in European Accounting Review (1995) Downloads

Ari Samsky, in Journal of Cultural Economy (2011) Downloads

Border Disputes and Identity in Anglophone British Columbia: 1859–1903,
Ari Finnsson, in Journal of Borderlands Studies (2020) Downloads

Remittances and Energy Consumption: APanel Data Analysis for MENA Countries,
Ayse Ari, in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2022)
Keywords: Remittances, Energy Consumption, MENA Countries, Panel Data, Cointegration

Shared problem solving and design thinking in entrepreneurship research,
Ari Hyytinen, in Journal of Business Venturing Insights (2021)
Keywords: Design science; Problem framing; Problem solving; Shared problems;

Why do analysts revise their stock recommendations after earnings announcements?,
Ari Yezegel, in Journal of Accounting and Economics (2015)
Keywords: Financial analysts; Stock recommendations; Earnings announcements; Information interpretation versus information discovery;

The new tribalism: hostels and violence,
Ari Sitas, in Journal of Southern African Studies (1996) Downloads

The time profile of risk in banking crises: evidence from Scandinavian banking sectors,
Ari Hyytinen, in Applied Financial Economics (2002) Downloads

The Roots of American Bureaucracy, 1830–1900. By William E. Nelson. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982. vii + 208 pp. $22.50.),
Ari Hoogenboom, in Business History Review (1984) Downloads

Minding the Competition: From Mapping to Mastery,
Ari Ginsberg, in Strategic Management Journal (1994) Downloads

Volatility modelling of foreign exchange rate: discrete GARCH family versus continuous GARCH,
Yakup Ari, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Volatility, Levy Process,GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH,COGARCH,

Chasing Volatility of USD/TRY Foreign Exchange Rate: The Comparison of CARR, EWMA, and GARCH Models,
Yakup Ari, in EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics (2022)
Keywords: CARR, EWMA, GARCH, Volatility, USD-TRY

USD/TRY and foreign banks in Turkey: Evidence by TVP-VAR,
Yakup Ari, in Applied Econometrics (2022)
Keywords: Diebold–Yilmaz Connectedness Index; dynamic connectedness; CARR; TVP-VAR.

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