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188966 documents matched the search for Arbuckle, J. Gordon in authors.
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2012 Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: Rural issues and quality of life,
Arbuckle, J. Gordon,, from Iowa State University, Department of Economics (2015) Downloads

Spatially Representing Vulnerability to Extreme Rain Events Using Midwestern Farmers’ Objective and Perceived Attributes of Adaptive Capacity,
Maaz Gardezi and J. Gordon Arbuckle, in Risk Analysis (2019) Downloads

2012 Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: Land Values,
Laura Sternweis and Arbuckle, J. Gordon,, from Iowa State University, Department of Economics (2016) Downloads

2012 Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: Pest resistance and certified conservation,
Arbuckle, J. Gordon, and Paul Lasley, from Iowa State University, Department of Economics (2015) Downloads

Motivations, goals, and benefits associated with organic grain farming by producers in Iowa, U.S,
Guang Han, J. Gordon Arbuckle and Nancy Grudens-Schuck, in Agricultural Systems (2021)
Keywords: Organic agriculture; Sustainable farming; Adoption; Motivations; Benefits;

Developing farmer typologies to inform conservation outreach in agricultural landscapes,
Suraj Upadhaya, J. Gordon Arbuckle and Lisa A. Schulte, in Land Use Policy (2021)
Keywords: Biodiversity conservation; Soil and water conservation; Multivariate analysis; Corn belt; Agricultural production;

Beyond cross-sectional, one-time adoption measures of conservation practices: Understanding temporal adoption patterns using farm-level panel data,
Zhushan Du, Hongli Feng and J. Gordon Arbuckle, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2024)
Keywords: Environmental Economics And Policy, Agricultural And Food Policy

Cost-share Effectiveness in the Adoption of Cover Crops in Iowa,
Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Catherine Kling and J. Gordon Arbuckle, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2015)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use

Evidence from a Corn Belt Farmers’ Survey: A Multi-Layered Analysis of Understanding Farmers’ Adaption Strategies to Climate Change,
Adriana M. Valcu-Lisman, Yongjie Ji, Catherine Kling and J. Gordon Arbuckle, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2018)
Keywords: Resource and Environmental Policy Analysis, Risk and Uncertainty, Natural Resource Economics

What would farmers do? Adaptation intentions under a Corn Belt climate change scenario,
Gabrielle E. Roesch-McNally, J. Gordon Arbuckle and John Charles Tyndall, in Agriculture and Human Values (2017)
Keywords: Agriculture, Adaptation, Climate change, Farmer decision making, Resilience

Examining farmers’ adoption of nutrient management best management practices: a social cognitive framework,
Lijing Gao and J. Arbuckle, in Agriculture and Human Values (2022)
Keywords: Nutrient management, Social cognitive theory, Efficacy, Motivation, Structural factors

Farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change and attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation: Evidence from Iowa,
J. Arbuckle, Lois Morton and Jon Hobbs, in Climatic Change (2013) Downloads

Promoting sustainable agriculture: Iowa stakeholders’ perspectives on the US Farm Bill conservation programs,
Gabriel Medina, Catherine Isley and J. Arbuckle, in Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development (2021)
Keywords: Food systems, Environmental sustainability, Agricultural policy, Agri-environment, Soil health, Water and nutrient management

Understanding the relationship between land tenure and conservation behavior: Recommendations for social science research,
Pranay Ranjan, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Sarah P. Church, Francis R. Eanes, Kristin Floress, Yuling Gao, Benjamin Gramig, Ajay S. Singh and Linda S. Prokopy, in Land Use Policy (2022)
Keywords: Agriculture; Best management practices; Conservation; Farmers; Non-operating landowners; Rented farmland;

Farmer typologies integrating latent and observed characteristics: Insights for soil and water conservation outreach,
Suraj Upadhaya, J. G. Arbuckle and Lisa A. Schulte, in Land Use Policy (2023)
Keywords: Conservation communication; Conservation engagement; Farmer characteristics; Corn belt; Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll;

Meeting global challenges with regenerative agriculture producing food and energy,
Lisa A. Schulte, Bruce E. Dale, Stefano Bozzetto, Matt Liebman, Glaucia M. Souza, Nick Haddad, Tom L. Richard, Bruno Basso, Robert C. Brown, Jorge A. Hilbert and J. Gordon Arbuckle, in Nature Sustainability (2022) Downloads

“Safer to plant corn and beans”? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt,
Rebecca Traldi, Lauren Asprooth, Emily M. Usher, Kristin Floress, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Megan Baskerville, Sarah P. Church, Ken Genskow, Seth Harden, Elizabeth T. Maynard, Aaron William Thompson, Ariana P. Torres and Linda S. Prokopy, in Agriculture and Human Values (2024)
Keywords: Agriculture, Diversification, Corn Belt, Qualitative

The International Eye Foundation/Kenya Rural Blindness Prevention Project,
R.Douglass Arbuckle, in Social Science & Medicine (1983) Downloads

Computer announcement amos: Analysis of moment structures,
James Arbuckle, in Psychometrika (1994) Downloads

Lack of intergenerational reproductive conflict, rather than lack of inclusive fitness benefits, explains absence of post-reproductive lifespan in long-finned pilot whales,
Jack L McCormack, Kevin Arbuckle, Karen Fullard, William Amos and Hazel J Nichols, in Behavioral Ecology (2023)
Keywords: cetaceans, costs vs. benefits, demography, post-reproductive lifespan, social structure

Canadian Oil Sands Extraction and Upgrading: A Synthesis of the Data on Energy Consumption, CO 2 Emissions, and Supply Costs,
Rui Xing, Diego V. Chiappori, Evan J. Arbuckle, Matthew T. Binsted and Evan G. R. Davies, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: oil sands; CO 2 emissions; energy input; energy supply costs; industrial energy consumption; energy system modeling; Canada

The Evaluation of Normalizing Constants in Closed Queueing Networks,
J. J. Gordon, in Operations Research (1990)
Keywords: queues/networks: calculation of normalizing constants

The Role of Analysis on the 17 Most Political Acres on the Face of the Earth,
Donald R. Arbuckle, in Risk Analysis (2011) Downloads

An experiential model of drought risk and future irrigation behaviors among central Minnesota farmers,
Mae A. Davenport, Amelia Kreiter, Kate A. Brauman, Bonnie Keeler, J. Arbuckle, Vasudha Sharma, Amit Pradhananga and Ryan Noe, in Climatic Change (2022)
Keywords: Irrigation, Climate change adaptation, Drought risk perception, Agriculture

What Outcomes are Important for Gout Patients? In-Depth Qualitative Research into the Gout Patient Experience to Determine Optimal Endpoints for Evaluating Therapeutic Interventions,
Sophi Tatlock, Katja Rüdell, Charlotte Panter, Rob Arbuckle, Leslie R. Harrold, William J. Taylor and Tara Symonds, in The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (2017) Downloads

Cover Crop Adoption Decisions in Iowa: Insights from an In-Person Survey,
Jimena Gonzalez-Ramirez, Catherine Kling, J. Arbuckle, Lois Wright Morton, Jean McGuire, Chad Ingels and Jamie Benning, from Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at Iowa State University (2017) Downloads

Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside of manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe,
Robert J. Gordon and Robert J. Gordon, in European Economic Review (1987) Downloads

Dynamic Multi-Factor Clustering of Financial Networks,
Gordon J. Ross, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

Friedman and Phelps on the Phillips curve viewed from a half century's perspective,
Robert J. Gordon, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2018)
Keywords: unemployment; inflation; Keynesian model; price inertia; supply shocks; natural rate

This Common Inheritance -An American View,
Gordon J. Macdonald, in Energy & Environment (1991) Downloads

Gordon J. Flynn, in Journal of Food Distribution Research (1984)
Keywords: Agribusiness

Gordon J. Flynn, in Journal of Food Distribution Research (1988)
Keywords: Agribusiness

Gordon J. Flynn, in Journal of Food Distribution Research (1983)
Keywords: Agribusiness

The Distribution of Daily Changes in Commodity Futures Prices,
J. Douglas Gordon, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1985)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis

A Model for Estimating Future Agricultural Acreage and Production in Malawi,
J. G. Gordon, from Imperial College at Wye, Department of Agricultural Sciences (1971)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use

Of Harms and Benefits: Torts, Restitution, and Intellectual Property,
Wendy J Gordon, in The Journal of Legal Studies (1992) Downloads

The Payoff Period and the Rate of Profit,
Myron J. Gordon, in The Journal of Business (1955) Downloads

Scientific basis for the greenhouse effect,
Gordon J. Macdonald, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (1987) Downloads

Review: Bottom-up Management,
Paul J. Gordon, in ILR Review (1950) Downloads

Book Review: The Power of People,
Paul J. Gordon, in ILR Review (1951) Downloads

From Dissent to Disobedience: A Justification of Rational Protest,
Gordon J. Schochet, in Politics & Society (1971) Downloads

Economics and Industry,
Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1952) Downloads

CASSELMAN, PAUL HUBERT. The Coopera tive Movement and Some of Its Prob lems. Pp. xiii, 178. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1952. $3.00,
Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1952) Downloads

Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1969) Downloads

Book Review: Recreation Management and Pricing by A. G. BOVAIRD, M. J. TRICKER and R. STOAKES. Aldershot: Gower. 1984. pp. 182. £15.00,
J. Gordon Adams, in Urban Studies (1985) Downloads

Book Reviews: Promoting Health in the Human Environment. Edited by EVELYN E. MEYER & PETER SAINSBURY. WHO, Geneva. 69 pp. Price: SW Fr. 12.00,
Andrew J. Gordon, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1979) Downloads

Book Reviews: Families Without Hope - A Controlled Study of 33 Problem Families. By W. L. TONGE, D. S. JAMES, and SUSAN HILLAM. Headley Bros., Ltd., Kent, England. 156 pp. Price,
Andrew J. Gordon, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1979) Downloads

Book Reviews: Mental Health Services in Europe. By A. R. MAY. WHO, Geneva. 1976. 59 pp. Price: SW Fr. 12.00; U.S. $4.80,
Andrew J. Gordon, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1979) Downloads

Highway Transportation,
J. Gordon Mckay, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1924) Downloads

WARD, LEO R. Ourselves, Inc. Pp. x, 236. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $2.50,
Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1946) Downloads

Protection of the Consumer,
Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1939) Downloads

THOMPSON, CHARLES MANFRED, and FRED MITCHELL JONES. Economic Develop ment of the United States. Pp. xiii, 794. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50,
Leland J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1939) Downloads

Deux siècles de croissance économique: l'Europe à la poursuite des États-Unis,
Robert J. Gordon, in Revue de l'OFCE (2003) Downloads

Growth and Security Under Welfare-Corporate Capitalism and Market Socialism,
Myron J. Gordon, in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (2001)
Keywords: Comparative analysis of economic systems, economic growth, welfare

Modeling Financial Volatility in the Presence of Abrupt Changes,
Gordon J. Ross, from arXiv.org (2012) Downloads

Rights: The New Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns. By Luc Ferry. Translated by Franklin Philip. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. 151p. $21.00,
Gordon J. Tolle, in American Political Science Review (1991) Downloads

Participatory and Workplace Democracy: A Theoretical Development in the Critique Of Liberalism. By Ronald M. Mason. Carbondale and Edtvardsville, IL, Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. pp. xix + 248. $24.00,
Gordon J. Tolle, in Business History Review (1983) Downloads

International Institutions for Environmental Management,
Gordon J. MacDonald, in International Organization (1972) Downloads

How to Boost the Payoff from Innovation While Shrinking its Destructive Side Effects,
Robert J. Gordon, in Business History Review (2021) Downloads

Studies in the Interwar European Economy. By Derek H. Aldcroft. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1997. Pp. 240. $84.95,
Robert J. Gordon, in The Journal of Economic History (2000) Downloads

The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy. By Adam Tooze. London and New York: Allen Lane for Penguin, 2006. Pp. xvii, 800. $30,
Robert J. Gordon, in The Journal of Economic History (2009) Downloads

The Mind of Jeremy Bentham. By D. J. Manning. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1968. Pp. 118. $4.50.),
Gordon J Schochet, in American Political Science Review (1970) Downloads

The Boskin Commission Report and Its Aftermath,
Robert-J Gordon, in Monetary and Economic Studies (1999) Downloads

Interpreting the 'One Big Wave' in US Long-Term Productivity Growth,
Robert J. Gordon, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2000)
Keywords: Productivity; Economic growth; Measurement; Labour input; Capital-input; Inventions

Is U.S. Economic Growth Over?faltering innovation Confronts the Six headwinds,
R. J. Gordon, in Voprosy Ekonomiki (2013) Downloads

Steady Anticipated Inflation: Mirage or Oasis?,
Robert J. Gordon, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1971)
Keywords: macroeconomics, inflation, unemployment

Wage-Price Controls and the Shifting Phillips Curve,
Robert J. Gordon, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1972)
Keywords: macroeconomics, Wage-Price controls, Phillips Curve, inflation

Unemployment and Potential Output in the 1980s,
Robert J. Gordon, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1984)
Keywords: macroeconomics, output, 1980s, unemployment

Understanding Inflation in the 1980s,
Robert J. Gordon, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1985)
Keywords: macroeconomics, inflation, unemployment rate

Europe Chasing the American Frontier,
Robert J. Gordon, from University of Oviedo, Department of Economics, Oviedo Efficiency Group (OEG) (2003) Downloads

The Politics of Accountability in Networked Urban Climate Governance,
David J. Gordon, in Global Environmental Politics (2016) Downloads

The American Business Cycle,
Robert J. Gordon, from University of Chicago Press (1990)

Productivity and Growth over the Years at BPEA,
Robert J. Gordon, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2021)
Keywords: BPEA, history, labor market research

Secular Stagnation on the Supply Side: U.S. Producivity Growth in the Long Run,
Robert J. Gordon, in Communications & Strategies (2015)
Keywords: economic growth, total factor productivity, potential output, innovation, technology, hours of work.

U.S. Productivity Growth: The Slowdown Has Returned After a Temporary Revival,
Robert J. Gordon, in International Productivity Monitor (2013) Downloads

Comments on Daniel Sichel's Review Article on The Rise and Fall of American Growth,
Robert J. Gordon, in International Productivity Monitor (2016)
Keywords: Productivity, Productivity Growth, Economic Growth, Living Standards, Review

Ernst Majonica. East-West Relations: A German View. Pp. xii, 240. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $6.50,
Harold J. Gordon, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1971) Downloads

A World Scale National Corporation Industrial Strategy,
Myron J. Gordon, in Canadian Public Policy (1978) Downloads

Not Studying White, Up or Down, but Around Southern Africa: A Response to Francis Nyamnjoh,
Robert J. Gordon, in Africa Spectrum (2013)
Keywords: anthropology

The Demise and Rise of the Coy San, Review: De Jongh, Michael (2012), Roots and Routes: Karretjie People of the Great Karoo: The Marginalisation of a South African First People; Glyn, Patricia (2013), What Dawid Knew: A Journey with the Kruipers, Johannesburg: Picador; Myburgh, Paul John (2013), The Bushman Winter Has Come: The True Story of the Last Band of /Gwikwe Bushmen on the Great Sand Face; Taylor, Julie J. (2012), Naming the Land: San Identity and Community Conservation in Namibia’s West Caprivi; Zips-Mairitsch, Manuela (2013), Lost Lands? (Land) Rights of the San in Botswana and the Legal Concept of Indigeneity in Africa,
Robert J. Gordon, in Africa Spectrum (2014)
Keywords: indigenous peoples, San, Khoikhoi, anthropology

Another Look at New Religions,
J. Gordon Melton, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1993) Downloads

Growth, uncertainty and the Third World in the rise and fall of capitalism,
Myron J. Gordon, in Journal of Asian Economics (2005) Downloads

Is China's financial system threatened by its policy loans debt?,
M. J. Gordon, in Journal of Asian Economics (2003) Downloads

Ten strategic audit questions,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1997) Downloads

What do professors do?,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1986) Downloads

The mind of the strategist: The art of Japanese business: by Kenichi Ohmae New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1983) Downloads

Management territory: By their buzz words shall ye know them,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1979) Downloads

The ball game,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1963) Downloads

Heuristic problem solving: You can do it,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1962) Downloads

Formula for a 70-minute hour,
Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1961) Downloads

Paul J. Gordon, in Business Horizons (1960) Downloads

The Measurement of Durable Goods Prices,
Robert J. Gordon, from University of Chicago Press (2007)

Finance, investment, and their macroeconomic implications,
M. J. Gordon, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (1994) Downloads

Urban mass transportation planning: Alan Black. (McGraw-Hill Series in Transportation). McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A., 1995. 411 pp. + xvi. ISBN 0-07-005557-2. $82.84,
Gordon J. Fielding, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (1997) Downloads

Stuck in traffic: Coping with peak-hour traffic congestion: Anthony Downs. The Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036-2188, U.S.A., 1992. 210 pp. + xi. ISBN 0-8157-1924-8 (cloth) $28.95; ISBN 0-8157-1923-x (paper) $10.95,
Gordon J. Fielding, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (1993) Downloads

Communication and its constraints on the structure of organisations,
Gordon J Laing, in Omega (1980) Downloads

Modelling financial volatility in the presence of abrupt changes,
Gordon J. Ross, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2013)
Keywords: Volatility modeling; GARCH; Change detection; Nonparametric statistics;

Self-excitation in the solar flare waiting time distribution,
Gordon J. Ross, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2020)
Keywords: Statistical physics; Complex systems; Solar flares;

Probabilities of maximal deviations for nonparametric regression function estimates,
Gordon J. Johnston, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1982)
Keywords: Density estimates nonparemetric regression estimates maximal deviations Gaussian processes

Declining American economic growth despite ongoing innovation,
Robert J. Gordon, in Explorations in Economic History (2018) Downloads

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