1068 documents matched the search for Ansgar Belke in authors.
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debt mutualisation in the ongoing Eurozone crisis – a tale of the ‘North’ and the ‘South’, Ansgar Belke,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: banking union, debt mutualisation, EU governance, Eurozone, North
Introduction to the Open Economies Review Special Issue on “Monetary Policy, Exchange Rates and Integration”, Ansgar Belke,
in Open Economies Review
Introduction to the Special Issue on “Exchange Rates, Financial Integration and Uncertainty”, Ansgar Belke,
in Open Economies Review
Partisan Political Business Cycles in the German Labour Market? Empirical Tests in the Light of the Lucas-Critique, Ansgar Belke,
in Public Choice
Natural disaster in Japan: implications for world financial markets, Ansgar Belke,
in Asia Europe Journal
Depression and grief as a result of economic and financial crises: the example of Greece and some generalizations, Ansgar Belke,
in Economic Change and Restructuring
Keywords: Depression, Grief, Economic and financial crisis, Greece, Health effects, Effects of psychological and emotional factors on the macro economy
Exchange Rate Movements and Unemployment in the EU Accession Countries—A Panel Analysis, Ansgar Belke,
in Review of Development Economics
Secular Stagnation, Unemployment Hysteresis and Monetary Policy in EMU: Scratches but Not Scars?, Ansgar Belke,
in The Economists' Voice
Keywords: inflation, hysteresis, monetary policy, Phillips curve, secular stagnation, structural reforms, two-handed approach, unemployment
„EU Governance“ und Staateninsolvenz: Optionen jenseits der Kommissionsvorschläge / “EU Governance“ and Insolvency of Governments: Options beyond the Commission Proposals, Ansgar Belke,
in ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Europäische Zentralbank: kontraproduktive unkonventionelle Geldpolitik und der Euro-Wechselkurs / European Central Bank: counter-productive unconventional monetary policy and the exchange rate, Ansgar Belke,
in ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Geldpolitik in einer real divergierenden Währungsunion: Ein kritischer Blick auf die „Performance“ der EZB, Ansgar Belke,
in ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Geldpolitik in einer real divergierenden Währungsunion: Ein kritischer Blick auf die „Performance“ der EZB, Ansgar Belke,
in ORDO. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union—Comments on a Roadmap, Ansgar Belke,
in Politics and Governance
Keywords: banking union; debt mutualisation; EU governance; Euro budget; Eurozone; genuine Economic and Monetary Union; North–South divide; shock absorber
Fiscal Stimulus Packages and Uncertainty in Times of Crisis. Economic Policy for Open Economies, Ansgar Belke,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
Keywords: policy co-ordination; fiscal multiplier; fiscal stimulus package; liquidity constraint; option value of waiting; uncertainty
Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the German Labour Market: A Cointegration Application of the ARDL Approach, Ansgar Belke,
in Ekonomia
Too Big to Fail: Bankenkonkurs, "Bailout" und Wählerstimmenkalkül, Ansgar Belke,
from Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Does the ECB Follow the FED?, Ansgar Belke,
from Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Hysteresis Models and Policy Consulting, Ansgar Belke,
from Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Turkey and the EU: On the Costs and Benefits of Integrating a Small but Dynamic Economy, Ansgar Belke,
from Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
The Strength of the Euro ¨C Challenges for ECB Monetary Policy, Ansgar Belke,
in Research in World Economy
Keywords: Euro, European Central Bank, quantitative easing, exchange rate fundamentals
Die Auswirkungen der Geldmenge und des Kreditvolumens auf die Immobilienpreise – Ein ARDL-Ansatz für Deutschland / Money, Credit and House Prices – An ARDL-Approach for Germany, Ansgar Belke,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Keywords: Autoregressive distributed lag model, credit growth, financial crisis, money growth, house prices, cointegration, Autoregressive distributed lag model, credit growth, financial crisis, money growth, house prices, cointegration
Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures – Magic Wand or Tiger by the Tail?, Ansgar Belke,
in Review of Economics
Keywords: central bank transparency, euro area, forward guidance, non-standard monetary policies, Outright Monetary Transactions, Quantitative Easing, segmentation of credit markets, central bank transparency, euro area, forward guidance, non-standard monetary policies, Outright Monetary Transactions, Quantitative Easing, segmentation of credit markets
Zur Politischen Ökonomie der Arbeitslosigkeit: Mancur Olson versus Insider-Outsider-Theorie, Ansgar Belke,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
Towards a Balanced Policy Mix under EMU: Co-ordination of Macroeconomic Policies and ‘Economic Government’?, Ansgar Belke,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: EMU; Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Policy Coordination; Policy Mix; Policy Rules
Endogenous Optimum Currency Areas and the Blend of Sectors – On the Determinants of Business Cycle Correlation across European Regions, Ansgar Belke,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: Regional Employment; European Union; Regional Business Cycles; Specialisation; Synchronicity
The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework: Consequences for Convergence and Institutional Follow-ups, Ansgar Belke,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: EU Governance; European Financial Stability Facility; European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism; European Monetary Fund; Policy Coordination; Stability and Growth Pact
A More Effective Euro Area Monetary Policy than OMTs – Gold-Backed Sovereign Debt, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: bond pricing, collateral, debt crisis, gold, gold-backed bonds, Outright Monetary Transactions, Securities Market Programme
Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union – Comments on a Roadmap, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: banking union; debt mutualisation; EU governance; Euro budget; Eurozone; genuine Economic and Monetary Union; North–South divide; shock absorber
Impact of a Low Interest Rate Environment – Global Liquidity Spillovers and the Search-for-yield, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: banking union; debt mutualisation; EU governance; Euro budget; Eurozone; genuine Economic and Monetary Union; North–South divide; shock absorber
3-Year LTROs – A First Assessment of a Non-Standard Policy Measure, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: European Central Bank, inflation, interbank market, long-term refinancing operations, monetary transmission mechanism, Sarko trade, sovereign bond yields
Finance Access of SMEs: What Role for the ECB?*, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: ECB, financial crisis, bank-firm relationships, credit guarantee schemes, monetary policy transmission, small business finance yields
Exit Strategies and Their Impact on the Euro Area – A Model Based View, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: federal funds rate, exit strategies, global spillovers, international policy coordination, sudden stop
Monetary Dialogue 2009-2014: Looking backward, looking forward, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: accountability, European Parliament, forward guidance, Monetary Dialogue, transparency.
Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures – Magic Wand or Tiger by the Tail?, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: central bank transparency, euro area, forward guidance, non-standard monetary policies, Outright Monetary Transactions, Quantitative Easing, segmentation of credit markets
Central Bank Communication: Managing Expectations through the Monetary Dialogue, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: central bank communication, European Central Bank, forward guidance, monetary dialogue, transparency
After the Bazooka a Bonanza from Heaven – „Helicopter Money“ Now?, Ansgar Belke,
from ROME Network
Keywords: economic stimulus programmes, full reserve banking, helicopter money, interest rate, joint analysis of fiscal and monetary policy, Quantitative Easing
The Eurozone Crisis and Debt Mutualization: Assessing the Merkel Government View, Ansgar Belke,
in Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik)
Global liquidity and strategies of exit from unconventional monetary policies, Ansgar Belke,
in Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja
Central bank communication: Managing expectations through the monetary dialogue, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: central bank communication, European Central Bank, forward guidance, monetary dialogue, transparency
Impact of a Low Interest Rate Environment - Global Liquidity Spillovers and the Search-for-yield, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Global liquidity, central banks and their policies, financial repression, low interest rates, insurance companies, pension funds
Monetary Dialogue 2009-2014 – Looking Backward, Looking Forward, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: accountability, European Parliament, forward guidance, monetary dialogue, transparency
Exit Strategies and Their Impact on the Euro Area - A Model Based View, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: federal funds rate, exit strategies, global spillovers, international policy coordination, sudden stop
Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures – Magic Wand or Tiger by the Tail?, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: central bank transparency, euro area, forward guidance, non-standard monetary policies, outright monetary transactions, quantitative easing, segmentation of credit markets
Finance Access of SMEs: What Role for the ECB?, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: ECB, financial crisis, bank-firm relationships, credit guarantee schemes, monetary policy transmission, small business finance
Driven by the Markets? ECB Sovereign Bond Purchases and the Securities Markets Programme, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: accountability, bail-out, bond purchases, central bank independence, insolvency risk, Securities Markets Programme, transparency
The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework – Consequences and Institutional Follow-ups, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: EU governance, European Financial Stability Facility, European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism, European Monetary Fund, policy coordination, Stability and Growth Pact
Reinforcing EU Governance in Times of Crisis: The Commission Proposals and Beyond, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: EU governance, European Council, European Financial Stability Facility, European Monetary Fund, policy coordination, scoreboard, Stability and Growth Pact
Financial Crisis, Global Liquidity and Monetary Exit Strategies, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Exit strategies, international policy coordination and transmission, open market operations, unorthodox monetary policy
How Much Fiscal Backing Must the ECB Have? – The Euro Area is not the Philippines, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Central bank independence, central bank capital, counterparty risk, repurchase agreements, collateral, fiscal backing, liquidity, haircuts
Fiscal Stimulus Packages and Uncertainty in Times of Crisis – The Option of Waiting Can Be Valuable, Though!, Ansgar Belke,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Policy co-ordination, fiscal multiplier, fiscal stimulus package, liquidity constraint, option value of waiting, uncertainty
Die Auswirkungen der Geldmenge und des Kreditvolumens auf die Immobilienpreise: Ein ARDL-Ansatz für Deutschland, Ansgar Belke,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Business and Economic Studie (IBES)
Ausstieg aus der unkonventionellen Geldpolitik - die EZB sollte vorangehen: Kommentar, Ansgar Belke,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit - eine Obsession Europas?: Kommentar, Ansgar Belke,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Naturkatastrophe in Japan: Verwerfungen auf den Weltfinanzmärkten?: Kommentar, Ansgar Belke,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Wachwechsel in der EZB - Trichets Erbe: Kommentar, Ansgar Belke,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Geldschwemme und die schleichende Zersplitterung des Euros: Von Tinas und Dicken Bertas: Kommentar, Ansgar Belke,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Central bank communication and transparency: the ECB and the European Parliament, Ansgar Belke,
in International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
Keywords: central bank communication; European central bank; European Parliament; forward guidance; monetary dialogue; transparency.
Driven by the markets? ECB sovereign bond purchases and the securities markets programme, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
A more effective euro area monetary policy than OMTs — gold-backed sovereign debt, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
Turkey and the EU: On the costs and benefits of integrating a small but dynamic economy, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
Monetary dialogue 2009–2014: Looking backward, looking forward, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
The rotation model is not sustainable, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
ECB bond purchases and quasi-fiscal activities, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
Eurosystem Collateral Policy and Framework — Post-Lehman Time as a New Collateral Space, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
Helicopter Money: Should Central Banks Rain Money from the Sky?, Ansgar Belke,
in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy
Euro-Gipfel — Schuldenschnitt und Risikopuffer, Ansgar Belke,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
Transparenz und Forward Guidance: Stimulierung der Volkswirtschaft in der Eurozone?, Ansgar Belke,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
EU Enlargement, Exchange Rate Variability and Labor Market Performance, Ansgar Belke,
from Department of Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Comment on Ana Maria Loboguerrero and Ugo Panizza, Ansgar Belke,
from Springer
Keywords: Labor Market, Monetary Policy, Output Change, Labor Market Regulation, Employment Protection Legislation
Die Auswirkungen der Geldmenge und des Kreditvolumens auf die Immobilienpreise: ein ARDL-Ansatz für Deutschland, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Finanzkrise, Geldmenge, Immobilienpreise, Liquidität, Kreditvolumen, Kointegration.
Financial Crisis, Global Liquidity and Monetary Exit Strategies, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Exit strategies, international policy coordination and transmission, open market operations, unorthodox monetary policy
How Much Fiscal Backing Must the ECB Have?: The Euro Area Is Not the Philippines, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Central bank independence, central bank capital, counterparty risk, repurchase agreements, collateral, fiscal backing, liquidity, haircuts
Driven by the Markets?: ECB Sovereign Bond Purchases and the Securities Markets Programme, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Accountability, bail-out, bond purchases, central bank independence, insolvency risk, Securities Markets Programme, transparency
The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework: Consequences and Institutional Follow-Ups, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: EU governance, European Financial Stability Facility, European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism, European Monetary Fund, policy coordination, Stability and GrowthPact
Reinforcing EU Governance in Times of Crisis: The Commission Proposals and Beyond, Ansgar Belke,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: EU governance, European Council, European Financial Stability Facility, European Monetary Fund, policy coordination, scoreboard, Stability and Growth Pact
Registered author: Ansgar Belke
The Fiscal Compact and the Excessive Deficit Procedure: Relics of Bygone Times?, Ansgar Belke,
from Springer
Keywords: Data revisions, Real-time data, Excessive deficit procedure, EU governance, Fiscal compact, Troika
Macroeconomic Policies, Bureaucracy and Deregulation: The Choice of the Exchange Rate Regime, Ansgar Belke,
from Springer
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy, Euro Area, Economic Freedom, Structural Reform
Oil Price Shocks and Current Account Imbalances within a Currency Union, Timo Baas and Ansgar Belke,
in The Energy Journal
Asymmetries in Transatlantic Monetary Policy Relationship? ECB versus FED, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
On the Shock-Absorbing Properties of a Banking Union: Europe Compared with the United States, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Keywords: banking union, currency union, default, shock absorber, two-tier reinsurance system.
On the benefits of fiscal policy coordination in a currency union: a note, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros,
in Empirica
Keywords: Currency union, Fiscal policy coordination, Stabiliser mechanisms, E63, F42,
Exchange Rate Movements and Employment Growth: An OCA Assessment of the CEE Economies, Ansgar Belke and Leo Kaas,
in Empirica
Keywords: Central and Eastern Europe, currency union, euroization, exchange rate variability, job creation,
On the endogeneity of an exogenous OCA-criterion: specialisation and the correlation of regional business cycles in Europe, Ansgar Belke and Jens Heine,
in Empirica
Keywords: Agglomeration, Specialisation, Regional Employment, European Monetary Union, Regional Business Cycles, Synchronicity, E32, F15, R23,
Portfolio choice of financial investors and European business cycle convergence: a panel analysis for EU countries, Ansgar Belke and Jennifer Schneider,
in Empirica
Keywords: Business cycle convergence, Consumption-wealth linkage, International asset pricing model, Portfolio choice, Panel methods, Specialisation index, E21, F36, G11, O47,
Exchange rate bands of inaction and play-hysteresis in Greek exports to the Euro Area, the US and Turkey: sectoral evidence, Ansgar Belke and Dominik Kronen,
in Empirica
Keywords: Real depreciation, Greece, Play-hysteresis, Modelling techniques, Switching/spline regression, Export demand
Exchange rate uncertainty and play nonlinearity in aggregate employment, Ansgar Belke and Matthias Göcke,
in International Advances in Economic Research
Fundamental Determinants of Real Estate Prices: A Panel Study of German Regions, Ansgar Belke and Jonas Keil,
in International Advances in Economic Research
Keywords: Real estate market, Fundamental prices, Regional data, Panel study
Monetary commitment and structural reforms: a dynamic panel analysis for transition economies, Ansgar Belke and Lukas Vogel,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Exchange rate regime, Structural reform, Panel data, Political economy of reform, Transition countries, D78, E52, E61, F36,
The transmission of oil and food prices to consumer prices, Ansgar Belke and Christian Dreger,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Oil and food price transmission, Asymmetric error correction, MENA region, C22, E31, Q02,
Macroeconomic and financial adjustment in globalised economies - The state-of-play, Ansgar Belke and Keith Pilbeam,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
A simple model of an oil based global savings glut—the “China factor”and the OPEC cartel, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: China factor, Current account adjustment, Interest rate, Oil prices, Saving glut, E21, E43, F32, Q43,
Specialisation patterns and the synchronicity of regional employment cycles in Europe, Ansgar Belke and Jens Heine,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Regional employment, European union, Regional business cycles, Specialisation, Synchronicity,
Exports, growth and financial stability in the euro area and beyond, Ansgar Belke and Keith Pilbeam,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Emerging and small open economies, unconventional monetary policy and exchange rates – a survey, Ansgar Belke and Christian Fahrholz,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Real exchange rates, Emerging and small open economies, Central banking, Great recession, Spillovers
Asset markets, financial intermediaries and growth in emerging markets and beyond, Ansgar Belke and Georgios Chortareas,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Dissecting long-run and short-run causalities between monetary policy and stock prices, Ansgar Belke and Marcel Wiedmann,
in International Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Asset prices, CVAR, Central banks, Monetary policy, VECM
The Yen Exchange Rate and the Hollowing Out of the Japanese Industry, Ansgar Belke and Ulrich Volz,
in Open Economies Review
Keywords: Yen appreciation, Exchange rates, Japanese manufacturing, Hollowing out, Hysteresis
Real Impacts of Intra-European Exchange Rate Variability: A Case for EMU?, Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros,
in Open Economies Review
Keywords: European Monetary Union, exchange rate variability, employment hysteresis, investment, option value, uncertainty,
European monetary policy and the ECB rotation model, Ansgar Belke and Barbara Schnurbein,
in Public Choice
Keywords: Euro area, European central bank, Monetary policy, Rotation, Voting rights, D72, D78, E58,