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51833 documents matched the search for Andrew YOUNG in authors.
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Book Review,
Andrew Young, in Southern Economic Journal (2010) Downloads

Tax-Spend or Fiscal Illusion?,
Andrew Young, in Cato Journal (2009) Downloads

Argumentation Ethics and the Question of Self-Ownership,
Andrew Young, in Journal of Private Enterprise (2015)
Keywords: ethics, private property, self-ownership, categorical imperatives, universalist critique, argumentation, rationality, libertarianism

Reallocating labor to initiate changes in capital structures: Hayek revisited,
Andrew Young, in Economics Letters (2005) Downloads

Replacing incomplete markets with a complete mess: Katrina and the NFIP,
Andrew Young, in International Journal of Social Economics (2008)
Keywords: United States of America, Natural disasters, Insurance, Floods

The Peace of God,
Andrew Young, in Rationality and Society (2022)
Keywords: Medieval economic history; comparative economic development; medieval constitution; political property rights; polycentric governance; Peace of God; sovereignty

Labor's Share Fluctuations, Biased Technical Change, and the Business Cycle,
Andrew Young, in Review of Economic Dynamics (2004)
Keywords: Biased technical change, business cycles, macroeconomics, real business cycle theory.

Andrew Young, in Macroeconomic Dynamics (2013) Downloads

One of the things we know that ain't so: Is US labor's share relatively stable?,
Andrew Young, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2010)
Keywords: Labor' s share Factor shares Income distribution Great ratio Balanced growth Economic growth

Illustrating the importance of Austrian business cycle theory: A reply to Murphy, Barnett, and Block; A call for quantitative study,
Andrew Young, in The Review of Austrian Economics (2011)
Keywords: Austrian business cycle theory, Econometric methodology, E51, C23,

The time structure of production in the US, 2002–2009,
Andrew Young, in The Review of Austrian Economics (2012)
Keywords: Austrian business cycle theory, Input-output analysis, Time structure of production, Capital structure, Roundabout methods of production, E32, E43, E51, E52, E60, B53,

What does it take for a roving bandit settle down? Theory and an illustrative history of the Visigoths,
Andrew Young, in Public Choice (2016)
Keywords: Collective action problems, Governance institutions, State emergence, Roving versus stationary bandits, Visigoths, Roman empire, Ancient economic history, Nation building

From Caesar to Tacitus: changes in early Germanic governance circa 50 BC-50 AD,
Andrew Young, in Public Choice (2015)
Keywords: Self-governance, Economics of clubs, Constitutional exchange, Early Germanic peoples, The Roman Empire, Political economy, D72, N43, N93, P16,

Why cultivate international markets and investments?,
Andrew Young, in Economic Review (1986)
Keywords: International economic relations

From Caesar to Tacitus: Changes in Early Germanic Governance circa 50 BC-50 AD,
Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2014)
Keywords: governance institutions, constitutional exchange, antiquity, early Germanic peoples, the Roman Empire, political economy, Julius Caesar, Tacitus, roving versus stationary bandits, ancient economic history

Visigothic Retinues: Roving Bandits that Succeeded Rome,
Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2015)
Keywords: collective action problems, governance institutions, state emergence, roving versus stationary bandits, Visigoths, Roman Empire, ancient economic history

Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2015)
Keywords: constitutional political economy, polycentric sovereignty, shareholder states, collective action problems, governance institutions, state emergence

Hospitalitas: Barbarian settlements and constitutional foundations of medieval Europe,
Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Institutional Economics (2018) Downloads

Costly Discrimination and Ethnic Conflict: The Case of the Liberian Civil Wars,
Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Private Enterprise (2023)
Keywords: ethnic conflict, Liberia, political economy

The limits of generality for constitutional design,
Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Institutional Economics (2023) Downloads

Consent or coordination? assemblies in early medieval Europe,
Andrew T. Young, in International Review of Law and Economics (2022)
Keywords: Representative assemblies; Constitutions; Coordination devices; Medieval Europe; Political economy;

How the City Air Made Us Free: The Self-Governing Medieval City and the Bourgeois Revaluation,
Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Private Enterprise (2017)
Keywords: Great Enrichment, constitutions, institutions, medieval city, Bourgeois Revaluation, polycentric sovereignty

How Austrians can contribute to constitutional political economy (and why they should),
Andrew T. Young, in The Review of Austrian Economics (2019)
Keywords: Constitutional political economy, Constitutional drift, Austrian economics, Political catallaxy, Robust political economy

The political economy of feudalism in medieval Europe,
Andrew T. Young, in Constitutional Political Economy (2021)
Keywords: Political and economic liberty, Medieval Western Europe, Polycentric sovereignty, Constitutional bargaining, Feudalism

Canadian versus US Mortgage Markets: A Comparative Study from an Austrian Perspective,
Andrew T. Young, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2016)
Keywords: Mortgage market, housing market, US versus Canada, entangled political economy, regulated oligopoly, sclerosis, O10, O43, P48

Registered author: Andrew Thomas Young

Discretionary monetary policy, quantitative easing and the decline in US labor share,
Eric Olson and Andrew Young, in Economics and Business Letters (2015) Downloads

Fast cheater migration stabilizes coexistence in a public goods dilemma on networks,
Glenn Young and Andrew Belmonte, in Theoretical Population Biology (2018)
Keywords: Public goods games; Cooperation; Migration; Spatial ecology; Population dynamics;

Labor's Shares – Aggregate and Industry:Accounting for Both in a Model of Development with Induced Innovation,
Hernando Zuleta and Andrew Young, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2006)
Keywords: : Labor's Share, Factor Shares, Development, Biased Technical Change

Labor shares in a model of induced innovation,
Hernando Zuleta and Andrew Young, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2013)
Keywords: Labor share; Factor shares; Development; Biased technical change; Capital intensity;

Golden Rules for Wages,
Andrew Young and Hernando Zuleta, from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE (2013)
Keywords: labor share, capital share, factor shares, trade unions, bargaining power, organized labor, political economy

Enterprise and Biodiversity: Do Market Forces Yield Diversity of Life?,
David Schap and Andrew Young, in Cato Journal (1999) Downloads

Sources of energy and the environment,
Clive Spash and Andrew Young, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1994)
Keywords: Energy; renenwables; non-renewables; pollution; coal; fossil fuels; nuclear power; wind; solar; wave; ocean; hydroelectric;biomass; geothermal

How Global is Globalization?,
Jac Heckelman and Andrew Young, in Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy (2018)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Policing the chain gang: Panel cointegration analysis of the stability of the Suffolk System, 1825–1858,
Andrew Young and John Dove, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2013)
Keywords: American free banking; Suffolk System; Panel data; Cointegration; Error-correction; History of banking; Adverse clearings;

Occupational Licensing and Interstate Migration,
Sean Mulholland and Andrew Young, in Cato Journal (2016) Downloads

Remeasuring labour's share,
Andrew Young and Hernando Zuleta, in Applied Economics Letters (2013) Downloads

Religion: productive or unproductive?,
Travis Wiseman and Andrew Young, in Journal of Institutional Economics (2014) Downloads

Andrew Young and Jamie Bologna, in Contemporary Economic Policy (2016) Downloads

Nobelity and novelty: Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott’s contributions viewed from Vienna,
J. Subrick and Andrew Young, in The Review of Austrian Economics (2010)
Keywords: Austrian methodology, New classical methodology, Macroeconomics, Real business cycles, Calibration, Time inconsistency, B10, B25, B23, B41, E10, C10,

The consequences of the US DOJ’s antitrust activities: A macroeconomic perspective,
Andrew Young and William Shughart, in Public Choice (2010)
Keywords: Antitrust, Real business cycles, Technology shocks, Markup shocks, Aggregate fluctuations,

Recovery and Reinvestment Act spending at the state level: Keynesian stimulus or distributive politics?,
Andrew Young and Russell Sobel, in Public Choice (2013)
Keywords: Fiscal stimulus, Fiscal policy, Political economy, Public choice, Congressional dominance model, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, D7, H5, E6,

Is foreign aid a pure public good for donor country citizens?,
Travis Wiseman and Andrew Young, in Constitutional Political Economy (2015)
Keywords: Public economics, Public goods, Non-rivalrous goods, Foreign aid, Development assistance, Expressive voting, Warm-glow, Median voter theory, Impure altruism, H41, F35,

Section I. Recent developments and summary of the forecast,
Andrew Blake and Garry Young, in National Institute Economic Review (2000) Downloads

Hard Times or Great Expectations? Dividend Omissions and Dividend Cuts by UK Firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2003) Downloads

Financial Pressure and Balance Sheet Adjustment by Firms*,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2007) Downloads

Section I. Recent developments and summary of the forecast,
Andrew Blake and Garry Young, in National Institute Economic Review (2000) Downloads

Financial Pressure and Balance Sheet Adjustment by UK Firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Royal Economic Society (2002) Downloads

Hard Times or Greatr Expectations?: Dividend Omissions and Dividend Cuts by UK Firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Royal Economic Society (2002) Downloads

The Real Thing: Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886–1959,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004)
Keywords: Sticky Prices; Cost of Adjustment; Menu Cost; Retail Price Maintenance; Single-Coin Vending Machine; Customer Inconvenience Cost; Coca-Cola; Coke; Nickel Coke; Pepsi; Nickel and Dime Stores

Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2019)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Cost of Breaching a Contract, Cost of Breaking a Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Sticky Prices, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola, Secret Formula

Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: Invisible Handshake; Implicit Contract; Customer Market; Long-Term Relationship; Cost of Breaching a Contract; Cost of Breaking a Contract; Coca-Cola; New Coke; Exit Voice and Loyalty; Nickel Coke; Sticky Prices; Rigid Prices; Price Stickiness; Price Rigidity; Cost of Price Adjustment; Menu Cost; Cost of Quality Adjustment

The Real Thing: Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from HAL (2004)
Keywords: Sticky Prices,Cost of Adjustment,Menu Cost,Retail Price Maintenance,Single-Coin Vending Machine,Customer Inconvenience Cost,Coca-Cola,Coke,Nickel Coke,Pepsi,Nickel and Dime Stores,Rigid Prices,Price Rigidity,Price Stickiness

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2014) Downloads

"The Real Thing:" Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004)
Keywords: Sticky Prices, Cost of Adjustment, Menu Cost, Retail Price Maintenance, Single-Coin Vending Machine, Customer Inconvenience Cost, Coca-Cola, Coke, Nickel Coke, Pepsi, Nickel and Dime Stores

Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Coca-Cola, Nickel Coke

Labor's shares - aggregate and industry: accounting for both in a model of unbalanced growth with induced innovation,
Hernando Zuleta and Andrew Young, from Universidad del Rosario (2007)
Keywords: Labor's Share, Factor Shares, Development, Biased Technical Change, Capital Intensity

Re-measuring labor's share,
Andrew Young and Hernando Zuleta, from Universidad del Rosario (2008)
Keywords: Labor's Share, Factor Shares, Development, Biased Technical Change, Capital Intensity

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: Implicit Contract,Explicit Contract,Invisible Handshake,Customer Market,Long-Term Relationship,Price Rigidity,Sticky Prices,Price Adjustment,Quality Rigidity,Quality Adjustment,Nickel Coke,Coca-Cola,Secret Formula,Real Thing

Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: E12; E31; L14; L16; L66; M30; N80; A14

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Sticky Prices, Price Adjustment, Quality Rigidity, Quality Adjustment, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola, Secret Formula, Real Thin

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (2013)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Sticky Prices, Price Adjustment, Quality Rigidity, Quality Adjustment, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola, Secret Formula, Real Thing

Enterprise and Biodiversity: Do Market Forces Yield Diversity of Life?,
David Schap and Andrew Young, from College of the Holy Cross, Department of Economics (2008) Downloads

Globalization and Income Convergence,
Kaitlyn Wolf and Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2014)
Keywords: globalization, institutions, income convergence

How Global is Globalization?,
Jac Heckelman and Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2014)
Keywords: globalization, institutions, sigma convergence, stochastic convergence, panel unit root tests

Religion and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unbundling Religious Institutions,
Amanda Mandzik and Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2014)
Keywords: HIV, AIDS, religion, institutions, religious institutions, sub-Saharan Africa

Crises and Government: Some Empirical Evidence,
Jamie Bologna and Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2014)
Keywords: sovereign debt crises, banking crises, currency crises, inflation crises, institutional quality, size of government, ratchet effect

Would a Free Banking System Target NGDP Growth?,
Alexander Salter and Andrew Young, from Department of Economics, West Virginia University (2015)
Keywords: Central banking, free banking, inflation, monetary constitution, nominal income targeting

Financial pressure and balance sheet adjustment by UK firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Bank of England (2002) Downloads

Hard Times or Great Expectations?: Dividend omissions and dividend cuts by UK firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Bank of England (2001) Downloads

The UK Productivity Shortfall in an Era of Rising Labour Supply,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2021)
Keywords: productivity, labour supply, capital deepening

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from International School of Economics at TSU, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (2013) Downloads

Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from International School of Economics at TSU, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (2019)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Cost of Breaching a Contract, Cost of Breaking a Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Sticky Prices, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola, Secret Formula

Financial Pressure and Balance Sheet Adjustment by UK Firms,
Andrew Benito and Garry Young, from Banco de España (2002)
Keywords: Financial pressure, dividends, equity issues, debt, investment, company panel data

"The Real Thing:" Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886-1959,
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young, from Bar-Ilan University, Department of Economics (2004)
Keywords: Sticky Prices, Cost of Adjustment, Menu Cost, Retail Price Maintenance, Single-Coin Vending Machine, Customer Inconvenience Cost, Coca-Cola, Coke, Nickel Coke, Pepsi, Nickel and Dime Stores

Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from Bar-Ilan University, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Coca-Cola, Nickel Coke

Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from Bar-Ilan University, Department of Economics (2011)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long- Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola

Explicit Evidence of an Implicit Contract,
Andrew Young and Daniel Levy, from Bar-Ilan University, Department of Economics (2013)
Keywords: Implicit Contract, Explicit Contract, Invisible Handshake, Customer Market, Long-Term Relationship, Price Rigidity, Sticky Prices, Price Adjustment, Quality Rigidity, Quality Adjustment, Nickel Coke, Coca-Cola, Secret Formula, Real Thing

Did Leaving the Gold Standard Tame the Business Cycle? Evidence from NBER Reference Dates and Real GNP,
Andrew T. Young and Shaoyin Du, in Southern Economic Journal (2009) Downloads

Residential Integration on Fair Terms for the Disadvantaged,
Hwa Young Kim and Andrew Walton, in British Journal of Political Science (2023) Downloads

Retail prices during a change in monetary regimes: evidence from Sears, Roebuck catalogs, 1938-1951,
Andrew Young and Alexander K. Blue, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2007) Downloads

Did Leaving the Gold Standard Tame the Business Cycle? Evidence from NBER Reference Dates and Real GNP,
Andrew T. Young and Shaoyin Du, in Southern Economic Journal (2009) Downloads

Golden Rules of Wages,
Andrew T. Young and Hernando Zuleta, in Southern Economic Journal (2016) Downloads

Did technology transfer more rapidly East–West than North–South?,
Jamie Bologna Pavlik and Andrew T. Young, in European Economic Review (2019)
Keywords: Continental orientation; Technological diffusion; Deep roots; Economic development; Spatial econometrics;

Would a free banking system stabilize NGDP growth?,
Alexander Salter and Andrew T. Young, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (2018)
Keywords: Free banking; NGDP targeting; Inflation targeting; Monetary policy rules; Macroeconomic stability; Business cycles;

A theory of self-enforcing monetary constitutions with reference to the Suffolk System, 1825–1858,
Alexander Salter and Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2018)
Keywords: Free banking; Monetary constitution; Political property rights; Polycentricity; Sovereignty; Suffolk system;

Golden Rules of Wages,
Andrew T. Young and Hernando Zuleta, in Southern Economic Journal (2016) Downloads

The UK Economy,
Andrew Britton, Nigel Pain and Carry Young, in National Institute Economic Review (1994) Downloads

The impact of off‐market trading on liquidity: Evidence from the Australian options market,
Andrew Lepone and Jin Young Yang, in Journal of Futures Markets (2010) Downloads

The impact of a pro‐rata algorithm on liquidity: Evidence from the NYSE LIFFE,
Andrew Lepone and Jin Young Yang, in Journal of Futures Markets (2012)

Liberalizing Reforms and the European Union: Accession, Membership, and Convergence,
Danko Tarabar and Andrew T. Young, in Southern Economic Journal (2017) Downloads

Can foreign aid motivate institutional reform? An evaluation of the HIPC Initiative,
Minh Tam Schlosky and Andrew Young, in Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (2017)
Keywords: Institutional quality, Economic freedom, Foreign aid, Conditionality, Debt relief, HIPC Initiative

Capitalism and labor shares: A cross-country panel study,
Andrew Young and Robert A. Lawson, in European Journal of Political Economy (2014)
Keywords: Labor share; Economic freedom; Political economy; Capitalism; Institutions; Distribution of income;

The legacy of representation in medieval Europe for incomes and institutions today,
Jamie Bologna Pavlik and Andrew T. Young, in Southern Economic Journal (2021) Downloads

Information Technology and the pandemic: a preliminary multinational analysis of the impact of mobile tracking technology on the COVID-19 contagion control,
Andrew Urbaczewski and Young Jin Lee, in European Journal of Information Systems (2020) Downloads

From banking integration to housing market integration - Evidence from the comovement of U.S. Metropolitan House Prices,
Chi-Young Choi and J. Andrew Hansz, in Journal of Financial Stability (2021)
Keywords: Banking integration; House price; Comovement; U.S. cities; Spillover effect;

US State constitutional entrenchment and default in the 19th century,
John Dove and Andrew T. Young, in Journal of Institutional Economics (2019) Downloads

Disorder, dictatorship and government effectiveness: cross-national evidence,
Andrew Whitford and Soo-Young Lee, in Journal of Public Policy (2012) Downloads

What constitutes a constitutional amendment culture?,
Danko Tarabar and Andrew T. Young, in European Journal of Political Economy (2021)
Keywords: Constitutions; Constitutional amendments; Constitutional rigidity; Constitutional design; Culture; Hofstede indices;

Foreign aid, institutional quality, and growth,
Andrew Young and Kathleen M. Sheehan, in European Journal of Political Economy (2014)
Keywords: Foreign aid; Institutional quality; Economic growth; Political institutions; Economic institutions; Economic development;

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