Die ökologischen Kosten des schleppenden Ausbaus,
Andreas Fischer,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Steigende Förderkosten bei der Windkraft: Genehmigungsstau bremst Wettbewerb,
Andreas Fischer,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
How to determine the unique contributions of input-variables to the nonlinear regression function of a multilayer perceptron,
Andreas Fischer,
in Ecological Modelling
Keywords: Relative importance; Nonlinear regression; Method comparison; Garson's method; Connection weight method;
On the Inadequacy of Newswire Reports for Empirical Research on Foreign Exchange Interventions,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Central Bank Interventions, Intra-Daily Data, Newswire Reports
Measuring Income Elasticity for Swiss Money Demand: What do the Cantons say about Financial Innovation?,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Money Demand, Cross-Regional Estimates, Regional Financial Sophistication
Immigration and large banknotes,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: immigration, large banknotes, hoarding, money demand
Do Interventions Smooth Interest Rates?,
Andreas Fischer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Duration; Federal funds rate; Interest rate smoothing
Reuters News Reports versus Official Interventions: The Inaccuracy of Reuters Reports for Swiss Interventions,
Andreas Fischer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Central bank interventions; Intra-daily data; Reuters news reports
Price Clustering in the FX Market: A Disaggregate Analysis Using Central Bank Intervention,
Andreas Fischer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: E33; Central bank interventions; Intervention strategy; Clustering
Measuring Income Elasticity for Swiss Money Demand: What Do the Cantons Say About Financial Innovation?,
Andreas Fischer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Money demand; Cross-regional estimates; Regional financial sophistication
Immigration and large banknotes,
Andreas Fischer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Hoarding; Immigration; Large banknotes; Money demand
On the inadequacy of newswire reports for empirical research on foreign exchange interventions,
Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
Measurement error and the profitability of interventions: a closer look at SNB transactions data,
Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Fluctuations in the Swiss Franc: What Has Changed Since the Euro's Introduction?,
Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Public Policy
Andreas Fischer,
in Macroeconomic Dynamics
Policy regime changes and monetary expectations: Testing for super exogeneity,
Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Monetary Economics
Weak exogeneity and dynamic stability in cointegrated VARs,
Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Cointegration and I(0) measurement error bias,
Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Money announcements and the risk premium,
Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Measuring income elasticity for Swiss money demand: What do the cantons say about financial innovation?,
Andreas Fischer,
in European Economic Review
Is Money Really Exogenous? Testing for Weak Exogeneity in Swiss Money Demand,
Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Inflation Targeting: The New Zealand and Canadian Cases,
Andreas Fischer,
in Cato Journal
Immigrant language barriers and house prices,
Andreas Fischer,
in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Keywords: Immigration; House prices; (Non) common language;
Euroäischer Stromhandel: Gut für Klima und Portemonnaie,
Andreas Fischer,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Unit Roots and Survey Data,
Andreas Fischer,
in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Do Institutional Factors Matter for the Speed of Disinflation?,
Andreas Fischer,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Interpreting the Term Structure of Interest Rates Using Weekly Money Announcements,
Andreas Fischer,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Central bank independence and sacrifice ratios,
Andreas Fischer,
in Open Economies Review
Keywords: central bank independence, sacrifice ratios,
Renewables Pull: Zieht die Grundstoffindustrie Sonne und Wind hinterher?,
Andreas Fischer,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Comments on: Critical Lagrange multipliers: what we currently know about them, how they spoil our lives, and what we can do about it,
Andreas Fischer,
in TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research
European hoarding: currency use among immigrants in Switzerland,
Andreas Fischer,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Keywords: Money; Immigrants; Bank notes; Monetary policy
Immigrant language barriers and house prices,
Andreas Fischer,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Do Interventions Smooth Interest Rates?,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Keywords: Federal Funds Rate, Duration, Interest Rate Smoothing
Fluctuations in the Swiss Franc: What has Changed Since the Euro's Introduction?,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Reuters News Reports versus Official Interventions: A Cautionary Warning,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Price Clustering in the FX Market: A Disaggregate Analysis using Central Bank Interventions,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Measuring Income Elasticity for Swiss Money Demand: What do the cantons say about financial innovation?,
Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Registered author: Andreas Fischer
Redefining Sovereignty via International Constitutional Moments?,
Andreas Fischer-Lescano,
from University of Hamburg, Faculty for Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science
Keywords: law; sociology; rule of law; fundamental/human rights; sovereignty
Ex Interim Voting: An Experimental Study of Referendums for Public-Good Provision,
Sven Fischer and Andreas Nicklisch,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Green Public Procurement: Potenziale einer nachhaltigen Beschaffung. Emissionsvermeidungspotenziale einer nachhaltigen öffentlichen Beschaffung am Beispiel klimafreundlicher Baumaterialien auf Basis von grünem Wasserstoff,
Andreas Fischer and Malte Küper,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Investitionen in den Klimaschutz: Die Kosten des Wartens,
Andreas Fischer and Sarah Fluchs,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
EEG: Bisherige Ausbauziele reichen nicht aus,
Andreas Fischer and Roland Kube,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
20 Jahre EEG: Investitionsmotor und Kostentreiber,
Andreas Fischer and Roland Kube,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Breite Mehrheit für Windkraft,
Andreas Fischer and Roland Kube,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Net-Zero Industry Act: Europas Aufholbedarf bei grünen Technologien,
Andreas Fischer and Malte Küper,
from Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute
Remarks on "A measure of risk and a decision-making model based on expected utility and entropy" by Jiping Yang and Wanhua Qiu (EJOR 164 (2005), 792-799),
Kathrin Fischer and Andreas Kleine,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Time-Varying Pass-Through from Import Prices to Consumer Prices: Evidence from an Event Study with Real-Time Data,
Marlene Amstad and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Common Factors, Pass-Through, Daily Panels
Do FX traders in Bishkek have similar perceptions to their London colleagues? Survey evidence of market practitioners' views,
Andreas Fischer and Ulan Termechikov,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: foreign exchange traders, survey study, microstructure, FX interventions
Communicating Policy Options at the Zero Bound,
Lukas Burkhard and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Central Bank Communication, Zero Bound
Immigration and Swiss House Prices,
Kathrin Degen and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Immigration, Housing Prices
Do the rich pay their taxes early?,
Andreas Fischer and Lucca Zachmann,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Early tax payment, demand for interest credit on early tax payment
Exchange rate floor and central bank balance sheets: Simple spillover tests of the Swiss franc,
Adrien Alvero and Andreas Fischer,
in Aussenwirtschaft
Keywords: Central bank balance sheets, Spillovers and spillbacks, Risk reversals, OLS regression
The Determinants and Properties of Monetary Conditions: Direct Survey Evidence from New Zealand,
Andreas Fischer and Adrian Orr,
from OECD Publishing
Interventions Versus Customer Transactions: An Alternative Test of the Signalling Hypothesis,
Andreas Fischer and Mathias Zurlinden,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: exchange rate intervention; signalling hypothesis
Austria's Hard-Currency Policy: The Mechanics of Successful Exchange-Rate Peg,
Andreas Fischer and Michael Dueker,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Inflation targeting; Interest-rate policy instrument; Monetary policy
The Mechanics of a Successful Exchange-Rate Peg: Lessons for emerging Markets,
Andreas Fischer and Michael Dueker,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Fixing Swiss Potholes: The Importance of Improvements,
Andreas Fischer and Michael Dueker,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Maintenance and repair; Improvements; Capital utilization
Understanding Reserve Volatility in Emerging Markets: A Look at the Long-Run,
Andreas Fischer and Ricarda Demarmels,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Reserve volatility; Emerging markets; Openness
Sequential Information Flow and Real-Time Diagnosis of Swiss Inflation: Intra-Monthly DCF Estimates for a Low-Inflation Environ,
Andreas Fischer and Marlene Amstad,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Common factors; inflation; Sequential information flow
Shock Identification of Macroeconomic Forecasts Based on Daily Panels,
Andreas Fischer and Marlene Amstad,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Common factors; Inflation forecasting; Daily panels
Time-Varying Pass-Through from Import Prices to Consumer Prices: Evidence from an Event Study with Real-Time Data,
Andreas Fischer and Marlene Amstad,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Common factors; Pass-through; Daily panels
Communicating Policy Options at the Zero Bound,
Andreas Fischer and Lucas Burkhart,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Central bank communication; exchange rate; Zero bound
Monthly pass-through ratios,
Marlene Amstad and Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Keywords: Common factors Pass-through Real-time data
Fixing Swiss potholes: The importance and cyclical nature of improvements,
Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Inflation targeting in a small open economy: Empirical results for Switzerland,
Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Monetary Economics
Do the rich pay their taxes early?,
Andreas Fischer and Lucca Zachmann,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Early tax payment; Demand for interest credit on early tax payment
The effect of self-financed property buyers on local house prices,
Andreas Fischer and Lucca Zachmann,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Self-financed investors; Zero lower bound; Macro-prudential regulation
Are announcement effects time dependent?,
Flavio Cocco and Andreas Fischer,
in Economics Letters
Understanding reserve volatility in emerging markets: a look at the long-run,
Ricarda Demarmels and Andreas Fischer,
in Emerging Markets Review
Regression direction and weak exogeneity: Determining the conditioning properties of US money demand functions,
Andreas Fischer and Giuseppe Nicoletti,
in Journal of Monetary Economics
The speed of the exchange rate pass-through,
Andreas Fischer and Sauré, Philip,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Daily exchange rate pass-through; Speed; Large exchange rate shock
Are Weekly Inflation Forecasts Informative?,
Marlene Amstad and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Inflation, Common Factors, Sequential Information Flow
Exchange Rate Effects of Central Bank Interventions: An Analysis of Transaction Prices,
Andreas Fischer and Mathias Zurlinden,
in Economic Journal
Communicating policy options at the zero bound,
Lukas Burkhard and Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
Keywords: Exchange rate Central bank communication Zero bound
Are Interventions Self-Exciting?,
Andreas Fischer and Mathias Zurlinden,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Duration; exchange rate intervention
Immigration and Swiss House Prices,
Andreas Fischer and Kathrin Degen,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: House prices; Immigration
The Lucas Critique in Light of Swiss Monetary Policy,
Andreas Fischer and Michel Peytrignet,
in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Are Weekly Inflation Forecasts Informative?*,
Marlene Amstad and Andreas Fischer,
in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Immigration and Swiss House Prices,
Kathrin Degen and Andreas Fischer,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Keywords: Immigration; housing prices
Are Larger Monetary Aggregates Interesting? Some Exploratory Evidence for Switzerland Using Feedback Models,
Andreas Fischer and Michel Peytrignet,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Do the rich pay their taxes early?,
Andreas Fischer and Lucca Zachmann,
in International Tax and Public Finance
Keywords: Early tax payment, Demand for interest credit on early tax payment
Are Interventions Self Exciting?,
Andreas Fischer and Mathias Zurlinden,
in Open Economies Review
Does FOMC News Increase Global FX Trading?,
Andreas Fischer and Angelo Ranaldo,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Trading volume, FOMC, Global linkages
Does FOMC News Increase Global FX Trading?,
Andreas Fischer and Angelo Ranaldo,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Fomc; Global linkages; Trading volume
Does FOMC news increase global FX trading?,
Andreas Fischer and Angelo Ranaldo,
in Journal of Banking & Finance
Keywords: FX trading activity FOMC communication Global linkages FX liquidity
The Effect of Low-Wage Import Competition on U.S. Inflationary Pressure,
Raphael Auer and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Low-Wage Country Import Competition, Comparative Advantage, Globalization
The Effect of Trade with Low-Income Countries on U.S. Industry,
Andreas Fischer and Raphael Auer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Comparative advantage; Globalization; Low-wage country import competition
The effect of low-wage import competition on U.S. inflationary pressure,
Raphael Auer and Andreas Fischer,
in Journal of Monetary Economics
Keywords: Low-wage country import competition Comparative advantage Globalization
Ex Interim Voting in Public Good Provision,
Sven Fischer and Andreas Nicklisch,
from Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group
Keywords: competition, collusion, auction, bidding, public procurement
Immigration and Swiss House Prices,
Kathrin Degen and Andreas Fischer,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: F22, J61, R21
A new line search inexact restoration approach for nonlinear programming,
Andreas Fischer and Ana Friedlander,
in Computational Optimization and Applications
Keywords: Nonlinear programming, Inexact restoration, Line search, Penalty function, Complementarity constraints,
Foreign currency loan conversions and currency mismatches,
Andreas Fischer and Pinar Yesin,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
Keywords: Loan conversion programs; Emerging markets; Currency mismatch;
Open mouth operations: a Swiss case study,
Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer,
in Monetary Trends
Keywords: Financial markets; Switzerland
Monthly pass-through ratios,
Marlene Amstad and Andreas Fischer,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
The effect of trade with low-income countries on U.S. industry,
Raphael Auer and Andreas Fischer,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
The Mechanics of a successful Exchange-Rate Peg: Lessons from Emerging Markets,
Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Understanding Reserve Volatility in Emerging Markets: A Look at the Last Thirty Years,
Ricarda Demarmels and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Fixing Swiss Potholes: The Importance and Cyclical Nature of Improvements,
Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee
Understanding Reserve Volatility in Emerging Markets: A Look at the Long-Run,
Ricarda Demarmels and Andreas Fischer,
from Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee