Episodes from the Early History of Experimentation in Economics,
Andreas Ortman,
from School of Economics, The University of New South Wales
Keywords: Experimental methods, Early History of Experimentation in Economics
Do Donors Care About the Price of Giving? A Review of the Evidence, with Some Theory to Organize It,
Jade Wong and Andreas Ortman,
from School of Economics, The University of New South Wales
Keywords: donations, efficiency, price of giving, price-cost trade-off
Exploring the Meaning of Significance in Experimental Economics,
Andreas Ortman and Le Zhang,
from School of Economics, The University of New South Wales
Keywords: Null Hypothesis Significance Testing, Type-I-errors, Type-II errors, Significance level, Statistical power
Understanding Social Impact Bonds and Their Alternatives: An Experimental Investigation,
Jade Wong, Andreas Ortman, Alberto Motta and Le Zhang,
from School of Economics, The University of New South Wales
Keywords: social impact bonds, principal-agent multi-tasking framework, performance-based contracts,inputs-based contracts, social finance
Are recent segment disclosures of Japanese firms useful?: Views of Japanese financial analysts,
Vivek Mande and Richard Ortman,
in The International Journal of Accounting
Additional analyses of recent segment disclosures of Japanese firms,
Vivek Mande and Richard Ortman,
in The International Journal of Accounting
The effect of Japanese business segment reporting on analysts' forecasts: implications for US investors and the SEC,
Vivek Mande and Richard Ortman,
in Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Analysis of Production and Marketing Costs of Corn, Wheat and Soybeans among Exporting Countries,
Gerald F. Ortman, Valter J. Stülp and Norman Rask,
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade, Production Economics
Growth Pattern Responses to Photoperiod across Latitudes in a Northern Damselfly,
Szymon Śniegula, Viktor Nilsson-Örtman and Frank Johansson,
Cities: Complexity, theory and history,
Scott G Ortman, José Lobo and Michael E Smith,
Population-Area Relationship for Medieval European Cities,
Rudolf Cesaretti, José Lobo, Luís M A Bettencourt, Scott G Ortman and Michael E Smith,
The Pre-History of Urban Scaling,
Scott G Ortman, Andrew H F Cabaniss, Jennie O Sturm and Luís M A Bettencourt,
Settlement scaling theory: Bridging the study of ancient and contemporary urban systems,
Jose Lobo, Luis MA Bettencourt, Michael E Smith and Scott Ortman,
in Urban Studies
Keywords: cities; comparative urbanism; data; pre-modern cities; settlement scaling
Improving Mental Health Knowledge and Reducing Mental Health Stigma Among Public Safety Personnel: Comparison of Live vs. Online Psychoeducation Training Programs,
Madeline R. Marks, Clint Bowers, Deborah C. Beidel, Jordan Ortman and Amie R. Newins,
Keywords: public safety personnel; first responders; psychoeducation; stigma; stress; brief interventions
Saving, sharing and shaping landrace seeds in commons: unravelling seed commoning norms for furthering agrobiodiversity,
Emil Sandström, Tove Ortman, Christine A Watson, Jan Bengtsson, Clara Gustafsson and Göran Bergkvist,
in Agriculture and Human Values
Keywords: Seed commons, Farming norms, Commoning, Commons, Environmental governance, Landrace cultivation, Landrace seeds, Landrace varieties, Agrobiodiversity, Heritage seeds, Seed swapping, Crop diversity, Socio-nature, Bio-cultural commons
Analysis of Operating Cash Flow to Detect Real Activity Manipulation and Its Effect on Market Performance,
Andreas Andreas,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Operating Cash Flow, Real Activity Manipulation, Market Performance
Modelling prehispanic Pueblo societies in their ecosystems,
Timothy A. Kohler, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Denton Cockburn, Stefani A. Crabtree, Mark D. Varien, Kenneth E. Kolm, Schaun Smith, Scott G. Ortman and Ziad Kobti,
in Ecological Modelling
Keywords: Archaeology; Agent-based models; Simulation; US Southwest; Exchange in small-scale societies; Specialization in small-scale societies; Evolution of political hierarchy in small-scale societies; Village Ecodynamics Project;
Tradeoffs associated with autotomy and regeneration and their potential role in the evolution of regenerative abilities,
Tara Prestholdt, Tai White-Toney, Katie Bates, Kara Termulo, Sawyer Reid, Katy Kennedy, Zach Turley, Clayton Steed, Ryan Kain, Matt Ortman, Tim Luethke, Spencer Degerstedt and Masis Isikbay,
in Behavioral Ecology
Keywords: autotomy, evolution, fitness, Hemigrapsus nudus, regeneration
How to shape noise spectra for continuous system simulation,
Andreas Klöckner, Andreas Knoblach and Andreas Heckmann,
in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Microstructure Effects on Daily Return Volatility in Financial Markets,
Andreas Krause,
from arXiv.org
Sustainable Credit And Interest Rates,
Andreas Hula,
from arXiv.org
A Review of Marshall and Schumpeter on Evolution: Economic Sociology of Capitalist Development, Edited by Yuichi Shionoya and Tamotsu Nishizawa, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, 2008, 285 pp,
Andreas Stamate,
in The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Determinanten der Schweizer Agrarexporte – Eine Anwendung des ökonomischen Gravitationsmodells,
Andreas Kohler,
in Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture)
Keywords: Trade, Agriculture in international trade, Gravity model
Role of Intercultural Differences in Development of Business Strategies (As Exemplified by Russian-German Economic Relationships),
Andreas Siegert,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: mobility; culture gap; entry to new markets
Normativitõt und Gesellschaftstheorie,
Andreas Suchanek,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Staatliche Regulierung als Enteignung. Zu einer prinzipiellen Antwort auf die Frage der Entschõdigung, Kommentar zu J.R. Siekmann,
Andreas Schwartze,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Fiskalischer F÷deralismus als Anwendungsgebiet der Spieltheorie,
Andreas Pfingsten,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre zwischen Geschwisterliebe und Familienzwist,
Andreas Pfingsten,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Leistung und Motivation im Soldatenberuf,
Andreas Pawlas,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Ethik und Zufall: Alexander von Oettingens Ethik und die Voraussetzungen statistischen Denkens,
Andreas Pawlas,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Theologie und die Krise der Íkonomie. Zum marktwirtschaftlichen Konzept Adam Smith's in Verbindung mit der theologischen Suche nach Gerechtigkeit in der ÷konomischen Welt,
Andreas Pawlas,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Emotions in Organizations. The Blind Spot of Organizational Theories,
Andreas Bergknapp,
in Rivista di Politica Economica
Book Review: Firm Interests: How Governments Shape Business Lobbying on Global Trade,
Andreas Böhm,
in Aussenwirtschaft
Book Review: WTO-Streitbeilegung und EuGH im Vergleich,
Andreas Böhm,
in Aussenwirtschaft
Erhöht die WTO-Mitgliedschaft das Handelsvolumen?,
Andreas Westermeier,
in Aussenwirtschaft
Volatility Transmission in Overlapping Trading Zones,
Andreas Masuhr,
from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster
Andreas Horsch,
in Polish Journal of Management Studies
Keywords: human action, financial crisis, financial institutions
Voies navigables et développement économique,
Andreas Kunz,
in Histoire, économie & société
La modernisation d'un transport encore préindustriel pendant l'ère industrielle: le cas des voies navigables de l'Allemagne Impériale de 1871 à 1918,
Andreas Kunz,
in Histoire, économie & société
Bayesian Estimation of Generalized Partition of Unity Copulas,
Andreas Masuhr,
from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster
A European Analysis of Changes in Gender Specific Wage Inequality Using Decomposition Methods,
Andreas Behr,
in Journal of Income Distribution
Keywords: wage inequality, decomposition, wage equation
A Comparison of Modern Wage Decomposition Approaches,
Andreas Behr,
in Journal of Income Distribution
Keywords: inequality, decomposition
Kommentar zu Wenn Werte entscheiden,
Andreas Remer,
in Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice
Aktuelle Trends und alternative Perspektiven der Hochschulentwicklung,
Andreas Keller,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Finanzialisierung als Kernproblem eines sozialen Europas,
Andreas Nölke,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Gefühlte Mitte – prekäre soziale Selbstverortung von Grundsicherungsbeziehenden,
Andreas Hirseland,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Qualifizieren für das Arbeiten im globalen Informationsraum,
Andreas Boes,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Lohn- und Gehaltsunterschiede zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland –Implikationen für die Angleichung des Rentenrechts,
Andreas Jansen,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Auf dem Weg zum „Traumjob Wissenschaft“ – Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven,
Andreas Keller,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Defensive Innovationen statt schöpferischer Zerstörung. Die risikofreudigen Innovations- und Diversifizierungsstrategien in der österreichischen verstaatlichten Industrie von 1975 bis 1985,
Andreas Resch,
in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen
Der Effekt der Größe kommunaler Volksvertretungen auf die Kommunalfinanzsituation,
Andreas Burth,
in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen
Die Entwicklung organisatorischer Kompetenz – Selbstorganisation und nachhaltiges Management als Voraussetzung fuer effizientes und effektives organisatorisches Handeln,
Andreas Dietrich,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Keywords: Organisatorische Kompetenz, nachhaltiges Management, Selbstorganisation, Kernkompetenzen, Unternehmensethik
Nun sag, Homo oeconomicus, wie hast du’s mit der Moral? Bestandsaufnahme und Grundgedanken zur ‘moralisch-evolutionaeren’ Fortentwicklung des oekonomischen Menschenbildes (Say, Homo Oeconomicus, How Is It with Your Morals? – The Status Quo and Some Thoughts on the ‘Moral-Evolutionary” Development of the Concept of Man in Economics),
Andreas Haaker,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Keywords: Homo Oeconomicus, Morality, Evolutionary Economics, Game Theory
Die Reputator-Funktion in der Unternehmertheorie,
Andreas Haaker,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Big in Japan: Global Volatility Transmission between Assets and Trading Places,
Andreas Masuhr,
from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster
Display Content Adaptation Using a Force Sensitive Office Chair,
Andreas Riener,
in International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI)
Warum auf Langzeit- und Lebensarbeitszeitkonten verzichtet werden sollte,
Andreas Hoff,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Can Sports Promote Exports? The Role of Soccer Matches in International Trade,
Andreas Hatzigeorgiou,
in Global Economy Journal (GEJ)
Keywords: trade, sport, trade costs, soccer, gravity model, information, trade promotion
Andreas Tutic,
in International Game Theory Review (IGTR)
Keywords: TU games, stability, Wiese value, AD value, χ-value
Andreas Hemker,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Andreas Flache,
in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS)
Keywords: Opinion dynamics, intergroup attitudes, polarization, social influence, homophily
Drafting a European Constitution – Challenges and Opportunities,
Andreas Føllesdal,
from University of Hamburg, Faculty for Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science
Keywords: European Convention; treaty reform; transparency; constitution building; institutionalism
Brokers and Market Microstructures in Black Sea Grain Trade. Preliminary Observations from Varna (Mid-19th – Early 20th Century),
Andreas Lyberatos,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Grain Trade, Brokers, Market Microstructures, Black Sea Grain Trade, Bulgarian Economy, Greek Trade Diaspora
Discretized representations of harmonic variables by bilateral Jacobi operators,
Andreas Ruffing,
in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Differential representations of dynamical oscillator symmetries in discrete Hilbert space,
Andreas Ruffing,
in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Dual Szegö pairs of sequences of rational matrix-valued functions,
Andreas Lasarow,
in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Liberalization in Telecommunications,
Andreas Knorr,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Keywords: International Relations/Trade
City Size Distribution and Growth,
Andreas Kopp,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Andreas Wildermuth,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty
Andreas Gramzow,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Andreas Gramzow,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Consumer/Household Economics, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use
Andreas Wimmer,
from University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF)
Keywords: Political Economy
Financing the Future Transportation System: Developing Country Finance,
Andreas Kopp,
from Transportation Research Forum
Keywords: Financial Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Towards Understanding the Scalar Re-Organisation of Natural Resource Governance: Factors Derived from Water Governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany,
Andreas Thiel,
from German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Political Economy
Impact of the SO Threshold on the Statistics of Economic Variables for the Swiss Agricultural Sector,
Andreas Roesch,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Politikalternativen für die russische Getreidewirtschaft,
Andreas Krämer,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade
Die Ertragsausfallversicherung in Russland, Probleme und Gestaltungsalterativen,
Andreas Wildermuth,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty, Farm Management, Crop Production/Industries
Factors affecting the situation of economically weak farms in Switzerland,
Andreas Roesch,
in Agricultural Economics Review
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Development, International Relations/Trade
A New Sampling Design for Swiss Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Data,
Andreas Roesch,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural Finance
Institutions of Sustainability and Multifunctional Landscapes: Lessons from the Case of the Algarve,
Andreas Thiel,
from Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Well-Being of Entrepreneurs: The Thin Line between Work Engagement and Workaholism,
Andreas Rauch,
in Journal of Enterprising Culture (JEC)
Keywords: Workaholism, work engagement, well-being, recovery
Toward a model to compare and analyze accountability standards – the case of the UN Global Compact,
Andreas Rasche,
in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Modelling and trading the London, New York and Frankfurt stock exchanges with a new gene expression programming trader tool,
Andreas Karathanasopoulos,
in Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
The status of the core in the airline industry: the case of the European market,
Andreas Antoniou,
in Managerial and Decision Economics
The Amazon between economy and ecology,
Andreas Hoppe,
in Natural Resources Forum
Conservation agriculture and sustainable development in Africa: insights from Tanzania,
Andreas Scheba,
in Natural Resources Forum
Robustness of Price Perception: How Strong are Anchoring, Left-Digit- and Framing-Effects when Promoting Sales Offers?,
Andreas Kramer,
in Business and Management Studies
Keywords: behavioral pricing, framing, ¡°left-digit-effect¡±, odd ending pricing, anchoring and framing effects
A note on the CAPM with endogenously consistent market returns,
Andreas Krause,
from arXiv.org
Modelling and trading commodities with a new deep belief network,
Andreas Karathanasopoulos,
in Economics and Business Letters
Editorial transition at Rationality and Society: A note from the incoming editor,
Andreas Flache,
in Rationality and Society
Justice as a Social Bargain and Optimization Problem,
Andreas Siemoneit,
from arXiv.org
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Sales Performance in a Business-to-Business Environment; with Implications for Cross-Cultural Adaptability,
Andreas Zehetner,
in Marketing Science & Inspirations
Keywords: emotional intelligence, sales performance, cross-cultural adaptability, sales skills
Divided over Iraq, United over Iran. A Rational Choice Explanation to European Irrationalities,
Andreas Goldthau,
in European Political Economy Review
Keywords: European foreign policy, nuclear conflict, WMD, Iran, Iraq, assurance game, regime theory
Institutional Design and Utilization of Evaluation,
Andreas Balthasar,
in Evaluation Review
Keywords: evaluation utilization; institutionalization; Swiss Federal Administration; Switzerland
Wirkungsanalyse der Neuausrichtung der Arbeitsvermittlung im neuen Kundenzentrum (The impact of the new PES customer centre model on transitions to employment),
Andreas Mauer,
in Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung - Journal for Labour Market Research
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Erfolgskontrolle ; Hartz-Reform ; Integrierte Erwerbsbiografien ; Kundenzentrum ; Vermittlungsprozess ; Reform ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; Arbeitsvermittlung ; 2002-2004
Approaches, Methods and Tools of Change A Literature Survey and Bibliography,
Andreas Werr,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
International tax competition and justice: The case for global minimum tax rates,
Andreas Cassee,
in Politics, Philosophy & Economics
Keywords: tax justice; tax competition; fiscal interdependence; minimum tax rates; fiscal self-determination; global justice
How Commitment, Satisfaction, and Cost Fluctuations Influence Customer Loyalty,
Andreas Samudro,
from Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise
Keywords: Satisfaction; Commitment; Switching Cost; Loyalty; B2B Relationship.
Property-Led Regeneration and Job Creation: The Belfast Case,
Andreas Cebulla,
in Local Economy
Andreas Flache,
in Rationality and Society
Keywords: computer simulation; exchange networks; micro-macro link; social dilemmas; social risk preferences