Discussion of “The Market for Reviews: Strategic Behavior of Online Product Reviewers with Monetary Incentives”,
Anna Ressi,
in Schmalenbach Business Review
Keywords: Discussion, Online Product Reviews, Strategic Downvoting, Intrinsic Motivation, Crowding-Out, Helpfulness Ratings
Vertical Boundaries and Endogenous Intensity of Social Comparison,
Michael Kopel and Anna Ressi,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Keywords: social comparison, status concerns, vertical separation, vertical integration, price competition,
Which Peer Group to Choose? The Effects of Relative Performance Information on Employee Self-Selection and Performance,
Petra Nieken and Anna Ressi,
from CESifo
Keywords: peer groups, self-selection, reference points, relative performance information
Location Choice and Contract Bargaining,
Michael Kopel, Mario Pezzino and Anna Ressi,
in Managerial and Decision Economics
Endogenous scope of firm-union bargaining with vertical pay comparisons,
Michael Kopel, Emmanuel Petrakis and Anna Ressi,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Keywords: Scope of bargaining; Unionized oligopoly; Decentralized bargaining; Relative fairness concerns; Vertical pay comparison;
What can I do for you? Optimal market segmentation in service markets,
Peter‐J. Jost and Anna Ressi,
in Production and Operations Management
Harald Hinterecker, Michael Kopel and Anna Ressi,
in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Capturing Direct and Cross Price Effects in a Differentiated Products Duopoly Model,
Michael Kopel, Anna Ressi and Luca Lambertini,
in Manchester School
Information in a Monopolist's Credence Good Market,
Peter-J. Jost, Steffen Reik and Anna Ressi,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Keywords: Credence Goods, Liability, Verifiability, Information.
The information paradox in a monopolist’s credence goods market,
Peter-J. Jost, Steffen Reik and Anna Ressi,
in International Journal of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Credence goods; Liability; Verifiability; Information improvements;
An Experimental Analysis of In-Group Favoritism and Out-Group Discrimination in the Gain and Loss Domain,
Armenak Antinyan, Tigran Aydinyan, Anna Ressi and Lilia Wasserka-Zhurakhovska,
from CESifo
Keywords: in-group bias, favoritism, discrimination, gain and loss domain, polarization
Biodiversity monitoring by farmers to sustain ecosystem services of high nature value grasslands in Austria,
Maria Zacharias and Wolfgang Ressi,
in Rural Areas and Development
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Strategies To Improve Environmental Development Of The Region's Competitiveness,
Anna Obyhod,
in Economics of Nature and the Environment
Offshore Financial Centres and Unfair tax Competition,
Anna Piotrowska,
in Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia
Keywords: offshore financial centre, tax evasion
Analysis of Meeting Social Needs Depending on Household Livelihood,
Anna Krzyszton,
in Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia
Keywords: social needs, correspondence analysis, cluster analysis
Research of the spatial diversity of financial difficulties in meeting the social needs related to culture in Poland,
Anna Krzyszton,
in Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia
Keywords: social needs, correspondence analysis, cluster analysis
The Importance of Calculating the Potential Gross Domestic Product in the Context of the Taylor Rule,
Anna Michalek,
in Dynamic Econometric Models
Keywords: Taylor rule, output gap.
The Analysis of the Forecast Quality Depending on the Length of Forecast Horizon,
Anna Szmit,
in Dynamic Econometric Models
Uniting, Leading, and Ruling: Social Skill and the Construction of Local Social Orders A Review on Book: Fligstein N., McAdam D. 2012.A Theory of Fields. New York: Oxford University Press,
Anna Chernysh,
in Journal of Economic Sociology
Keywords: organizational theory; social movement theory; collective action; theory of fields; strategic action fields; social skill
Students’ perceptions and attitudes towards entrepreneurship, a cross- program and cross- cultural comparison,
Anna Olszewska,
in Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS)
Keywords: entrepreneurship, students, perceptions, attitudes
Anna Brzozowska,
in Advanced Logistic systems
Keywords: management, agribusiness logistic systems, analysing of the discrimination in the agribusiness sector.
Anna Brzozowska,
in Advanced Logistic systems
Keywords: logistics supply chain, market voivodships
Anna Padlowska,
in Polish Journal of Management Studies
Keywords: higher education, higher education in Poland, higher education development, higher education development strategies, environment of the universities
An Analysis of Zoning Fees Associated with the Adoption of Zoning Plans in the Municipality of Cracow,
Anna Trembecka,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: zoning fees, zoning plan, increase in real estate value
Additional Annual Fees as a Consequence of a Failure to Develop Real Estate Let into Perpetual Usufruct,
Anna Trembecka,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: perpetual usufruct, land development, additional annual fees
Suburbanisation and the Housing Situation in the Poznań Agglomeration,
Anna Jancz,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: suburbanisation, spatial typology, housing situation
The Ways of Solving Problems of Neglected Housing Resources and the Needs of Different Generations of Inhabitants on the Example of Łódź,
Anna Bojanowska,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: policy house, housing, resource residence, residential
The Scope and the Rules for Granting Discounts on the Selling Prices of Public Real Properties in Krakow Municipality,
Anna Trembecka,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: discount, public real properties, sale
The Influence of Undetermined Legal Status of Real Properties on the Process of Determining Compensation for Properties Expropriated for Roads,
Anna Trembecka,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: compensation, real property, undetermined legal status
William Morris and the Case for Public Support of the Arts,
Anna Upchurch,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: William Morris
The Changing Core of Organization and Organization Theory: from Contingency to Combinative,
Anna Grandori,
in Rivista di Politica Economica
Aproksymacja składki stop-loss,
Anna Nikodem,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Modelowanie CLV przy użyciu łańcucha Markowa – wykorzystanie danych panelowych,
Anna Decewicz,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Modele Markowa w analizie dynamiki zróżnicowania regionalnego dochodu w krajach UE,
Anna Decewicz,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: konwergencja, efekty przestrzenne, modele Markowa
Social media in the evolution of the Smart Grid in the 21st century,
Anna Pamuła,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: Smart Grid, social media, DSM, Demand Side Management
Characterisation and comparison of functioning of occupational pension schemes in the United Kingdom and Poland,
Anna Gierusz,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: occupational pension schemes, two phases characterising retirement risk, risk management possibilities for members
Impact of the number of classes and transition rules of bonus-malus system on its efficiency in tariff setting,
Anna Szymańska,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: MTPL insurance, effectiveness measures of bonus-malus systems, Markov chains
Review of integrative mechanisms in interdisciplinary projects,
Anna Bobkowska,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: interdisciplinary project, integrative studies, integration techniques, interdisciplinary teams, multi-disciplinary comparison
Potencjał analiz Big Data w procesach obsługi odbiorców energii,
Anna Pamuła,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: smart grid, Big Data, business analytics platforms
Upadlosc konsumencka w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej a kryzys gospodarczy. (Consumer bankruptcy in selected European Union Member Countries in relation to the economic crisis.),
Anna Szymanska,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: consumer bankruptcy, economic crisis
Professional Knowledge and Skills as a Key Factor in the Development of the Outsourcing of Financial and Accounting Services in Poland (Wyspecjalizowana wiedza i umiejêtnosci determinanta rozwoju outsourcingu uslug finansowo ksiegowych w Polsce),
Anna Bagienska,
in Research Reports
Keywords: outsourcing financial and accounting services, human capital, demand for specialized knowledge, entrepreneur
Number of Self-Employed Women and Men – Analysis Based on the Sections of the Polish Economy (Liczba kobiet i mezczyzn pracujacych na wlasny rachunek – analiza oparta na sekcjach polskiej gospodarki ),
Anna Turczak,
in Research Reports
Keywords: employment status, self-employed person, entrepreneurship, gender
Fiscal Rules in Poland (Reguly fiskalne w Polsce),
Anna Kawarska,
in Research Reports
Keywords: fiscal rules in Poland, numerical rules, procedural rules
The hi-tech enterprises as object of industrial policy,
Anna Yurpalova,
in Economy of region
Directions of the small-scale enterprises financial stability groth in the region,
Anna Makarova,
in Economy of region
El uso de la imagen en el aula de e/le y su influencia en la memorizacion,
Anna Madej,
in Philology
Waluty wirtualne w kontekscie teorematu regresji Ludwiga von Misesa,
Anna Wisniewska,
in Catallaxy
Keywords: bitcoin; virtual currencies; regres-sion theorem
L'invasion, principale filière populaire de production foncière et immobilière à Lima,
Anna Wagner,
in Revue Tiers Monde
The process of services liberalization in Italy,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: liberalization, regulation, services, competition
Italian Competition Authority and Constitutional Court: the Dialogue in the Time of the Crisis,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: Liberalization; Competition; Constitutional Court.
Deposit guarantee schemes and banking crisis: is there State aid?,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: Bank; Banking Bailout; Banking Crisis; Deposit Guarantee Schemes; State Aid.
The bailouts of Italian banks and the European Antitrust,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: Banks; Bailout; Stability; Competition; State Aid; Legal Sources; Voluntary Schemes.
Sharing economy before the administrative court. The case of non-hotel accommodation services,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Keywords: Sharing Economy; Regulation; Competition; Competition Impact Assessment.
Gli architetti di fronte agli spazi pubblici bibliotecari,
Anna Galluzzi,
in Economia della Cultura
La cultura nei programmi di cooperazione territoriale europei,
Anna Misiani,
in Economia della Cultura
The demand for art from Giffen to Sweezy,
Anna Pellanda,
in Economia della Cultura
A challenge for Art: Urban Regeneration in the critical spaces of the City,
Anna Detheridge,
in Economia della Cultura
Keywords: Urban Regeneration; Art in The Public Sphere; Artistic Practice; Global and Local Context; Su Stainability; Social Space; Awareness; Potential Resources; Stakeholders; Interdisciplinary Cooperation.
L'abbigliamento infantile: criteri di selezione e modalità di rappresentazione,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Tecnologie dell'informazione e valore per il cliente: dall'efficienza del processo alla consistenza delle relazioni,
Anna Uslenghi,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Il consumo alimentare outdoor: i risultati di alcune indagini empiriche,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Tendenze e macrotrends del consumo. Un'analisi per mercati,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
L'11 settembre 2001: le ripercussioni sui consumi,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
L'andamento dei prezzi al consumo dopo l'avvento dell'euro: i dati di mercato,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Gli investimenti in comunicazione nell'ultimo biennio: settori, media, tendenze,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Le tendenze di consumo: segnali forti, segnali deboli,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Club degli Orafi Italia: tra cultura imprenditoriale e cultura del gioiello,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Il marketing delle materie prime: il caso Platinum Guild International Italia,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Il nuovo corso dei department storse: il caso la Rinascente. Elaborazione di un'intervista a Vittorio Radice,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
La diversificazione come chiave del successo in un mercato maturo: il caso Levante,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Le strategie di internazionalizzazione nel settore orologi e gioielli: il caso Gruppo Binda,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Gestire e organizzare i processi innovativi con un approccio cognitivo. Il caso di un'impresa industriale,
Anna Codini,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Le nuove frontiere del lusso: declinazioni ed evoluzioni dell'hotellerie di alta gamma,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Esperienze di business marketing: il caso 1city.biz,
Anna Codini,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Un nuovo posizionamento nel segmento del benessere naturale: il caso Natur. Intervista a Paolo Marchiori e Cinzia Barducco,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Il settore cosmetico: il quadro attuale, le prefigurazioni future (Elaborazione di Anna Zinola di un'intervista a Fabio Rossello),
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Elisabeth Arden: la strategia e il processo di riposizionamento,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: repositioning, marketing mix, heritage.
La Molina: il segmento del luxury food,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Luxury Foods; Retail Strategy; Specialization.
Istituto Marangoni: il coraggio della coerenza per un posizionamento di eccellenza,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Fashion Schools; Distinctiveness; Italianness; Premium Price Positioning.
Da supplier a brand di riferimento nel segmento dei piatti pronti freschi: il caso Zerbinati,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Ready Fresh Food; Positioning; Branding.
Fior di Loto: dalla macrobiotica al biologico. Cambiare per restare se stessi,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Organic Food; Retail Strategy; Niche; Consumer Behaviour.
Freitag: Recycling Strategies in Fashionable Accessories Industry,
Anna Codini,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Eco-Design; Recycling; Sustainability; Sustainable Consumption; Marketing Policies.
Towards a new vision of products and channels,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Consumption World; Retail System; Homo Oeconomicus; Homo Ludens.
Guna: How a company can build a strong identity in an unbranded market,
Anna Zinola,
in Micro & Macro Marketing
Keywords: Brand Identity; Corporate Social Responsibility; Innovation.
Discrete choice modeling and demand estimation for diapers (in Russian),
Anna Anikina,
in Quantile
Keywords: discrete choice models, random coefficient models, differentiated products, demand estimation
Information: The Added Value to Energy Services,
Anna Pamuła,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: added value, energy customer, information
Vietnam in XXI Century: Institutional Development of S&T and Innovation Policy,
Anna Zaytseva,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: national innovation system; Vietnam; S&T and innovation policy institutes; transitional economy; policy mix
The application of data envelopment analysis method in managing companies' credit risk,
Anna Ferus,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: Credit scoring, credit risk, creditworthiness, Data Envelopment Analysis, technical efficiency
Microsimulation as an instrument for tax policy analyses,
Anna Leszczylowska,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: Microsimulation, quantitative analyses, personal income tax, corporate income tax, loss carry forward
Prize-linked savings mechanism in the portfolio selection framework,
Anna Kaliciak,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: Prize-linked savings, mean-variance model, behavioural portfolio theory
The Estimation of the Importance of Universities Performance Assessment for Stakeholders,
Anna Tikhonova,
in Economy of region
Keywords: higher education, universities, development of regions, intellectual base, human capital, education service, universities performance assessment of stakeholders, modernization of economy, management of universities
Anna Kulik,
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: product, product supply, logistics, market, demand
Anna Briazkalo,
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: resources, financial resources, financial resources of local authorities, monetary resources, local authority
Problems And Prospects Of International Trade’s Non-Tariff Regulation,
Anna Olefir,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Research Of Transport Services’ Market As Operation Environment For Transport Companies,
Anna Braykovska,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
The analysis of feasibility of implementation of modern cost controlling instruments at milk processing enterprises,
Anna Paskalova,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Background Of Implementation Risks Into System Of Internal Control Objects On Travel Companies,
Anna Denysenko,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Ukraine IT sector as strategy planning object,
Anna Soldatkina,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Enterprises of the public sector on the corporate bond market of Ukraine,
Anna Maister,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Costi minimi nell'autotrasporto merci e art. 41 Cost.: continuità o innovazione?,
Anna Argentati,
in Mercato Concorrenza Regole
Anna Khemii,
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: pension system, pension reform, pension insurance, pension schemes, Organization for International Cooperation and Development (OECD)