A Dynamic Model of Housing Supply,
Alvin Murphy,
in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Registered author: Alvin Murphy
Valuing Time-Varying Attributes Using the Hedonic Model: When Is a Dynamic Approach Necessary?,
Kelly Bishop and Alvin Murphy,
in The Review of Economics and Statistics
Estimating the Willingness to Pay to Avoid Violent Crime: A Dynamic Approach,
Kelly Bishop and Alvin Murphy,
in American Economic Review
Tat Chan, Alvin Murphy and Li Wang,
in International Economic Review
Estimating Neighborhood Choice Models: Lessons from a Housing Assistance Experiment,
Sebastian Galiani, Alvin Murphy and Juan Pantano,
in American Economic Review
Rob D. Murphy, Alvin R. Schupp and John G. Lee,
in Journal of Food Distribution Research
Keywords: Agribusiness
A Dynamic Model of Demand for Houses and Neighborhoods,
Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan, Alvin Murphy and Christopher Timmins,
in Econometrica
Explaining cross-racial differences in teenage labor force participation: Results from a two-sided matching model,
Tom Ahn, Peter Arcidiacono, Alvin Murphy and Omari Swinton,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Search Racial employment gap Racial wage gap
A Dynamic Model of Demand for Houses and Neighborhoods,
Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan, Alvin Murphy and Christopher Timmins,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Marginal Cost of Mortality Risk Reduction: Evidence from Housing Markets,
Kelly Bishop, Nicolai Kuminoff, Sophie Mathes and Alvin Murphy,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Tax Policy and the Heterogeneous Costs of Homeownership,
Kelly Bishop, Jakob Dowling, Nicolai Kuminoff and Alvin Murphy,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
A Dynamic Model of Demand for Houses and Neighborhoods,
Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan, Alvin Murphy and Christopher Timmins,
from Duke University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Neighborhood Choice, Housing Demand, Hedonic Valuation, Dynamic Discrete Choice
A Dynamic Model of Demand for Houses and Neighborhoods,
Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan, Alvin Murphy and Christopher Timmins,
from David K. Levine
The marginal cost of mortality risk reduction: Evidence from housing markets,
Kelly C. Bishop, Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Sophie Mathes and Alvin D. Murphy,
in Journal of Urban Economics
Keywords: Housing markets; Sorting; Hedonic; Mortality risk;
On the Path to Exascale,
Ken Alvin, Brian Barrett, Ron Brightwell, Sudip Dosanjh, Al Geist, Scott Hemmert, Michael Heroux, Doug Kothe, Richard Murphy, Jeff Nichols, Ron Oldfield, Arun Rodrigues and Jeffrey S. Vetter,
in International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST)
Taxation in Colonial America,
Alvin Rabushka,
from Princeton University Press
Keywords: economics, taxation, history, america, colonial, reference
BOOK REVIEW: “Inequality, Inclusive Growth, and Fiscal Policy in Asia”,
Alvin Pang,
in The Singapore Economic Review (SER)
A Free-Market Constitution for Hong Kong: A Blueprint for China,
Alvin Rabushka,
in Cato Journal
Exhausted Servers Deny Service - HTTP Get Attack,
Alvin Prasad,
in Journal of ICT, Design, Engineering and Technological Science
Keywords: DoS, Flooding, HTTP Get attack, No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA
Data-Driven Identification of Skills for the Future: 21st-Century Skills for the 21st-Century Workforce,
Alvin Vista,
in SAGE Open
Keywords: 21st-century skills; future workforce; network analysis; data-driven policy; skills valuation; centrality metrics
An American Aid Mission Director's View of Technical Co-operation,
Alvin Roseman,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Art of Measuring the Arts,
Alvin Toffler,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
GERALD SUTTLES. The Social Order of the Slum: Ethnicity and Territory in the Inner City. Pp. xxii, 243. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. $8.95,
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
DAVID EASTON and JACK DENNIS. Children in the Political System: Origins of Political Legitimacy. Pp. xvi, 440. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969. $9.95,
Alvin Richman,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Induced collaboration in some non-zero-sum games,
Alvin Scodel,
in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Motion Picture Lighting,
Alvin Wyckoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Old-Age Assistance,
Alvin Roseman,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Promotion of Thrift in America,
Alvin Johnson,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
America as Creditor Nation,
Alvin Johnson,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Taxation, Economic Growth, and Liberty,
Alvin Rabushka,
in Cato Journal
La revue des livres,
Alvin Panjeta,
Model‐Independent Measures of Volatility Exposure,
Alvin Kuruc,
in Journal of Risk Finance
Planning Without Facts: Lessons in Resource Allocation from Nigeria's Development. By Wolfgang F. Stolper. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. 348. $7.95.),
Alvin Magid,
in American Political Science Review
Studies in Nigerian Administration. Edited by D. J. Murray. (London: Hutchinson Educational Ltd., 1970. Pp. ix, 324. $11.50.),
Alvin Magid,
in American Political Science Review
Studies in Ibo Political Systems: Chieftaincy and Politics in Four Niger States. By Ikenna Nzimiro. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xviii, 287. $12.75.),
Alvin Magid,
in American Political Science Review
Registered author: Alvin Liaw
Registered author: Alvin Poh
From Colonialism to Neoliberalism: Critical Reflections on Philippine Mining in the "Long Twentieth Century",
Alvin Camba,
from Center for Open Science
Pengambilan Keputusan, prestasi kerja karyawan, kinerja karyawan,
Alvin Wijayanti,
from Center for Open Science
Communicating corporate LGBTQ advocacy: A computational comparison of the global CSR discourse,
Alvin Zhou,
from Center for Open Science
California Agriculture Dimensions and Issues: California’s Edge Problem: Urban Impacts on Agriculture,
Alvin Sokolow,
from University of California, Davis, Giannini Foundation
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
L’enquête comme nouveau paradigme du manager public ? Un regard transatlantique,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Management secteur public,Pragmatisme américain,Histoire du management
Expérimenter la qualité à l'université. De la conformité aux normes techniques au potentiel des surprises bureaucratiques,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: New Public Management,Pragmatisme,Expérimentalisme,Management,Qualité
L'instrumentation de gestion à la lumière acétylénique de Peirce,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Charles Sanders Peirce,Instrumentation de gestion,Pragmatisme
The Many Potentialities of Signs in Action: a Peircean Look at Professional Bureaucracies,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Pragmatisme,Signes et significations,Bureaucraties
Le pragmatisme en sciences de gestion,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Pragmatisme,Instrumentation de gestion,Management de la qualité,Contrôle de gestion
Le groupe de travail instrumenté comme dispositif socio-technique de gestion de la qualité – apports de la recherche récente en management des organisations,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Instrumentation de gestion,Théorie des organisations,Management de la qualité
Quand soudain nous créâmes un couloir rouge. La créativité située des groupes de travail qualité dans l’administration universitaire. Pour une approche pragmatiste de l’innovation organisationnelle,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Créativité,Innovation,Instrumentation de gestion,Management de la qualité,Pragmatisme
Switching Inquiries or How the Workers Get Back to the Center: A Pragmatist Account of Quality Workshops in the French Public Sector,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
JOHN A. O'DONNELL. Narcotic Addicts in Kentucky. Pp. xi, 297. Chevy Chase, Md.: National Institute of Mental Health, 1969. $3.00,
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
SOCIOLOGY GENE E. CARTE and ELAINE H. CARTE. Police Reform in the United States: The Era of August Vollmer. Pp. x, 137. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $7.95,
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
JOHN DELAMATER and PATRICIA MAC-CORQUODALE. Premarital Sexuality: Attitudes, Relationships, Behavior. Pp. xiii, 277. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979. $18.50,
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Hugh Rosen. The Development of Sociomoral Knowledge: A Cognitive-Structural Approach. Pp. xvi, 197. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. $20.00,
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Alvin Boskoff,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
La qualité, une affaire de tous ? Une lecture follettienne,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Managament,Management de la qualité,Pragmatisme
Recension de l'ouvrage Pragmatism and Organization Studies de Philippe Lorino,
Alvin Panjeta,
from HAL
Keywords: Pragmatisme,Théorie des organisations
Characterization of bifurcations in the Zeeman catastrophe machine using singular value decomposition,
Alvin Penner,
in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Keywords: Zeeman catastrophe machine; chaos; Lyapunov exponent; limit cycle; symmetry-breaking; period-doubling; imperfect bifurcation; turning point; tangent space; singular value decomposition;
Characterization of events in the Rössler system using singular value decomposition,
Alvin Penner,
in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Keywords: Rössler equations; Chaos; Bifurcation; Andronov-Hopf; Fold-Hopf; Limit cycle; Period-doubling; Turning point; Tangent space; Singular value decomposition;
Collapse mechanisms of a Neimark–Sacker torus,
Alvin Penner,
in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Keywords: Rössler equations; Neimark–Sacker; Torus; Phase portrait; Poincaré map; Bifurcation; Limit cycle; Rotation number;
The Rockefeller inheritance: New York: Doubleday The reviewer, Ralph D. Gray, teaches history at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis,
Alvin Moscow,
in Business Horizons
The unintended consequences of national regulations: Large-scale-small-scale relations in Philippine and Indonesian nickel mining,
Alvin Camba,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Institutions; Philippines; Indonesia; Chinese nickel market; Large-scale-small-scale relations;
US income taxation of new financial products,
Alvin Warren,
in Journal of Public Economics
Beauty and the Beast: the siting dilemma in New York State,
Alvin Kaufman,
in Energy Policy
Workers’ Remittances and Economic Growth in the Philippines,
Alvin Ang,
from DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade
Keywords: Remittances, Development, Migrant Workers
How Chinese firms approach investment risk: strong leaders, cancellation, and pushback,
Alvin Camba,
in Review of International Political Economy
Japanese foreknowledge of the Soviet‐German war, 1941,
Alvin Coox,
in Europe-Asia Studies
The Lake Khasan affair of 1938: Overview and lessons,
Alvin Coox,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Lyushkov: Anatomy of a defector,
Alvin Coox,
in Europe-Asia Studies
A framework for the opportunity recognition process in UK entrepreneurial universities,
Alvin Aldawod,
in Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Keywords: Opportunity recognition; Entrepreneurial university; Resources-based theory;
Black Intellectuals Come to Power. By Ivar Oxaal. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc., 1968. Pp. 194. $7.95.) - Social Change and Images of the Future. By James A. Mau. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc., 1968. Pp. 145. $5.95.) - The Sociology of Political Independence. By Charles C. MoskosJr. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc. 1967. Pp. 120. $4.95.),
Alvin Rabushka,
in American Political Science Review
A Note on Overseas Chinese Political Participation in Urban Malaya*,
Alvin Rabushka,
in American Political Science Review
The Politics of Tradition: Continuity and Change in Northern Nigeria, 1946–1966. By C. S. WhitakerJr., (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Pp. 563. $13.50.),
Alvin Magid,
in American Political Science Review
Monetary Policy in the 'Checkless' Economy: Discussion,
Alvin Marty,
in Journal of Finance
The Role of the Social sciences in Political Reconstruction A Message to the collaborators in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
America's Debt to the Ideal France,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Post‐War Prospect for Liberal Education,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Franz Oppenheimer,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
America's Need for World Horizons,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
America's Need for World Horizons,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Popular Responsibility,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Manila, a Lesson for Imperialists,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Farewell to the Good Old Times,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Boom or Depression Ahead?,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
A Streamlined American Government,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The Rising Tide of Xenophobia,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Labor and Responsibility,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The Japanese Mentality,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Twaddle on the Atomic Bomb,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The First Job of Peace,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The Problem of Educational Bias,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Prophecies of War,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The World Has Changed,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Liberalism, Old and New,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Social Science and World Order,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Government by Concurrent Minorities,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The Magic Word Capitalism,
Alvin Johnson,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology