Associating Turkey with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A costly (re‐) engagement?,
Serdar Altay,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: TTIP, Turkey, Preferential Trade Agreements
Registered author: Serdar Altay
Associating Turkey with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A costly (re†) engagement?,
Serdar Altay,
in The World Economy
Bir Kamu Mali Olarak Sosyal Sermaye ve Yoksulluk Iliskisi,
Asuman Altay,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Sosyal sermaye, kamu mali, kuresellesme, yoksulluk, yeni yoksulluk
Döviz Kuru Rejimi Tercihini Belirlemeye Yönelik Yaklasimlar,
Oguzhan Altay,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Döviz Kuru, Ýki Kutup görüsü, Imkansiz Ücleme, Optimal Para Alani, Dalgalanma Korkusu
İşyeri Kapatma ve İlan,
Altay Yi̇ği̇t,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
İştirak Hisseleri Ve Gayrimenkul Satış Kazançlarının Sermayeye İlave Edilmesine Yönelik Vergi İstisnaları,
Altay Yeği̇t,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Sanayi Ürünleri İhracat İstisnasi,
Altay Yeği̇t,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Turizm Yatırımlarında Vergi İstisnaları,
Altay Yeği̇t,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
İbn Haldun'un Metodolojisi,
Sefa Altay,
in Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies [İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi]
Keywords: İbn Haldun, Metodoloji, Nedensellik, Sünnetullah
Türk Ekonomisindeki İstikrarsızlığın Bankacılık Sektörüne Etkileri,
Oğuzhan Altay,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Business Associations and Turkey’s Foreign Economic Policy: From the ‘Özal Model’ to the AKP Period,
Altay Atli,
in Bogazici Journal, Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies
Yoksulluk Sadece Devletin Sorunu Mu? Kamu Harcamaları Açısından Bir Değerlendirme,
Asuman Altay,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Poverty, Poverty Measurement, Public Expenditures, Social Aid Programmes.
Registered author: Altay Ismayilov
Registered author: Bora Altay
Düzeltme / Correction: Altay, S. (2019). İbn Haldun’un Metodolojisi. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.36657/ihcd.2019.55,
Sefa Altay,
in Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies [İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi]
Good cities, good practices: systematization of a theoretical and methodological framework for local actions to fight against religious discrimination,
Altay Manco,
in Migration Letters
Keywords: Islam, Europe, religious discrimination, Muslims
Herding in Capital Markets: Analysis of Herding Towards the Market in ISE,
Erdinc Altay,
in Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets
Keywords: Herding Behavior, Behavioral Finance
Knightian Uncertainty: The Effects of Risk and Ambiguity on Excess Returns of Borsa Istanbul,
Erdinc Altay,
in Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets
Keywords: Risk, Ambiguity, Uncertainty, Knightian Uncertainty, Asset Pricing, Excess Return
Registered author: Erdinç Altay
The Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Asset Returns: A Comparative Analysis of the German and the Turkish Stock Markets in an APT Framework,
Erdinc Altay,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Asset Pricing, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Factor Analysis, Expected Returns, Principle Components
Cross-Autocorrelation between Small and Large Cap Portfolios in the German and Turkish Stock Markets,
Erdinc Altay,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: German stock market ; Turkish stock market ; Cross- autocorrelation ; Market-wide and portfolio-specific information ; Asymmetric reaction
The Challenge for Global Women Poverty: Microfinance (or Microcredit) as a Solution for Women Poverty in Turkey,
Asuman Altay,
from Izmir University of Economics
Keywords: microfinance, microcredit, poverty of women, globalization
Philanthropy in Ottoman Rumelia: Cash Waqfs from Four Provinces,
Bora Altay,
from Springer
Keywords: The Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Rumelia, Cash waqfs, Capital, Social groups
Turkiye’de Liberal Politikalarin Bankacilik Sektorune Etkileri (1847–1979),
N. Oguzhan Altay,
in Ege Academic Review
Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Füzyon,
N. Oğuzhan Altay,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Üst Orta Gelirli Ülkelerde İşsizlik Histerisi Hipotezinin Test Edilmesi,
Betül ALTAY Topcu,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: İşsizlik Histerisi Hipotezi, Doğal İşsizlik Oranı Hipotezi, Panel Birim Kök Testi.
Policy and experiences of professional integrationof young immigrants in the Walloon region (Belgium),
Altay A. Manço,
in Migration Letters
Keywords: immigrant integration ; Belgium ; Walloon ; youth
Restriction on the Authority to Represent in Turkish Joint Stock Companies Law,
Sıtkı Anlam Altay,
in European Journal of Social Sciences Articles
Keywords: Joint stock corporation, representation, distinction between management and representation, internal regulations, delegation of representation authority.
Difusion of Free/Opensource Software as Innovation: A Case Study of METU,
S. Altay Ozaygen,
from STPS - Science and Technology Policy Studies Center, Middle East Technical University
Sonuçsuz tespit girişimleri ve yetersiz cezalar kartelleri zayıflatacağına güçlendirebilir,
Serdar Dalkir,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: rekabet cezaları, kartel, uyumlu davranışlar, öncel kanılar, güçlendirme, çimento
Bankacılık Sistemi, Sanayileşme Ve Alexander Gerschenkron,
Serdar Şahi̇nkaya,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: bankacılık, sanayileşme, sanayinin finansmanı, kalkınma &yatırım bankaları, alexander gerschenkron
Antitröst İktisadında Birleşme Ve Devralmaların Refah Etkisinin Tahmininde Simülasyon Modelerinin Kullanımı,
Serdar Dalkir,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: antitröst, iktisat, birleşme, devir, refah, bölüşüm, simülasyon, serdar dalkır
Türkiye Turizm Bankasından T.C.Turizm Bankası A.Ş. ne,
Serdar Şahi̇nkaya,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Türk Mevduat Bankacılığının Piyasa Yapısı Üzerine Bir Deneme,
Serdar Şahi̇nkaya,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
World Gold Markets, Istanbul Gold Exchange and Gold Risk Management,
Serdar Citak,
in Istanbul Stock Exchange Review
Erken Dönemde Zihinsel Dönüşüm Bağlamında Halku'l-Kur'an Meselesi,
Serdar Demirel,
in Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies [İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi]
Keywords: Erken Dönem, Halku'l-Kur'an, Zihinsel Dönüşüm, Öncüler
Ahıska Türklerinin Vatana Dönüşleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Kazakistan Örneği,
Serdar Yilmaz,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Kazakistan, Ahıska Türkleri, Sürgün, Vatan, Eve Dönüş Retoriği
Strategies for revitalizing labour movements: Union organizing and building alliances with community in Argentina,
AyÅŸe Serdar,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Keywords: internal democracy; social inclusion/exclusion; trade unions; unemployment; union organizing
Nuclear Energy in Turkey, Do We Need It Indeed?,
Serdar Erdurmaz,
in Asian Economic and Financial Review
Keywords: Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy in Turkey, Energy Polices in Turkey.
Bir "İktisatçı"nın Türk İletişim Araştırmalarına Katkıları: Sabri Ülgener Üzerine Notlar,
Serdar Öztürk,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Kitap Tanıtımı: Rod Hill ve Tony Myatt, İktisat: Eleştirel Ders Kitabı: Eleştirel Düşünürün Mikroiktisat Klavuzu,
Serdar Dumlupinar,
in Fiscaoeconomia
Keywords: Mainstream Textbooks Critical, Economics
The Relationship between Hope and Perceived Stress in Teacher Candidates,
Serdar Sucan,
in International Journal of Higher Education
Türkiye’de 2008 Krizinin Eksik İstihdama Etkileri,
Serdar Acun,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: İstihdam, Kriz, Eksik İstihdam, Lojistik Regresyon
Registered author: Serdar Pehlivan
Registered author: Serdar Akbas
Analysis of Wage Inequality in Turkey,
Serdar Acun,
in Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis
Keywords: Wage; Income; Inequality; Human Capital Model; Education
Ülke Risk Primi Şokunun Bankacılık Sisteminin Sağlamlığına Etkisi: SVAR Modeli Çerçevesinde Türkiye Örneği,
Serdar Varlik,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Import and Export Prices for Turkey: A Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Approach,
Serdar Simonyan,
in Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF)
Keywords: Exchange rate pass-through, import price, export price, NARDL, asymmetry
Effects of Absurdity in Advertising on Consumers? Attitude Toward the Ad and Recall,
Serdar Yildiz,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Absurdity, Advertising, Attitude toward the ad, Recall
The Responsibility to Protect and Libya Intervention,
Serdar Ornek,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: The Responsibility to Protect, Humanitarian Intervention, Libya, Syria, United Nations,
Financial Stock Market Co-movement and Correlation: Evidence in the European Union (EU) Area Before and After the October 2008 Financial Crisis,
Serdar Neslihanoglu,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: CAPM, Co-movement and Correlation, EU Area Financial Stock Markets, October 2008 Financial Crisis, Multivariate State Space Model, Systematic Risk.
The Performance of Conditional CAPMs based on Evidence from the European Union?s (EU) Financial Stock Markets before and after the Eurozone Financial Crisis,
Serdar Neslihanoglu,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: CAPM, EU Countries, Higher-Order Moments, State Space Model, Systematic Risk Measure Parameters
Exploration of America and Irreversible Changes in the New World,
Serdar Ornek,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: The Exploration of the New World, The Columbian Exchange, American History, Colonization, Latin American History
Dünya Bankasının Yıllık Kalkınma İktisadi Konferansından İzlenimler,
Serdar Sayan,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Labour Share Fluctuations in Emerging Markets: The Role of the Cost of Borrowing,
Serdar Kabaca,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Business fluctuations and cycles; Development economics; Interest rates; International topics; Labour markets
Quantitative Easing in a Small Open Economy: An International Portfolio Balancing Approach,
Serdar Kabaca,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: International topics; Transmission of monetary policy
Türkiye'de İktisat Öğretimi Nasıl Yapılmalı? Bir Mikroiktisadi Yaklaşım Denemesi,
Serdar Sayan,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Government Health Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Feder Ram Approach for the Case of Turkey,
Serdar Kurt,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Direct and Indirect Effects, Government Expenditure, Health Expenditures, Economic Growth and Development, The Feder Ram Model
Economics Education: Can Liberal Arts make Economics more Appealing?,
Serdar Ongan,
in South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics
Keywords: Economics, Education, Literature-Theater, Cinema, Humor
Patterns of Trade between Countries with Differing Age Compositions of Populations: An Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Analysis,
Serdar Sayan,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Trade, Economics of aging, simulation, Overlapping generations
Simulation of Dynamic Trade Equilibrium with a 2x2x2x2 Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Model when Savings and Population Growth Rates Differ across Countries,
Serdar Sayan,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Heckscher-Ohlin model, Population growth rates, Savings rates, International trade, Overlapping-generations
Registered author: Serdar Öztürk
Serving as a referee for your own paper: A dream come true or…?,
Serdar Sayan,
in Review of Social Economy
Registered author: Serdar Ozkan
Industry-wide competitiveness assessment through fuzzy synthetic evaluation: the case of cement industry,
Serdar Ulubeyli,
in Journal of Business Economics and Management
Türkiye’de Ücretlilerin Kayıtlı Çalışma Olasılığını Belirleyen Faktörlerin Analizi,
Serdar Acun,
in Journal of Social Policy Conferences
Keywords: Informal employment, Wage earners, Education, Firm Size, Logistic Regression
Guest Workers' Remittances and Output Fluctuations in Host and Home Countries: The Case of Remittances from Turkish Workers in Germany,
Serdar Sayan,
in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Keywords: business cycles, Germany, Turkey, workers, remittances,
The Impact of Negative Income Shocks on the Relative Prices of Private Label Products: The Covid-19 Episode,
Serdar Yurek,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: Difference-in-Differences, Private label products, Supermarket prices, Covid-19, Lower quality products
Is there a bidirectional relationship between female labour force participation and economic development in Middle Eastern countries? Evidence from a bootstrap panel Granger causality test,
Serdar Göcen,
in Applied Economics Letters
Inflation and income inequality linkages: do institutions matter?,
Serdar Göcen,
in Applied Economics
F. A. Hayek'in Bilgisizlik Teorisi Çerçevesinde Piyasa, Denge ve Planlama,
Serdar Göcen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: bilgisizlik, Hayek, denge analizi, iktisadi planlama ignorance, Hayek, equilibrium analysis, economic planning
Ekonomik Büyüme ve Gelir Eşitsizliği İlişkisi: Türkiye İçin Bölgesel Bazda Bir İnceleme,
Serdar Göcen,
in Journal of Research in Economics, Politics & Finance
Keywords: Gelir Eşitsizliği, Ekonomik Büyüme, Bölgesel Büyüme
Registered author: Serdar Göcen
H-O for H2O: Can the Heckscher-Ohlin Framework Explain the Role of Free Trade in Distributing Scarce Water Resources Around the Middle East?,
Serdar Sayan,
in Review of Middle East Economics and Finance
Keywords: international trade, water, Heckscher–Ohlin
Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Results from a 2x2x2x2 Overlapping Generations Model with Unequal Population Growth Rates,
Serdar Sayan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Unequal population growth rates, Heckscher-Ohlin model, international trade, overlapping-generations
Heckscher-Ohlin revisited: implications of differential population dynamics for trade within an overlapping generations framework,
Serdar Sayan,
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
An Empirical Study of the Technoparks in Turkey in Investigating the Challenges and Potential of Designing Intelligent Spaces,
Serdar Erişen,
in Sustainability
Keywords: innovation; Turkey; Technology Development Zones; open innovation; intelligent environments; Artificial Intelligence; Silicon Valley; creative class; responsible innovation
Trade openness, growth, and informality: Panel VAR evidence from OECD economies,
Serdar Birinci,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: informal sector, openness, growth, panel VAR
A Foursquare Quality of Life Agenda:Governing European Neighbourhood Policy, Open Method of Neighbourhoods Coordination, Smart Cross-Continental Regions Specialisation, and an Adaptive Synchronous European Strategic Energy Technology Plan,
Serdar Türkeli,
from STPS - Science and Technology Policy Studies Center, Middle East Technical University
Keywords: European Neighbourhood policy, governance, regional policy
Examination of Organizational Culture Variables in Sports Organizations (Perspective from Turkey),
Serdar Samur,
in Journal of Educational Issues
The Effects of Web-Based Technologies on Marketing Activities of Professional Sports Clubs,
Serdar Samur,
in Journal of Educational Issues
Registered author: Serdar Türkeli
Steady-State Analytical and Numerical Solutions of Confined and Unconfined Flows in Aquifers with Discontinuous Aquiclude,
Serdar Korkmaz,
in Water Resources Management: An International Journal, Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
Keywords: Groundwater, Discharge potential, Numerical solution, MODFLOW
Empirics of corruption and crime: Symposium editor’s introduction,
Serdar Sayan,
in Journal of Economics and Finance
Core group placement: allocation and provisioning of heterogeneous resources,
Serdar Kadıoğlu,
in EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
Keywords: Cloud management, Heterogeneous resource allocation, Resource provisioning, Constraint programming, Mathematical programming
Linearity extensions of the market model: a case of the top 10 cryptocurrency prices during the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods,
Serdar Neslihanoglu,
in Financial Innovation
Keywords: CAPM, COVID-19, Crypto Currency Index 30, Generalized additive model, Kalman filter
Unlike Others, the Top Earners See Strong Pay Growth Beyond Age 35,
Serdar Ozkan,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: top earners; male earners; pay growth
Silver Spoon or Self-Made? Exploring 23 Years of Wealth Mobility,
Serdar Ozkan,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: wealth mobility; wealth distribution
Labor Share Fluctuations in Emerging Markets: The Role of the Cost of Borrowing,
Serdar Kabaca,
from Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum
Keywords: labor income share, emerging markets, working capital, credit constraints
How Does Earnings Risk for Americans Change During Recessions?,
Serdar Ozkan,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Unemployment Insurance and Vulnerable Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic,
Serdar Birinci,
in Economic Synopses
Keywords: COVID-19
The New Actors of International Migration: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Students' Experiences in a Medium-Sized City in Turkey,
Serdar Unal,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: foreign students, international migration, prejudice and discrimination, migrant networks, satisfaction, Turkey
Business Cycles and Workers' Remittances: How Do Migrant Workers Respond to Cyclical Movements of GDP At Home?,
Serdar Sayan,
from International Monetary Fund
Keywords: WP;remittance;role remittances play;remittance behavior;spending; workers’ remittances; business cycles; consumption vs. investment motive; remittance receipt; remittances cycle; remittances series; workers' remittance; Bangladesh's remittances receipt; remittance flow; Remittances; Migrant labor; Income; Procyclicality; Africa; Middle East
Income Differences and Health Care Expenditures over the Life Cycle,
Serdar Ozkan,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
The Shareholding Structure of Japanese Banks and Their Real Estate Lending in the 1980s,
Serdar Dinc,
from CIRJE, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
Where Do the Wealthiest Get Their Wealth?,
Serdar Ozkan,
in The Regional Economist
Keywords: wealth accumulation; panel data; Norway
Spousal Labor Supply Response to Job Displacement and Implications for Optimal Transfers,
Serdar Birinci,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: unemployment; business cycles; fiscal policy; household behavior; job search
Income Differences and Health Disparities: Roles of Preventive vs. Curative Medicine,
Serdar Ozkan,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: health production; inequality in health; health reform; social insurance
Registered author: Serdar Ozkan