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18431 documents matched the search for Ahmed Fatimi in authors.
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The Circular Economy Paradigm: Modification of Bagasse-Derived Lignin as a Precursor to Sustainable Hydrogel Production,
Soufiane Akhramez, Ahmed Fatimi, Oseweuba Valentine Okoro, Maryam Hajiabbas, Abdelghani Boussetta, Amine Moubarik, Abderrafia Hafid, Mostafa Khouili, Julia Simińska-Stanny, Cecile Brigode and Amin Shavandi, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: lignin; acetylation; silanization; biomass; waste; circular economy; sustainability

The Circular Economy Paradigm: Modification of Bagasse-Derived Lignin as a Precursor to Sustainable Hydrogel Production,
Soufiane Akhramez, Ahmed Fatimi, Oseweuba Okoro, Maryam Hajiabbas, Abdelghani Boussetta, Amine Moubarik, Abderrafia Hafid, Mostafa Khouili, Julia Siminska-Stanny, Cecile Brigode and Armin Shavandi, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2022)
Keywords: acetylation; biomass; circular economy; lignin; silanization; sustainability; waste

Does Row Planting Enhance Farm Productivity and Reduce Risk Exposure? Insights From Ethiopia,
Ahmed Ahmed, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2023) Downloads

Adoption of multiple agricultural technologies in maize production of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia,
Ahmed Ahmed, in Studies in Agricultural Economics (2015)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Food Security and Poverty, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics

Farmer’s Decision To Practice Crop Rotation in Arsi Negelle, Ethiopia: What are the Determinants?,
Ahmed Ahmed, in International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research (2014)
Keywords: Crop rotation, Adoption, Determinants, Logit, Arsi Negelle, Ethiopia

University expansion and female adolescents’ educational attainment in Ethiopia,
Ahmed Ahmed, in Empirical Economics (2024)
Keywords: Higher education, Return to education, Spillovers, Gender

Produce Male Cichlids Only,
Ahmed Mohammed Musa Ahmed, in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (2021)
Keywords: Journal on Medical Science, Open Access Medical Journal, Free Medical Journal, American Medical Journal, Top Medical Open Access Journal, Medical and Medicinal Journal, Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal, Journals on Fish Science, Fish Science Open Access Journal, Journals on Agriculture

Interplay between labour dynamics, accounting and accountability practices during the rise of a political logic: an Egyptian case study,
Ahmed Abdelnaby Ahmed Diab, in Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management (2020)
Keywords: Egypt, Labour process, State, Institutional logics, Management controls, Sugar production, Revolutionary movements

The Impact of the Quality of Electronic Banking Services in Achieving Customer Satisfaction from the Point of View of Al Rajhi Bank Customers,
Mohamed Ahmed Hamadtu Ahmed, in International Journal of Business and Management (2023) Downloads

Registered author: Mohamed Ahmed Shaker Ahmed

Ahmed L.M. Ahmed, in Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting (2018)
Keywords: Brexit; British identity; national identity; European Union

Investigation of wind characteristics and wind energy potential at Ras Ghareb, Egypt,
Ahmed Shata Ahmed, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2011)
Keywords: Wind data Roughness factor Wind rose Rayleigh model Wind power density

Analysis of electrical power form the wind farm sitting on the Nile River of Aswan, Egypt,
Ahmed Shata Ahmed, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2011)
Keywords: Wind speed characteristics Wind rose Meteorological method Weibull method Energy pattern factor Wind energy Operating possibility of wind farm Cost of energy

Wind energy as a potential generation source at Ras Benas, Egypt,
Ahmed Shata Ahmed, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2010)
Keywords: Wind speed Weibull parameter's Wind turbine efficiency parameter Electricity generation costs

Potential wind power generation in South Egypt,
Ahmed Shata Ahmed, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2012)
Keywords: South Egypt; Wind measurement mast; Wind characteristics; Rose diagram; Standard deviation; Coefficient of variation; Power density;

Electricity generation from the first wind farm situated at Ras Ghareb, Egypt,
Ahmed Shata Ahmed, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2012)
Keywords: Wind power density; Availability factor; Generation cost of electricity;

The Impact of Liquidity, Credit, Financial Leverage Risks on Financial Performance of Islamic Banks: The Case of Sudanese Banking Sector,
Ahmed Nourrein Ahmed Mennawi, in International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting (2020)
Keywords: Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Financial leverage, Islamic banks, Sudan.

Ahmed Hosni Ahmed, in Review of Income and Wealth (1963) Downloads

Exploring the Potential Challenges Faced by Sudanese EFL Learners in Acquiring English Language Speaking Skills at the Tertiary Educational Level,
Elamin Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed, in World Journal of English Language (2024) Downloads

Registered author: Ahmed Hasen Ahmed

Some economic aspects of storing dura in the Sudan,
Ahmed Salim Ahmed, from Iowa State University, Department of Economics (1966) Downloads

Appropriate Macroeconomic Management in Indonesia's Open Economy,
S. Ahmed, from World Bank (1993)
Keywords: economic policy ; monetary policy

Technological Development and Pollution Abatement. A Study of how Enterprises are Finding Alternatives to Chlorofluocarbions,
K. Ahmed, from World Bank - Technical Papers (1995)

Life Cycle Consumption and Labour Supply Under Progressive Taxation,
E. Ahmed, from New South Wales - School of Economics (1993)
Keywords: consumption ; labour market

Capital Accumulation Under Uncertain Lifetimes,
E. Ahmed, from New South Wales - School of Economics (1993)
Keywords: labour market ; savings ; decision making

Time-Varying Cross-Hedge Effectiveness: A Local Cointegration Approach,
Rashad Ahmed, in Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods (2015) Downloads

Rupture et mutation de la justice royale. Le bailliage royal de Versailles au XVIIIème siècle,
Ahmed Farouk, in Histoire, économie & société (1983) Downloads

3 cas de comportement des pays en voie de développement face à la stratégie globale de l'entreprise du secteur automobile,
Ahmed Bounfour, in Revue d'Économie Industrielle (1982) Downloads

Economie publique, de Jean Benard,
Ahmed Silem, in Revue Économique (1986) Downloads

Le « bilinguisme sauvage »: l'exemple maghrébin,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1974) Downloads

Le cycle spécial « Enfance-jeunesse et plans de développement »,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1976) Downloads

Cultures maghrébines et perspectives méditerranéennes,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1978) Downloads

Le statut de l'enseignement marocain,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1978) Downloads

Jacques Berque, Arables,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1978) Downloads

Peuples méditerranéens,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1978) Downloads

Jacques Berque, L'intérieur du Maghreb (XVe-XIXe siècles),
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1979) Downloads

René Habachi, Orient, quel est ton Occident ?,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1979) Downloads

Marcel-A. Boisard, L'humanisme de l'Islam,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1979) Downloads

Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Sciences et savoir en Islam,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1981) Downloads

Jacques Berque, L'Islam au défi,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1981) Downloads

Mohammed Iqbal, La métaphysique en Perse,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1982) Downloads

Introduction. Islam et développement,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1982) Downloads

Islam et développement politique,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1982) Downloads

Rappel d'analyses bibliographiques,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1982) Downloads

Tabari, Mohammed, sceau des prophètes,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Tabari, Les quatre premiers califes,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Jean-Paul Charnay, Sociologie religieuse de l'Islam,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Centre de Recherche et d'Étude sur les Sociétés méditerranéennes (CRESM), Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Mohammed Arkoun, Louis Gardet, L'Islam, hier-demain,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

André Miquel, Sept contes des Mille et Une Nuits (ou il n'y a pas de contes innocents),
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Vincent Monteil, Les musulmans soviétiques,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Abdel Magid Turki, Théologiens et juristes de l'Espagne musulmane (aspects polémiques),
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Olivier Carre (dir.), L'Islam et l'État dans le monde d'aujourd'hui,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Philippe Rondot, Le Proche-Orient à la recherche de la paix, 1973-1982,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Lê Thành Khôï, L'éducation comparée,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Association française des Arabisants, Dix ans de recherche universitaire sur le monde arabe et islamique,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Le XVe siècle de l'Hégire dans les revues internationales,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Sud-Sud au Maghreb,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1983) Downloads

Femmes musulmanes entre « l'état sauvage » et les « cultures civilisées »,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1984) Downloads

Procédures de décision et droit international,
Ahmed Mahiou, in Revue Tiers Monde (1992) Downloads

Éducation et itinérance: entre le passé et l'actualité,
Ahmed Moatassime, in Revue Tiers Monde (1993) Downloads

Lê Thanh Khôï, L'éducation: cultures et sociétés; Lê Thanh Khôï, Culture, créativité et développement,
Moatassime Ahmed, in Revue Tiers Monde (1993) Downloads

Smallholder Farmers Decision to Cattle Vaccination and its Impact on Cattle Productivity: Evidence from Haramaya District, Oromia, Ethiopia,
Beyan Ahmed, in International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER) (2016)
Keywords: Vaccination, impact, cattle productivity and propensity score matching

On Quantum 3-Pass Protocol,
Ahmed E, in Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal (2018)
Keywords: Biometrics Open Access Journal,Biostatistics and Biometrics,Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal,Open Access Journals,biometrics journal ,biometrics articles ,biometrics journal reference ,biometrics journal impact factor ,biometrics and biostatistics journal impact factor ,journal of biometrics ,open access juniper publishers,juniper publishers reivew

A Pilot Compressed Air Engine,
Afzal Ahmed, in Energy & Environment (2011)
Keywords: Air car; air engine; compressed air application; zero pollution automobile

The Extent of Farm Credit in the Libyan Agricultural Sector,
Abdejalil Ahmed, from EcoMod (2008) Downloads

e-Waste Management Awareness Program in Solomon Island: A Project Risk Management Framework,
Shamsuddin Ahmed, in International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) (2019) Downloads

Sino-Soviet Dispute And India,
S.H. Ahmed, in China Report (1967) Downloads

Pakistan: An Unending Quest for Validation,
Bashiruddin Ahmed, in China Report (1982) Downloads

Relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Higher Educational Institutions,
Ishfaq Ahmed, in Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies (2011) Downloads

Rationalizing the Choice of Housing on Cultivable Land: Is Cash-Return the Only Determinant?,
Zobayer Ahmed, in Journal of Social and Development Sciences (2013) Downloads

Effectiveness of Interest Rate Channel in Price and Output Determination in the Post Financial Liberalization Era of a Developing Economy: Evidence from India,
Mudabber Ahmed, in Applied Econometrics and International Development (2006) Downloads

Cryptography Motivated By Immune System,
Ahmed E, in Current Trends On Biostatistics & Biometrics (2020)
Keywords: Biometrics Open Access Journal; Biostatistics And Biometrics; Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal; Biometrics Journal; Biometrics Articles; Biometrics Journal Reference; Biometrics Journal Impact Factor; Biometrics And Biostatistics Journal Impact Factor; Journal of Biometrics; lupine publishers; lupine publishers’ group; Cryptography; lattice-based cryptography; immune system; Lupine publishers; Lupine publishers’ group

On a Simple Mathematical Model for Epilepsy Motivated by Networks,
Ahmed E, in Current Trends On Biostatistics & Biometrics (2020)
Keywords: Biometrics Open Access Journal; Biostatistics And Biometrics; Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal; Biometrics Journal; Biometrics Articles; Biometrics Journal Reference; Biometrics Journal Impact Factor; Biometrics And Biostatistics Journal Impact Factor; Journal of Biometrics; lupine publishers; lupine publishers’ group;Epilepsy;mathematical;network;system;physically;Lupine publishers; Lupine publishers’ group

Diversity in Dialectics: A Methodological Quest for En-gendering Security,
Imtiaz Ahmed, in Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs (2017)
Keywords: Gender; Security; South Asia; Chinese dialectics; Indian dialectics; Western dialectics

Governing the State: Problems Specific to Pakistan,
Khaled Ahmed, in Lahore Journal of Economics (2005) Downloads

Capital Flows and Real Exchange Rate Overvaluation - A Chronic Ailment: Evidence from Pakistan,
Hamna Ahmed, in Lahore Journal of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Real exchange rate, capitalinflow, overvaluation, Pakistan.

The Impact of Public School Enrolment on Child Labor in Punjab, Pakistan,
Hamna Ahmed, in Lahore Journal of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Child labor, school enrolment,instrumental variable, tobit, fixed effects, education subsidy, Pakistan.

Book Review: M. Ashraf Janjua, History of the State Bank of Pakistan,Volume 111 (1977-88), Karachi, State Bank of Pakistan, 2003, pp. 790,
Viqar Ahmed, in Lahore Journal of Economics (2003) Downloads

Small-Scale Irrigation in South Asia: Some Preliminary Findings from Case Studies,
Salehuddin Ahmed, from International Water Management Institute (1990)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, International Development, Land Economics/Use

Hiba Ahmed, from Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (2000)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

On Why and How Agriculture Has Not Declined With Economic Growth In North Africa,
Ahmed Chennak, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2020)
Keywords: International Development, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis

A Reassessment of Agriculture’s Role on the Rural Poverty Reduction Process in Bangladesh,
Sharmina Ahmed, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2010)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Determinants of the Choice of Agricultural Tenancy Contracts in Rural Bangladesh,
Sharmina Ahmed, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2011)
Keywords: Farm Management

The use of an integrated model of pest spread and commodity markets to estimate the cost of a pest outbreak,
Ahmed Hafi, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2011)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Credit Markets in Developing Countries: A Survey of the Deregulation Debate,
Anwar Ahmed, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1992)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Financial Economics

A Direct Proof of a Theorem concerning Treed Overrings,
Ahmed Ayache, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2015) Downloads

Application of the Multistep Generalized Differential Transform Method to Solve a Time-Fractional Enzyme Kinetics,
Ahmed Alawneh, in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2013) Downloads

Joint Next-Hop/Relay Selection for Distributive Multihop Cooperative Networks,
Ahmed Alkhayyat, in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2015) Downloads

Existence of Solutions for Integrodifferential Equations of Fractional Order with Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions,
Ahmed Alsaedi, in International Journal of Differential Equations (2009) Downloads

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