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285 documents matched the search for Achille Pegoue in authors.
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Measuring Carbon Emissions of Foreign Direct Investment in Host Economies,
Maria Borga, Achille Pegoue, Gregory Legoff, Alberto Sanchez Rodelgo, Dmitrii Entaltsev and Kenneth Egesa, from International Monetary Fund (2022)
Keywords: Carbon emissions; foreign direct investment; input-output tables; A. carbon emissions; carbon intensity; emission intensity; FDI flow; carbon emission intensities of MNEs; Greenhouse gas emissions; Gross fixed investment; Exports; Manufacturing; Africa; Global

Communications the Monroe Doctrine,
Achille Loria, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1914) Downloads

Extraversion et développement autocentré. l’exemple de l’industrie audiovisuelle en Afrique,
Yves Achille, in Mondes en développement (2021) Downloads

Achille Basile, in STUDI ECONOMICI (2012) Downloads

The Buffalo Mozzarella Filière: A Laboratory for Local Development,
Achille Flora, in QA - Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria (2002)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Rural Analysis

Economics in Italy,
Achille Loria, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1891) Downloads

Il malthusismo e i problemi sociale. By VITTORIO LEBRECHT, Torini: Loescher, I893,
Achille Loria, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1894) Downloads

Una precisazione sulla scomposizione dell'indice di redistribuzione RE di Aronson-Johnson-Lambert e una proposta di estensione dell'indice di Plotnick,
Achille Vernizzi, in ECONOMIA PUBBLICA (2007) Downloads

Professor Achille Loria on Professor Irving Fisher's "Rate of Interest",
Achille Loria, in Journal of Political Economy (1908) Downloads

Finitely Additive Nonatomic Coalition Production Economies: Core-Walras Equivalence,
Achille Basile, in International Economic Review (1993) Downloads

Playing with the Hadamard product in decomposing Gini, concentration, redistribution and re-ranking indexes,
Achille Vernizzi, from Universitá degli Studi di Milano (2009)
Keywords: Gini and concentration indexes decompositions, Tax redistributive effects, Tax re-ranking effects, Hadamard product.,

The Landed Theory of Profit,
Achille Loria, in The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1891) Downloads

A Correction,
Achille Loria, in The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1932) Downloads

Achille Basile, in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2009) Downloads

Registered author: Achille Basile

Das übernormale Unterprodukt,
Achille Loria, from Springer (1932)

Una precisazione sulla scomposizione dell’indice di redistribuzione RE di Aronson-Johnson-Lambert e una proposta di estensione dell’indice di Plotnick,
Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2006)
Keywords: Horizontal and Vertical Equity, Gini index and concentration index decompositions, redistribution index, reranking indexes

Playing with the Hadamard product in decomposing Gini, concentration, redistribution and re-ranking indexes,
Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2009)
Keywords: Gini and concentration indexes decompositions, Tax redistributive effects, Tax re-ranking effects, Hadamard product

Registered author: Achille Vernizzi

Achille A. Diendere, in Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics (RAAE) (2019)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Consumer/Household Economics

Approfondir les marchés africains des capitaux pour le financement des infrastructures,
Cédric Achille Mbeng Mezui, in Revue d'économie financière (2014) Downloads

Application of Coase Theorem to Analyze the Welfare Gain and Loss in a Conflict of Herders’ Damage in Croppers’ Land at the Adamawa Region of Cameroon,
Achille Jean Jaza Folefack, in Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture (2014)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Farmers’ perceptions of climate change and farm-level adaptation strategies: Evidence from Bassila in Benin,
Achille A. Diencere, in African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2019)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management

Descriptive and logistic regression approaches for analyzing the factors affecting the adoption of cocoa agroforests by farmers in the Centre region of Cameroon,
Achille Jean Jaza Folefack, in Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences (2016)

Economic dependence of rural households on the riparian zones in Burkina Faso,
Achille Augustin Diendéré, in African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development (2020)
Keywords: economic dependence; determinant of riparian income; rural households; poverty; income inequality; Burkina Faso.

Registered author: Achille Barnabé Assouto

impact des TIC sur les stratégies organisationnelles et relationnelles des banques en contexte camerounais,
Joachim Achille Christel Mbida, in Journal of Academic Finance (2024)
Keywords: TIC- Efficience organisationnelle- stratégie relationnelle- Banque, ICT- Efficiency Organizational Strategy-Relational Strategy-Bank

Challenges of CSR in Sub-Saharan Africa: clarifying the gaps between the regulations and human rights issues,
Achille Gildas Ndong Ntoutoume, in International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (2023)
Keywords: Business and human rights, CSR, Stakeholders, Sub-Saharan Africa

Mineral-rich countries and dutch disease: understanding the macroeconomic implications of windfalls and the development prospects-the case of Equatorial Guinea,
Achille Toto Same, from The World Bank (2008)
Keywords: Debt Markets,Economic Theory&Research,,Banks&Banking Reform,Currencies and Exchange Rates

Windfall management for poverty reduction: improving public finance Management-the case of Chad,
Achille Toto Same, from The World Bank (2008)
Keywords: Public Sector Expenditure Analysis&Management,Debt Markets,,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform

Transforming natural resource wealth into sustained growth and poverty reduction: a conceptual framework for Sub-Saharan African oil exporting countries,
Achille Toto Same, from The World Bank (2009)
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Debt Markets,Currencies and Exchange Rates,,Access to Finance

Do structural constraints influence rent-sharing? An overview of gold-producing countries in Africa,
Kalo Achille Sanou, from HAL (2024)

Institutions and average effective tax rate in african gold-producing countries: an overview from the pstr model,
Kalo Achille Sanou, from HAL (2024)

Do structural constraints influence rent-sharing? An overview of gold-producing countries in Africa,
Kalo Achille Sanou, from HAL (2024)

Do structural constraints influence rent-sharing? An overview of gold-producing countries in Africa,
Kalo Achille Sanou, from HAL (2024)

Working Paper 138 - Economic Policy and Institutional Factors in the Development of Domestic Bond Markets in the CFA Zone,
Cédric Achille Mbeng Mezui, from African Development Bank (2011) Downloads

Working Paper 153 - Accessing Local Markets for Infrastructure: Lessons for Africa,
Cédric Achille Mbeng Mezui, from African Development Bank (2012) Downloads

The stochastic interpretation of the Dagum personal income distribution: a tale,
Lorenzo Fattorini and Achille Lemmi, in Statistica (2006)

Quelques réflexions à propos de l'article: « Monnaie et Marchandise» de R. Hilferding,
Achille Decot and Arnaud Rys, in Cahiers d'Économie Politique (1987) Downloads

Divari territoriali e politiche di sviluppo: lo squilibrio territoriale nella regione Campania,
Achille Flora and Roberta Arbolino, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2013)
Keywords: Squilibri regionali, questione urbana, analisi SWOT.

Sulla Histoire de la pensée économique en Italie di Henri Bartoli: un dibattito,
Achille Agnati and Marco Guidi, in Il Pensiero Economico Italiano (2004) Downloads

A resonance based model of biological evolution,
Achille Damasco and Alessandro Giuliani, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2017)
Keywords: Phase transitions; Physical models; Cambrian explosion; Theory;

Polydisperse fluid mixtures of adhesive colloidal particles,
Domenico Gazzillo and Achille Giacometti, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2002)
Keywords: Colloidal models; Sticky hard spheres; Polydispersity; Structure factors; Small-angle scattering;

Liapunov-Richter theorem in B-convex spaces,
Anna Avallone and Achille Basile, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (1998) Downloads

On the Liapunov-Richter theorem in the finitely additive setting,
Anna Avallone and Achille Basile, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (1993) Downloads

The decomposition of the redistributive effect into vertical effect, horizontal effect and reranking: the state of the art and the application to the Italian case,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Politica economica (2011)
Keywords: personal income tax, redistributive effect, horizontal inequity, reranking, H23; H24.

Il riconoscimento dei carichi di famiglia nell'Irpef in Italia e in Europa: alcune proposte per l'Italia,
Achille Vernizzi and Giacomo Boesso, in ECONOMIA PUBBLICA (2001) Downloads

On determining “close equals groups” in decomposing redistributive and reranking effects,
Achille Vernizzi and Simone Pellegrino, from Universitá degli Studi di Milano (2008)
Keywords: Personal Income Tax, Redistributive Effect, Horizontal Inequity, Reranking,

A cross-sectoral analysis of the relation between labor productivity and labor compensation in the European Union,
Achille Fofack and Serge Temkeng, in Applied Econometrics (2021)
Keywords: compensation; labor productivity; labor income share

Some Considerations on Measuring the Progressive Principle Violations and the Potential Equity in Income Tax Systems,
Achille Vernizzi and Edyta Mazurek, in Statistics in Transition new series (2013)
Keywords: equity, personal income tax, progressive principle, redistribution, reranking

On measuring violations of the progressive principle in income tax systems,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Empirical Economics (2013)
Keywords: Microsimulation models, Personal income tax, Progressive principle, Redistributive effect, Re-ranking, C81, H23, H24,

On measuring axiom violations due to each tax instrument applied in a real-world personal income tax,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Social Choice and Welfare (2023) Downloads

Non-emptiness of the alpha-core: sufficient and necessary conditions,
Achille Basile and Vincenzo Scalzo, in International Journal of Game Theory (2020)
Keywords: Games with non-ordered preferences, Discontinuous games, Non-emptiness of the alpha-core

On the edgeworth's conjecture in finitely additive economies with restricted coalitions,
Achille Basile and Maria Graziano, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2001) Downloads

The 2007 Personal Income Tax Reform in Italy: Effects on Potential Equity, Horizontal Inequity and Re-ranking,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, from Former Department of Economics and Public Finance "G. Prato", University of Torino (2010)
Keywords: Personal Income Tax, Redistributive Effect, Horizontal Inequity, Reranking, Microsimulation Models

A Note on the Maximum Value of the Kakwani Index,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche), University of Torino (2017)
Keywords: Kakwani index, Redistributive effect, Personal income tax, Microsimulation models.

Decomposing the Redistributive Effect of Taxation to Reveal Axiom Violations,
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche), University of Torino (2018)
Keywords: Personal income tax, Microsimulation models, Reynolds-Smolensky index, Pfahler decomposition, Kakwani and Lambert decomposition.

Guest Editors’ Introduction,
Gianni Betti and Achille Lemmi, in The Journal of Economic Inequality (2007) Downloads

Core Equivalences for Equilibria Supported by Non-linear Prices,
Achille Basile and Maria Graziano, from Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy (2012)
Keywords: Non-linear supporting prices, ordered vector spaces, personalized equilibrium, rational allocation, Edgeworth equilibrium, Aubin core, robustly efficient allocation

Achille Lemmi and Gianni Betti, from Springer (2006)
Keywords: Capability Approach, Poverty Measure, Fuzzy Approach, Multidimensional Poverty, Multidimensional Poverty Index

Fuzzy Set Approach to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement,
Achille Lemmi and Gianni Betti, from Springer (2006)

Alcuni effetti della riforma della legislazione fiscale Italiana nei confronti delle famiglie con reddito da lavoro dipendente,
Achille Vernizzi and Alessandra Saba, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (1999)
Keywords: Equità orizzontale

Carichi di famiglia nell'Imposta sui Redditi delle Persone Fisiche in Italia e in Europa: alcune proposte per l'Italia,
Giacomo Boesso and Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2000) Downloads

Estimating the cost of children through Engel curves by different good aggregates,
Achille Vernizzi and Elena Siletti, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2004)
Keywords: Cost of children, Engel curves, Equivalence scales

On the Aronson-Johnson-Lambert decomposition of the redistributive effect,
Achille Vernizzi and Simone Pellegrino, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2007)
Keywords: Personal Income Tax, Redistributive Effect, Horizontal Inequity, Reranking

Some Considerations on Measuring the Progressive Principle Violations and the Potential Equity in Income Tax Systems,
Edyta Mazurek and Achille Vernizzi, from Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università degli Studi di Milano (2015)
Keywords: Equity, Personal Income Tax, Progressive principle, Redistribution, Re-ranking

Oltre l'"Homo Oeconomicus": la dimensione storica della razionalità individuale,
Achille Puggioni and Pier Luigi Sacco, in Rivista di storia economica (1998) Downloads

Review of the higher education system in Benin: Status, challenges, opportunities and strategies for improvement,
Achille Assogbadjo, R. Idohou and B. Sinsin, in African Journal of Rural Development (AFJRD) (2016)
Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics

Evaluating The Bidirectional Nexus Between Climate Change And Agriculture From A Global Perspective,
Achille Dargaud Fofack and Enow Asu Derick, in Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA) (2020)
Keywords: Global warming, agricultural emissions, greenhouse gas, adaptation, mitigation.

Naples, the Metro of the Three As A. conversation with Ennio Cascetta and Achille Bonito Oliva,
Ennio Cascetta and Achille Bonito Oliva, in Economia della Cultura (2020)
Keywords: subway system, architects, artists, Archaeology, politics, licensed private company, culture, public opinion

Exploring the relationship between healthcare expenditure, income, medical technology, and aging: A pooled mean group analysis of African countries,
Hilaire Gbodja Houeninvo and Achille Barnabe Assouto, in Asian Journal of Economic Modelling (2023)
Keywords: Cross-section dependence, Healthcare spending, Health financing, Income heterogeneity, Medical technology, Pooled mean group estimator, Africa.

L’insertion comme levier de développement en milieu rural. De Lambiotte à « Territoires zéro chômeur » (Prémery),
Marc-Antoine Douchet and Achille Warnant, in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (2022)
Keywords: deindustrialisation, territorial development, innovation, integration, rurality

Les déterminants des prix de l’immobilier aux États-Unis après la grande récession: une analyse des bornes extrêmes,
Achille Dargaud Fofack and Serge Djoudji Themkeng, in L'Actualité Economique (2020) Downloads

Women farmers and climate change: Empirical evidence from Burkina Faso,
Achille Augustin Diendéré and Djibril Ouédraogo, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2023) Downloads

Populating the Data Space for Cultural Heritage with Heritage Digital Twins,
Franco Niccolucci, Achille Felicetti and Sorin Hermon, in Data (2022)
Keywords: cultural heritage data space; digital twin; cultural heritage semantics

A mixed logit model for predicting exit choice during building evacuations,
Ruggiero Lovreglio, Achille Fonzone and dell’Olio, Luigi, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2016)
Keywords: Evacuation modelling; Exit choice; Social influences; Behavioural uncertainty; Random utility theory; Efficient design;

Recovery time and propagation effects of passenger transport disruptions,
Caterina Malandri, Achille Fonzone and Oded Cats, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2018)
Keywords: Vulnerability; Public transport; Recovery; Spillover; Flow propagation;

Consolidating a warehouse network:: A physical programming approach,
Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Achille Messac and Hokey Min, in International Journal of Production Economics (2005) Downloads

Horizontal Inequity Estimation: The Issue of Close Equals Identification,
Edyta Mazurek, Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Economia politica (2013) Downloads

Understanding the effects of migrant remittances on agricultural production in West African countries,
Achille Augustin Diendere and Abdoul Hadirou Yoda, in Economics Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: Migrant remittances, agricultural production, farmland cultivated, weighted least squares method, WAEMU.

Empirical evidence on the relationship between migrants' remittances and private investment in Burkina Faso: A dynamic simultaneous equation model,
Abdoul Hadirou Yoda and Achille Augustin Diendere, in Journal of International Development (2024) Downloads

Supporting Creative Teams in Organizations: An Approach Based on Technology,
Michele Gorgoglione and Achille Claudio Garavelli, in International Studies of Management & Organization (2006) Downloads

Access to credit and agricultural productivity: Evidence from maize producers in Benin,
Achille Assouto and Dewanou Jean-Luc Houngbeme, in Cogent Economics & Finance (2023) Downloads

Preferences for a payment for ecosystem services program to control forest fires in Burkina Faso: A choice experiment,
Achille Augustin Diendéré and Dominique Kaboré, in Forest Policy and Economics (2023)
Keywords: Payment for ecosystem services; Forests fire; Choice experiment; Attributes; Forest policy; Burkina Faso;

The Social Welfare Implications of the Zenga Index,
Francesca Greselin, Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Land Tenure Rights and Short- and Long-term Agricultural Practices: Empirical Evidence From Burkina Faso,
Achille Augustin Diendéré and Jean-Paul Wadio, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2023) Downloads

The Zenga Equality Curve: A New Approach to Measuring Tax Redistribution and Progressivity,
Francesca Greselin, Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Review of Income and Wealth (2021) Downloads

On Measuring Inequity in Taxation Among Groups of Income Units,
Maria Monti, Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Review of Income and Wealth (2015) Downloads

Urban Sprawl and Health Outcome Associations in Sicily,
Vincenzo Restivo, Achille Cernigliaro and Alessandra Casuccio, in IJERPH (2019)
Keywords: urban sprawl; sprawl index; working activity; urban health; cardiovascular; transportation

On a Passage of Professor Taussig's International Trade,
Achille Loria and F. W. Taussig, in The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1931) Downloads

La nouvelle stratégie énergétique de la Chine en Afrique: Enjeux et défis,
Julien Gourdon, Matthys Lambert and Achille Macé, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Chine,Financement du développement,Changement climatique

La nouvelle stratégie énergétique de la Chine en Afrique: Enjeux et défis,
Julien Gourdon, Matthys Lambert and Achille Macé, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Chine,Financement du développement,Changement climatique

A note on the maximum value of the Kakwani index,
Daniela Mantovani, Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi, in Empirical Economics (2020)
Keywords: Kakwani index, Redistributive effect, Personal income tax, Microsimulation models

Mining corporate portfolio optimization model with company’s operational performance level and international risk,
Achille N. Njike and Mustafa Kumral, in Mineral Economics (2019)
Keywords: Mining projects, Portfolio, Optimization, Risks, Returns, Performance

Commercial Small-Scale Horizontal and Vertical Wind Turbines: A Comprehensive Review of Geometry, Materials, Costs and Performance,
Antonio Rosato, Achille Perrotta and Luigi Maffei, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: wind energy; commercial small-scale wind turbines; wind turbine performance; wind turbine cost; wind turbine geometry; wind turbine materials

Core and equilibria in coalitional asymmetric information economies,
Achille Basile, Chiara Donnini and Maria Graziano, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2009)
Keywords: Asymmetric information economies Finitely additive measure space Private core Walrasian expectations equilibria

Coalitional fairness with participation rates,
Achille Basile, Maria Graziano and Ciro Tarantino, in Journal of Economics (2018)
Keywords: Aubin coalitions, Fairness, Atomic measure space, Lyapunov convexity theorem, Infinite dimensional commodity space

On fairness of equilibria in economies with differential information,
Achille Basile, Maria Graziano and Marialaura Pesce, in Theory and Decision (2014)
Keywords: Asymmetric information, Envy, Efficiency, Fairness, Mixed markets, Competitive equilibrium, C71, D51, D82,

On the aubin-like characterization of competitive equilibria in infinite dimensional economies,
Achille Basile, Anna Simone and Maria Graziano, in Decisions in Economics and Finance (1996) Downloads

Economies with informational asymmetries and limited vetoer coalitions,
Achille Basile, Chiara Donnini and Maria Graziano, in Economic Theory (2010)
Keywords: Asymmetric information economies, Veto mechanism, Coalitions, Core allocations, Walrasian expectations allocations, C71, D51, D82,

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