Bayesian analysis of coefficient instability in dynamic regressions
Emanuela Ciapanna and
Marco Taboga ()
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Marco Taboga: Bank of Italy
No 836, Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
This paper proposes a Bayesian regression model with time-varying coefficients (TVC) that makes it possible to estimate jointly the degree of instability and the time-path of regression coefficients. Thanks to its computational tractability, the model proves suitable to perform the first (to our knowledge) Monte Carlo study of the finite-sample properties of a TVC model. Under several specifications of the data generating process, the proposed model�s estimation precision and forecasting accuracy compare favourably with those of other methods commonly used to deal with parameter instability. Furthermore, the TVC model leads to small losses of efficiency under the null of stability and it is robust to mis-specification, providing a satisfactory performance also when regression coefficients experience discrete structural breaks. As a demonstrative application, we use our TVC model to estimate the exposures of S&P 500 stocks to market-wide risk factors: we find that a vast majority of stocks have time-varying risk exposures and that the TVC model helps to forecast these exposures more accurately.
Keywords: time-varying regression; coefficient instability (search for similar items in EconPapers)
JEL-codes: C11 C32 C50 (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2011-11
New Economics Papers: this item is included in nep-ecm, nep-ets and nep-for
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Related works:
Journal Article: Bayesian Analysis of Coefficient Instability in Dynamic Regressions (2019)
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