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Klimawandelbedingte Ertragsveränderungen und Flächennutzung (KlimErtrag). (2022). Shawon, Ashifur Rahman ; Jorzig, Christian ; Seserman, Diana-Maria ; Janicke, Clemens ; Schulz, Susanne ; Golla, Burkhard ; Schmitt, Jonas ; Fruhauf, Cathleen ; Romanova, Vanya ; Feike, Til ; Riedesel, Ludwig ; Ernst, Stefan ; Offermann, Frank ; Bittner, Marlene ; Nendel, Claas ; Berg-Mohnicke, Michael ; Moller, Markus ; Soder, Mareike ; Liedtke, Marco ; Leppelt, Thomas.
In: Thünen Working Papers.

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  1. Anhang: Klimawandelbedingte Ertragsveränderungen und Flächennutzung 230 Schlegel, I.; Muthers, S.; Matzarakis, A. (2021): Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Morbidität und Mortalität von Atemwegserkrankungen. UBA (Umwelt und Gesundheit). Online verfügbar unter https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/einfluss-des-klimawandels-auf-die-morbiditaet.
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  2. Arvis, Blandine; Simonet, Catherine; Dubois, Ghislain; Ceron, Jean-Paul; Bourkane, Imane (2020): Consequences of Global Climate Change and their impact on Europe - A view on agricultural commodities. Hg. v. European Environment Agency.
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  3. Baldos, Uris L. C.; Hertel, Thomas W.; Moore, Frances C. (2019): Understanding the Spatial Distribution of Welfare Impacts of Global Warming on Agriculture and its Drivers. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (5), S. 1455–1472. DOI: 10.1093/ajae/aaz027.

  4. Baldos, Uris Lantz C.; Hertel, Thomas W. (2015): The role of international trade in managing food security risks from climate change. In: Food Sec. 7 (2), S. 275–290. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-015-0435-z.
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  5. Chatzopoulos, Thomas; Domínguez, Ignacio Pèrez; Zampieri, Matteo; Toreti, Andrea (2017): Extreme Weather and Global Agricultural Markets: Experimental Analysis of the Impacts of Heat Waves on Wheat Markets. 448 - 459 Pages / Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2017. DOI: 10.18461/pfsd.2017.1745.

  6. Gurgel, Angelo C.; Reilly, John; Blanc, Elodie (2021): Challenges in simulating economic effects of climate change on global agricultural markets. In: Climatic Change 166 (3-4). DOI: 10.1007/s10584-021-03119-8.

  7. Hertel, Thomas W. (2018): Climate change, agricultural trade and global food security - Background paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2018. In: Rome, FAO, p. 33.
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  8. Jägermeyr, Jonas; Müller, Christoph; Ruane, Alex C.; Elliott, Joshua; Balkovic, Juraj; Castillo, Oscar et al. (2021): Climate impacts on global agriculture emerge earlier in new generation of climate and crop models. In: Nat Food. DOI: 10.1038/s43016-021-00400-y.
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  9. Rosenzweig, Cynthia; Elliott, Joshua; Deryng, Delphine; Ruane, Alex C.; Müller, Christoph; Arneth, Almut et al. (2014): Assessing agricultural risks of climate change in the 21st century in a global gridded crop model intercomparison. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111 (9), S. 3268–3273. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222463110.
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  10. Stella, Tommaso; Webber, Heidi; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Ruane, Alex C.; Fronzek, Stefan; Bregaglio, Simone et al. (2021): Methodology to assess the changing risk of yield failure due to heat and drought stress under climate change.
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