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The Role of Public Infraestructure in Market Development in Rural Peru. (2005). Escobal, Javier.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. A drop of love? Rainfall shocks and spousal abuse: Evidence from rural Peru. (2023). Diaz, Juan Jose ; Saldarriaga, Victor.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  2. IFAD RESEARCH SERIES 31 - Impact of modern irrigation on household production and welfare outcomes: evidence from the participatory small-scale irrigation development programme (PASIDP) project in Eth. (2018). Songsermsawas, Tisorn ; garbero, alessandra.
    In: IFAD Research Series.

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  3. Impact of modern irrigation on household production and welfare outcomes: Evidence from the PASIDP project in Ethiopia. (2017). Songsermsawas, Tisorn ; garbero, alessandra.
    In: 91st Annual Conference, April 24-26, 2017, Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland.

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  4. The Science and Politics of Infrastructure Research: Asserting Power, Place, and Agency in Infrastructure Knowledge. (2016). Gartner, Candice.
    In: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.

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  5. When the total is more than the sum of parts: Infrastructure complementarities. (2016). Urrunaga, Roberto ; Wong, Sara.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Impact of modern irrigation on household production and welfare outcomes: Evidence from the PASIDP project in Ethiopia. (2016). Songsermsawas, Tisorn ; garbero, alessandra.
    In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts.

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  7. The effects of electrification on employment in rural Peru. (2015). Fernandez, Fernando ; Dasso Arana, Rosamaria.
    In: IZA Journal of Labor & Development.

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  8. When the total is more than the sum of parts : infrastructure complementarities. (2015). Urrunaga, Roberto ; Wong, Sara.
    In: Working Papers.

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  9. Unpacking the Meaning of ‘Market Access’: Evidence from Rural Kenya. (2013). Jayne, Thomas ; Chamberlin, Jordan.
    In: World Development.

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  10. A Multicomponent Irrigation Program in Peru. (2010). Group, Independent Evaluation.
    In: World Bank Publications.

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  11. The Rural Non-farm Economy: Prospects for Growth and Poverty Reduction. (2010). Reardon, Thomas ; Haggblade, Steven ; Hazell, Peter .
    In: World Development.

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  12. A survey of impact evaluations of infrastructure projects, programs and policies. (2010). Estache, Antonio.
    In: Working Papers ECARES.

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  13. A Comparison of Threshold Cointegration and Markov-Switching Vector Error Correction Models in Price Transmission Analysis. (2008). Ihle, Rico ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan.
    In: 2008 Conference, April 21-22, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri.

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  14. Rural nonfarm employment in developing countries in an era of globalization. (2007). Reardon, Thomas ; Pingali, Prabhu ; Stamoulis, Kostas .
    In: Agricultural Economics.

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  15. Impacts of Agrifood Market Transformation during Globalization on the Poors Rural Nonfarm Employment: Lessons for Rural Business Development Programs. (2006). Reardon, Thomas ; Pingali, Prabhu ; Stamoulis, Kostas .
    In: Staff Paper Series.

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  16. Impacts of Agrifood Market Transformation during Globalization on the Poors Rural Nonfarm Employment: Lessons for Rural Business Development Programs. (2006). Reardon, Thomas ; Pingali, Prabhu ; Stamoulis, Kostas .
    In: 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia.

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References cited by this document

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