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Franois, Gerard ; Gustavo, Gonzaga ; Francois, Gerard. (2013) Informal Labor and the Cost of Social Programs: Evidence from 15 Years of Unemployment Insurance in Brazil.
In: Textos para discussão. RePEc:rio:texdis:608.
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Figure C.3: Replacement rate in the Brazilian UI program The black line displays the replacement rate of UI benefits as a function of the wage in the lost job (expressed in multiple of minimum wages). The grey line displays the density of the wage distribution at layoff. UI benefits cannot be inferior to the minimum wage. Since 1994, replacement rates depend on the wage (in multiples of the minimum wage) prior to layoff w as follows: 0.8 if w < 1.65; (0.8)(1.65)+(0.5)(w−1.65) w if 1.65 ≤ w ≤ 2.75; 1.87 w
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