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Bart, Hobijn ; Diego, Comin. (2011) Technology Diffusion and Postwar Growth.
In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:12030.
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Calculation of number of industrial trainees in Table 2: These data are calculated based on the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service's Annual Reports from 1949-1969. Industrial trainees are persons who temporarily enter the United States with an H-3 visa. This visa type was first introduced in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. Before that, industrial trainees were most likely classified as temporary visitors for business purposes. Prior to 1965 the INS did not separately report the number of H-3 visa entrants. Instead, it reported the total number of H-visa entrants, which also includes workers of distinguished merit or ability (H-i) and temporary workers (H-2).
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