Current Announcements

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Current Alerts

DPS Core Values

The members of the Stanford Department of Public Safety are committed to the goal of providing high quality services with a positive, cooperative attitude.The hallmarks of our service and conduct will be a dedication to the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness, courage and courtesy.


Bike Abatement

Stanford Department of Public Safety removes abandoned bicycles from racks in order to maintain an adequate number of secure parking spaces.

Event Security

Stanford Department of Public Safety provides event support in the form of event security, traffic control, parking enforcement, and many other support services.

House Checks

Stanford Department of Public Safety provides house check services to ensure residences are safe and secure during vacations or extended leaves.


As an option to enhance personal safety, Stanford is offering students, staff and faculty a mobile phone application called SafeZone, at no cost.

Security Assessment

Faculty and staff residing in University housing and Stanford Building Managers may request a security assessment by trained SUDPS crime prevention staff.

Lost & Found

To report a lost/found item please send an email to us. You will only be contacted in the event that one of these recipients has the item you have lost, or is looking for the item you have found..


News Releases

The Stanford Department of Public Safety periodically posts news releases that highlight either significant accomplishments of the department or important information relevant to the Stanford Community and their safety and awareness.


Stanford Department of Public Safety is currently hiring for Sheriff Deputy, Public Safety Officer, and Special Events Patrol


Stanford Department of Public Safety sends out emergency notifications, timely warnings, and community alerts via the AlertSU program.

Bike Registration

Register your bike through Project 529 Garage. If your bike is stolen or missing, you will be able to use the Project 529 system to broadcast alerts and share a photo of your bike.

Active Threat

Stanford Department of Public Safety provides active threat awareness training.

Community Public Safety Academy

CPSA is intended to enrich community member's knowledge of working in campus public safety, cultivate relationships,and foster understanding with the community to which we all belong.

Contact Us


Dial 911 or 9-9-1-1 from a Campus Phone


(650) 329-2413

Main Office

(650) 723-9633

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

233 Bonair Siding Road
Stanford, CA 94305

Find Us