For Special Protection Areas (SPA), Proposed Sites for Community Importance (pSCI),
Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
PF: for the habitat types that can have a non-priority as well as a priority form (6210, 7130, 9430) enter "X" in the column PF to indicate the priority form.
NP: in case that a habitat type no longer exists in the site enter: x (optional)
Cover: decimal values can be entered
Caves: for habitat types 8310, 8330 (caves) enter the number of caves if estimated surface is not available.
Data quality: G = 'Good' (e.g. based on surveys); M = 'Moderate' (e.g. based on partial data with some extrapolation); P = 'Poor' (e.g. rough estimation)
3.2 Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them
Group: A = Amphibians, B = Birds, F = Fish, I = Invertebrates, M = Mammals, P = Plants, R = Reptiles
S: in case that the data on species are sensitive and therefore have to be blocked for any public access enter: yes
NP: in case that a species is no longer present in the site enter: x (optional)
Type: p = permanent, r = reproducing, c = concentration, w = wintering (for plant and non-migratory species use permanent)
Unit: i = individuals, p = pairs or other units according to the Standard list of population units and codes in accordance with Article 12 and 17 reporting (see reference portal)
Abundance categories (Cat.): C = common, R = rare, V = very rare, P = present - to fill if data are deficient (DD) or in addition to population size information
Data quality: G = 'Good' (e.g. based on surveys); M = 'Moderate' (e.g. based on partial data with some extrapolation); P = 'Poor' (e.g. rough estimation); VP = 'Very poor' (use this category only, if not even a rough estimation of the population size can be made, in this case the fields for population size can remain empty, but the field "Abundance categories" has to be filled in)
3.3 Other important species of flora and fauna (optional)
Habitatområdet ligger på gammel hedejord og pletvis ses stadig arealer med hedelyng og spredte gamle egekrat. Dele af lokaliteten er dækket af løvskov, andet af nåleskov. Området indeholder mange kilder, de fleste små. Derudover har både Gudenåen og Skjern Å har deres udspring midt i habitatområdet, og løber herfra mod henholdsvis syd og nord, ud af området. Skjern Å løber til Rørbæk Sø i det nordlige af lokaliteten. Hele området er fredet og en lille del, ca 75 ha er udlagt som naturskov, bla. Kollemorten Krat.
4.2 Quality and importance
Der er tale om nationalt meget fine og gamle egekrat. Nationalt er området meget betydningsfuldt, idet to af landets største og mest betydningsfulde åer har deres udspring her.
4.3 Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site
The most important impacts and activities with high effect on the site
Negative Impacts
Threats and pressures [code]
Pollution (optional) [code]
inside/outside [i|o|b]
Positive Impacts
Activities, management [code]
Pollution (optional) [code]
inside/outside [i|o|b]
Rank: H = high, M = medium, L = low
Pollution: N = Nitrogen input, P = Phosphor/Phosphate input, A = Acid input/acidification,
T = toxic inorganic chemicals, O = toxic organic chemicals, X = Mixed pollutions
i = inside, o = outside, b = both
4.4 Ownership (optional)
No information provided
4.5 Documentation (optional)
Journal nr. NST-41519-00046, SNS 2001-8625/42-0001, SNS 2001-8625/42-0003, DMU 111/301-0011 og DMU 201/3-0043, SNS 2001-8625/42-0014, BLST 3129-00047, SNS 2001-8625/42-0018, SNS 2001-8625/42-0025